"gone back."

Kakashi watched as Namanokuni gradually moved away from his sight, and sighed.

There were really many unexpected things when he came out to do the mission this time, which was more surprising than many missions he had done before.

Especially Uzumaki Naruto, who brought him so many surprises that he didn't know what to say.

"No wonder Might Guy can't forget about you. If I were a master of physical arts, I would never forget about you."

Kakashi thought of Might Guy again.

Going back this time, it is estimated that he will pester Uzumaki Naruto again. It is very interesting to think about that scene.

"Yeah, I'm back."

"Let's go."

Sasuke and the others looked back, this time without Dazna's hindrance, they displayed the fastest speed, running and jumping on the road, with Chakra attached to their feet, and they were able to travel quickly while training.

"No wonder you don't need carriages, cars, and bicycles. At this speed, you still need these."

Almost less than half the time, Konoha Village is just around the corner.

At this speed, bicycles are simply incomparable.

No more beheading followed closely behind.

"I have never been to Konoha Village, but this time I can enjoy it in Konoha Village."

"Is the village built by the First Generation Ninja God different?"

"I am also very curious."

Bai Wen smiled.

But for any ninja, this period will not fail to have a strong interest in Konoha Village.

Because this is the system established by the god of the ninja world, Konoha Village was established by him and Uchiha Madara.

It's a legend.

People are always curious about legends and want to find out.

"Actually, it's the same, there is no difference."

Naruto said lightly: "The current Konoha Village is no longer comparable to before."


A sneer appeared on Zai Buzhan's face: "Sannin has left, the strong are basically gone, and there are only a few cats and dogs left."

Kakashi: "..."

Sasuke: "..."

Little Sakura: "..."


It's a bit inappropriate for you to say this in front of us, right?

"Am I wrong?"

Don’t raise your eyebrows again: ‘I’m not from your village, I’m just hired by people from your village. We are in an employment relationship and have nothing to do with Konoha Village. '

"Well, Konoha Village is still very strong."

Although the new generation has not yet grown up, don't we still have us as the mainstay?

Kakashi thought to himself.

But he won't say it.

Might Guy, myself, and Hong Yuhi are not bad in strength, and Third Generation, who looks old but is also powerful.

Konoha Village at this time is not weak.

It just certainly doesn't look as strong as it used to.

Besides, there is a little monster here.

Kakashi glanced at Naruto.

[You successfully aroused Hatake Kakashi's gentle emotions, tripled the critical strike, and gained the power of the detonating talisman +1]

Naruto said nothing.

From a bystander's Kakuzu, in fact, the strength of Konoha Village in the early stage is really a mess.

But the death of Hatake Sakumo, the departure of Sannin, the fall of Uchiha, the death of the Fourth Generation and the death of Jinchūriki whirlpool Kushina, no one who watched this wave of changes could not help but mutter.

What the hell happened to this Konoha Village?

Sometimes Naruto doesn't want to speculate on others with malicious thoughts, but that's really not a reason for your Konoha Village to be weak.

The biggest root is definitely up there.

That is, Third Generation and Danzo.

It is said that Danzo is behind the blame, which Naruto deeply agrees with.

The Third Generation can deprive Danzo of his rights with a single sentence, so why can Danzo do so many things secretly by himself?

Therefore, the pot of Third Generation is bigger.

It's just that he is Hokage, and he wants a positive image.

Naruto shook his head, he didn't think about it anymore, he felt irritable when he thought about it too much.

My cheap parents must have left a lot of inheritance, but in the end, I gave some living expenses every month, this fucking life.

Isn't this just bullying me for not knowing these things?

Looking at Uchiha Sasuke, because of Itachi's existence and someone's backing, Sasuke's quality of life is much better than his.

At least money has not been completely swallowed up.

This is the gap.



Several people paused, and the gate of the village was in sight.


"This Uzumaki Naruto is giving me trouble again."

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the information in his hands, his eyes were dark, and he handed the information to Danzo who was beside him speechlessly.

"Won't the ghost be killed again? Bai!"

Danzo frowned: "It's an employment relationship, it's not a problem, and it's only been three years. I believe that people in Kirigakure won't hold on to this matter."

"What I'm curious about now is why Naruto is so powerful."

"This has exceeded our expectations."

Sarutobi Hiruzen folded his hands, swallowed, and was puzzled in his heart.

"It is true to say that the system of the Uzumaki family is inherently huge in Chakra, so I am not surprised if it is the strength of ninjutsu."

"And Might Guy also said that Naruto has a special physique, and he is a good seed for practicing physical skills."

"But the most important point is that Naruto didn't learn gymnastics from Might Guy at all, and there is no record of his training."

"Then here comes the problem..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo looked at each other, and both saw suspicion in each other's eyes.

Naruto's strength is not normal.

"Could it be the awakening of some special blood inheritance boundary?"

"It should be impossible."

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head: "The conditions for the formation of the blood succession boundary are not so easy, and if Naruto really awakens, he will hide it too well."

"You'll know what's going on when he comes back and ask, won't you?"

"Do you think a child who has lived in the village since he was a child will be able to conceal our inquiries?"

Hearing Danzo's words, Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled slightly.


Just a simple child, they have eaten more salt than he has walked.

Just come back and ask directly.

Thinking too much will only increase your troubles.

"I believe they should be approaching the village by now."

"Tomorrow at most."

[You have successfully aroused Danzo's malicious emotions, the critical hit is ten times, and the resistance to beating is +1]

[You have successfully aroused the curiosity of Sarutobi Hiruzen, the critical strike is eight times, and you get the monster meat. 】

Naruto's eyes dimmed as he stepped into the village...

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