I, Naruto, Become Stronger With A Critical Strike

Chapter 79 Uzumaki Naruto, You Are Ruthless!

"This Jiraiya, don't people grow up?"

Naruto pursed his lips, looked down, and could feel the heart that was ready to move, Naruto smiled, you will be envious and jealous.

Envy is not you, tsk!

Shaking his head, Naruto went straight home.

As for Kakashi, they are probably still hiding and licking their wounds, so they don't want to add salt to the wounds, it's too wicked.

"I heard that you are leaving the village, do you really need us to accompany you?"

"Yeah, we are hired by you. You make it difficult for us to do this. It feels like eating and drinking for nothing."


"Aren't you self-reliant, and it's not important to go out this time, it's just me and there is no need to follow."

"I'll come back when someone finds me, and it will be soon."

Naruto's heart moved: "There is one thing, my house is being renovated, you and I just go over to see it once in a while.

"Hey, don't you have your three little girlfriends, they are more active than you, and you need me?"

"Ann, you can just go and have a look sometimes, they have their own business, and they are also very busy."

Now Konoha Village is waiting to be built, that is, Naruto hired people who are not from the village itself, otherwise you can be so leisurely?

But if I didn’t cut it, I still found a job, just do it when I have nothing to do, and make some money.

It's a ninja mission, and the village's price is high.

Zai Buzhan and Bai actually enjoyed it a little bit, and they were also drunk.

"See you."

Naruto drilled into the room, he had a hypothesis that needed to be verified.

When he came to the room, Naruto sat on the bed and collected a share. A ring appeared in his hand. This ring looked very beautiful and delicate, and it was definitely the best choice for his wife when he got married.

He stared at the ring, he had several rings like this, all of which were crit hits during the time of Konoha's collapse plan and left them in the space without moving.

Now Naruto has found some of the best looking ones.

One in hand.

"I don't know if it can be integrated into the space."

Naruto held the other hand in the air, and a spot of light appeared up and down in his hand.

This is the Kamui space contributed by Obito.

The nature is there, this is a space, the owner can also enter, but not for too long, it is a 250 square meters empty space, nothing.

To put it bluntly, Naruto thinks this is a space for storing things and hiding for a while.

Cooperating with Kamui space, Obito is really elusive.

"If the Kamui space can be integrated into the ring, it will become a space ring.

Naruto raised his hand and brought the two closer.


The feeling of rejection came to my heart instantly.

"Can not be done."

Naruto is discouraged, the two are very repulsive, not absolutely impossible, but the material of the ring is not good.

After all, this is just an ordinary ring, and the involvement of space is a bit mysterious, so the two are not on the same channel.

If you insist on fusion, the ring must be broken.

This is the result of poor quality.

"If you get a magic weapon ring in a critical strike in the future, maybe you can try again."

Naruto had no choice but to put the two away. He kept this idea in his heart, and when he was lucky, he had a magic weapon ring and he could put it on the agenda.

It should be fine by then.

In Naruto's mind, Tian Tian kept taking out detonating symbols and piles of ninja tools from the space ring.

Maybe it will be even more exaggerated than Konan.

mouth twitched,

This way of fighting is really burning money.

The krypton gold powerhouse is so terrifying.

"Uchiha Obito."

Naruto sneered: "Before you die, you must rub enough wool on your body, until you are bald, as I said."

Everyone is busy these days, and Naruto is too embarrassed to take Hinata and the others to play around every day, and their teacher has also received tasks to complete.

Naruto expressed his understanding of this, and just stayed at home alone, and occasionally went out for a walk.

As for helping, Kakashi didn't take the mission, and he didn't want to go.

Now that the money is enough, he doesn't even want to do the mission. This time, if it wasn't for seeing Tsunade, he wouldn't go.

Doesn't it smell good at home?

It's a beautiful life to brag and joke with Hinata and the others every day, and then do crit attacks.

In a blink of an eye, the time came to the next night.

On this day, the moonlight was shining, and the breeze was blowing slowly, blowing away the dust and leaves on the ground.

Under the moonlight, Sasuke walked quietly on the aisle of Konoha Village, walking firmly towards the gate of the village.

He's going to find Orochimaru, he's going to become stronger.

Naruto stood on the top of the tree, watching this scene quietly, the back is very bleak, but also very firm.

Standing next to him is Kakashi.

"Naruto, won't you stop it?"

"Mr. Kakashi, you didn't and didn't stop."

"I can't stop it, my heart is not here, I can't stop it for a while, I can't stop it for a lifetime, let him go, maybe following Orochimaru is indeed better than me."

"At least that's the fabled Sannin too."

"Your thinking is dangerous."

Naruto glanced at Kakashi: "If it is known that you let Sasuke go, you will be finished."

"Will you say it? Forget it, even if you say it, I won't admit it."

"I was recuperating my injuries at home, and I didn't even know about it. Tsk, it's just a Shadow Clone here. Who would know?"

"Where's the evidence?"

Naruto was speechless: "Teacher, you are still as treacherous as ever."

"Each each other."

"You are very bold, come directly to the body.

"Avatar is not sincere."

Naruto said lightly: "I sent Sasuke with great sincerity, unlike some people."

[You successfully aroused Hatake Kakashi's speechless emotions, tripled the critical strike, and gained Kamui's ability enhancement. 】

"Little Sakura is here."

Just at this moment, the sound of trotting footsteps was heard from far away, and following the sound, I saw the little Sakura with red eyes, shining tears in front of Sasuke.

"Love is miserable Sasuke, this little girl is really infatuated."

"Are you envious?"

"No, what do you envy, you have Might Guy is enough."


Kakashi is furious, and Laozi's sexual orientation is normal.

Naruto smiled strangely: "Then why not find one, you are not ugly."

"Hmph, don't care, this will only become my constraint, I still like Master Jiraiya's current lifestyle.

"Understood, I have lived among thousands of flowers."

"It's good to understand, not everyone is as evil as you, those few..."

Kakashi hesitated to speak.

He was really afraid that Naruto's car would roll over, but the current situation didn't seem to show any signs of a rollover, so it was outrageous.

How did Naruto do it? It's an exaggeration.

Kakashi was puzzled.

This is what other people don't understand.

The point is that the adults of these three families didn't say anything, which is even more outrageous, and it's simply far from the original.

How do you all manage to turn a blind eye to this, and still smile like a normal person every day?

My daughter is about to be abducted, I can't understand it.

"I don't know if this kind of relationship can get feedback, I think it's sore."

"Sasuke's mind has always been on revenge, and he will do whatever it takes to get revenge. This time, he was probably stimulated.

Kakashi's mouth twitched when he recalled that indifferent man.

In front of him, he didn't even have an extra chance to resist, and his terrifying illusion ability made him helpless.

Glancing at Naruto beside him, Kakashi admitted that he had indeed been slacking off for several years.

(cjbg) If it weren't for this, I wouldn't be so vulnerable.

Look at Naruto and Uchiha Itachi, these two never let up.


Naruto didn't work hard, where did he get slack.

This guy is even more exaggerated and outrageous.

"This is their business, we outsiders can't get in the upper echelons.


Before Kakashi could finish speaking, he took a deep breath: 'This Sasuke is really going down, I feel numb when I see this striker knife. '

"And he even put little Sakura on the chair alone, he is not afraid that little Sakura will catch a cold? He won't run and meet a homeless person or something and give her to..."

"Mr. Kakashi, I found that your inner drama is really rich."

Kakashi glanced blankly, and Naruto pointed to the little Sakura: "Sasuke knew I would come, and probably knew you would come too, so that's why he was so big, you go.

"Why did I go?"

"You are an adult, she is a child, and I am the same age, it is not good to hug."


Kakashi curled his lips, went down to pick up the little Sakura, and then waved to Naruto: 'Let's go, I'll send her back first.

Naruto nodded silently.

Turn around and disappear into the night.

"I said Naruto, even if you said to go the day after tomorrow, there is no need to be so anxious."

When it was daylight, Naruto came directly to Jiraiya's house, Vice Admiral dragged him out of the warm blanket, and Jiraiya went straight to Buddha.

Some frantically brushed their teeth and washed their faces, and muttered: "It's only past five o'clock, is it necessary?"

"Early, it's cool and there's no one else, so there's no need to see you off."

"I don't believe it, you must have other ideas."

"Oh, you've seen it all. It's just that something happened yesterday. I think it's better to avoid it."

Not surprisingly, little Sakura must have come to him crying.

He was most annoyed by this situation, since he was in the same village and couldn't avoid it well, he might as well go first and leave without saying goodbye just like Sasuke.

By the time he comes back, little Sakura should have calmed down too.

how good is this

It's just this time to trouble Mr. Kakashi. He is often fine in the village, and his office efficiency is extremely high.

Find him something to do.


Kakashi, who was watching Kissing Paradise at home, sneezed, nose silently, with a smile on his face: "Tomorrow little Sakura should go to Naruto, as for me, what can a wounded ninja do?"

"No problem."

[You successfully aroused Hatake Kakashi's gloating mood, tripled the critical strike, and obtained the water of aura. 】

Naruto, who had already walked out of the village with Jiraiya, looked back at Konoha Village subconsciously.

"Why, can't bear to part with your little girlfriends? Can't bear to look back, why don't you go back?"

"No, I'm just curious what will happen in the morning."

"What can happen, Konoha Village is very vigilant now, don't think too much."

Jiraiya sighed: "Ah, these days I have been caught by the Third Generation's background, and now I am finally liberated and feel at ease. Let's go, I invite you to the next village for breakfast."

"I know a store, it's very delicious, I don't know if it's still there.


"Of course it's good if someone treats you."

Laughing and laughing all the way, the backs of the two, one big and one small, became more and more blurred and drifted away.

Konoha Village,

Early in the morning, little Sakura came to Naruto's apartment and began to knock on the door, pursing her lips, her face full of grievances.

"Little Sakura, what are you doing?"

"Mr. Zabuchi, I have something to do with Naruto."


Zai Bu Zhan was surprised: "He went out very early this morning, probably far away from the village by now?"


Little Sakura was stunned: "So early?"

"Yeah, he said he didn't want to see the farewell scene, so he sneaked away alone, and no one said anything, just let me tell you."

Depend on!

Little Sakura's face turned black.

In this situation, it is obvious that I am avoiding her. Is it so obvious what I did?

"Forget it, I'll go find Teacher Kakashi."

Little Sakura forced a smile on her face, Sasuke's departure immediately made her confused, she didn't know what to do, the first thing that came to mind was Naruto and Kakashi.

Because there are only a few of them who have good friends with Sasuke in this world.

No more doubts, what's going on with this little Sakura?

But soon he understood that the feeling was that Sasuke had defected and left the village to join Dafa.”

"Naruto, this guy, also calculated the character of little Sakura, and avoided it directly, and ignored it."

"It's better to be calm."

"Little Sakura is just too dependent on Naruto and Kakashi, the first thing that comes to mind is the two of them, which is not good.

"She's still a little girl and needs to grow up."

"Not everyone is like Naruto and the others, because most of them are just ordinary people."

Zabu Zhan glanced at Bai, nodded: "You are right."

F: "..."

It's just scum.

Uzumaki Naruto, I will take care of you when you come back.

Kakashi growled.

He was annoyed by little Sakura for a whole day, and he didn't have any time to rest. This Uzumaki Naruto is such a chicken thief, he slipped away by himself.


[You successfully caused Hatake Kakashi to feel a little angry, the critical strike was seven times, and he got the monster meat. 】

Naruto, who was already far away from the village, showed a smile on the corner of his mouth when he saw this,

The outside world is wonderful! .

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