"The case?"

The girl froze there.

"No...... Didn't you catch me?"

Wang Ze didn't bother to say more to her, so he took out his mobile phone and opened Wei Jun's photo.

"Did this person come to you a week ago?"

The girl's gaze shifts.

After just one glance, he nodded: "I found it." "

Wang Ze put away his phone and said, "How do you remember it so clearly." "

The girl said, "Because he stayed with me for hours." "

Wang Zedao: "What time did you leave?"

The girl thought, "Probably ......"

"About five o'clock?"

"I didn't look at the time, anyway, it's almost time to eat. "

Hearing this, Wang Ze turned around: "Let's go, go back to the city bureau." "

The most important thing now is to find Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu quickly.

He didn't have time to worry about these little things.

The longer the time drags on, the greater the danger for Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu.

After all, there is no direct clue that the two have been killed.

Since it is possible that he is still alive, he must do his best to find it.

Seeing the two policemen turn around and leave, the girl was stunned for a while and quickly closed the door.

"I'm scared to death. "

She patted her chest, scared for a moment.

The other party looked at it as if she was handling a big case, and she didn't bother to care about her.

Good luck.

After getting in the car.

Wang Ze said: "Let the child check the monitoring of the apartment to see if what the two 7 people said is true." "

The words of people.

It is never as credible as evidence.

Even the girl just now was obviously not lying.

Two hours later.

City Bureau.

Case Hall.

After Wang Xiaotong carefully watched the monitoring, he said, "Team Wang." "

"Surveillance shows that on the day the two disappeared, Wei Jun did go in and out of the apartment. "

"In between, there were more than four hours. "

Soon after he came out, the surveillance captured Wei Jun going home. "

"That day, I never came out again. "

"At the moment, he doesn't have the time to commit the crime. "

Hearing this, the crowd fell silent.

finally found a person who had an intersection with Ding Liyi's Shan Qianyu at the same time.

I thought that this Wei Jun was suspected of committing a major crime.

But I didn't expect it.

It had nothing to do with him.

Wang Ze also fell into a deep groan.

Ma Haoyu said: "Team Wang, do you want to check on Su Minghui?" "

Su Minghui.

It is the person who pursues Ding Liyi.

It cannot be ruled out that his pursuit was fruitless and he embarked on the path of crime.

Wang Ze opened his mouth and said: "Su (CHBC) Minghui's motive is on Ding Liyi, so what is the matter with Shan Qianyu." "

"And. "

"The two disappearances five years ago cannot have anything to do with Su Minghui. "

"This person waits first. "

"Wait?" Ma Haoyu wondered, "Are there any other suspicious people?"

"Cao Wenchi?"

Cao Wenchi is the owner of the script killing hall.


is also one of the strangers who know Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu at the same time.

There are still suspicions.

Wang Ze nodded slightly: "It's him." "

Judging from the questioning of Cao Wenchi. "

"He has a very cool head and a fluent verbal expression. "

This kind of person is often good at hiding his true emotions. "

"And, have the ability to speak without leakage. "

Ma Haoyu said: "But he didn't lie about our inquiry, right?"

Wang Ze said: "It's not lying. "

"But there are two problems with that. "

"One, he can't lie because it's easy to debunk. "

Second, his answer is irrelevant, and even if the disappearance of the two is related to him, no useful information can be extracted. "

"Therefore. "

The seemingly undisguised answer cannot be used as a basis for excluding suspicion. "

Hearing this, Ma Haoyu said: "That ......" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"I'll go and ask him to provide me with the itinerary for the day of the crime?"

Wang Ze waved his hand: "Don't worry about it first." "

"Xiao Tong, how are the dossier materials from five years ago organized?"

Wang Xiaotong nodded and said, "It's all sorted out." "

"But there aren't many references. "

"The only thing worth investigating at the moment is the last surveillance footage of the missing people before they disappeared. "

Wang Ze said: "Let me take a look." "

Wang Xiaotong: "Okay. "

Others also gathered around.

Wang Xiaotong splits the computer into a split screen.

On the left and right are the last surveillance footage left by the missing person.

It's all on the streets.

There are a lot of pedestrians coming and going.

The clarity is not very high.

The only things that can be distinguished are gender, clothing, and height.

Nothing special happened until I left the surveillance screen.


The missing person was never seen in other surveillance footage.

Bao Qu said: "Nothing strange. "

"Did you notice anyone stalking?"

Ma Haoyu and the others shook their heads, indicating that they couldn't see it.

Wang Ze said: "Put it again." "

Hearing this, Wang Xiaotong retracted the surveillance screen and played it again.

Wang Ze: "Go on, put it again." "

Wang Xiaotong repeated, and continued to play back.

"Stop. "

The third time, Wang Ze spoke halfway.

The screen stops.

Wang Ze said: "Go back two seconds." "

Wang Xiaotong rewinds the surveillance screen for two seconds.

Wang Ze said: "Pause on the left, and put it again on the right." "

Wang Xiaotong: "Okay. "

Everyone was amazed.

I don't know if Wang Ze found anything wrong.

"Stop. "

Wang Ze spoke.

"Take a second back. "

At this moment, the monitoring pictures on both sides are frozen.

Wang Ze pointed to the two people on the left and right: "These two, it seems to be the same person, right?"

Hearing this, several people took a closer look.


The height is fat and thin, but it is about the same.

It's just a different way to dress up.

Because of the clarity of the picture, it is difficult to distinguish.

Wang Xiaotong looked at it carefully for a while and said, "It's a bit like." "

"Do you want to hand it over to the Evidence Center and fix it?"

The Centre for Physical Evidence is a separate department.

Difficult physical evidence identification and comparison, they can achieve.

Especially in the rendering restoration of fuzzy monitoring, the technology is very high.

Wang Ze rubbed his chin, "That's going to take a day or two." "

After speaking.

He stepped back half a meter and raised his hand to measure the man's height.

"How tall is the missing?"

Wang Xiaotong looked at the information and said, "One meter sixty-five and one meter sixty-two." "

Wang Ze narrowed his eyes, and his brain began to measure.

After half a ring, his eyes froze.

"Not a centimeter tall is bad. "

"This is Cao Wenchi!"

"Go, bring someone back to me right away!"

Ma Haoyu was obviously stunned for a moment, and then his expression was solemn: "Yes!"


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