I, Naruto, Draw Everything In Konoha Calligraphy

Chapter 19 People's Hearts Are Unpredictable!

The whole Uchiha is very large and well-organized, and it is also very unified.

These are the houses to live in.

There are also differences, these are special buildings such as Zangshu Pavilion.

Naruto believes that Uchiha must have a basement or something, and maybe no one knows except their patriarch.

But it doesn't matter, Naruto's goal is not these.

"Boy, I found it. It's bee No. 3!"

Not long after, the voice of Nine Tails came, and Naruto quickly set his sights on No. 3 bee, and controlled No. 3 bee to fly in silently through the small display screen on the remote control.


Naruto and Nine Tails fell silent almost simultaneously.

Is this the Library Pavilion?

This is too cruel.

There are books all over the floor, but compared with this library, it is far and far away.

Needless to say, it must have been ransacked before, leaving a mess.

Seeing this, Naruto was a little disappointed, this is Uchiha's collection.

No matter in which age, in which time and space, knowledge is priceless and a good thing that can be passed down forever.

Especially in this turbulent ninja world,

Ninjutsu... is fundamental.

As long as you have one or two unique ninjutsu, you can create a family and become a small force.

It's not a joke, it's real.

Naruto didn't think about establishing power, it was too tiring.

He just wanted to look at Uchiha's collection of books, ninjutsu or something.

However... now the idea is shattered!

"Don't be discouraged, there are some ninjutsu scrolls on the ground!"

Nine Tails' voice came out at this time: "It's just some ninjutsu that is very common in Uchiha, but it should be pretty good for you!"

Naruto thought about it, and he was right.

Ninjutsu or whatever, the key is these books, if you copy them, you can also fill your own bookshelf.

"Then copy it!"

High-tech replication is just different,

Following Naruto's control, bees flew over diligently one by one and landed on each book, the bee's eyes flickered faintly, and soon, all the contents of each scroll book were copied.

Afterwards, Naruto did not let the bees come back, but scattered to every corner, quietly landed on the flowers and even the dense branches, watching Uchiha's clan secretly.

at this time,

Naruto completed his idea, changed his mind, came to the sealed space, and watched quietly with Nine Tails.

"What else do you want to see?"

Nine Tails is puzzled, the family has already been exterminated, and it is estimated that they will be discovered soon, but what's so interesting about it?

"Watch the show!"

He took a sip of Coca-Cola, lay on the small rocking chair, focused his eyes, and watched quietly.

After the Uchiha genocide, it won't take long before the top management of Konoha Village will come to clean up the mess.

Taking this opportunity just in time, Naruto has a look at what the Gyūki zombies are all about.


At night, there was a gentle breeze, but the strong smell of blood could not be blown away. The branches were blown by the wind and swayed, as if the ghosts of Uchiha were barking their teeth and claws.



Inexplicably, it makes people feel a little gloomy.




Suddenly, with a slight sound of breaking through the air, masked ninjas quietly appeared in the Uchiha tribe, standing quietly.

Not long after,

A man with a bandage and a cane walked over with a blank expression on his face.

"This is Anbu?"

Nine Tails was shocked, and a storm surged in his heart.

In an instant, he thought of many things.

Could it be,

This time the Uchiha genocide was organized by the high-level Konoha?

That was too harsh.

"Not Anbu!"

Naruto has seen Anbu, well, that's not the point, the point is that gloomy man in bandages, where there is Danzo, how could there be no roots.

In the picture, Danzo is leaning on a coffin stick and watching this scene with a blank face.

Ignoring the strong smell of blood, with an order, all the root ninjas started to move, targeting... Sharingan.

Danzo, on the other hand, came slowly to the corpses of Fugaku and Mikoto.

The next moment, when Danzo saw the state of the two, his face darkened instantly: "It was poached, damn it!"

all the time,

He even suspects that Fugaku opened Mangekyō.

In fact, he didn't doubt it at the beginning, but since he learned about the existence of Mangekyō from Shisui, he became a little suspicious.

The reason why the war was won and Fugaku returned safely, isn't it...


In short, if you suspect it, you need to collect evidence.

It's just a pity that Fugaku has been hiding too deeply, and he hasn't discovered the clues at all for so long.

Originally, I came this time just to see it.

but now……

Danzo's face became more and more gloomy: "Uchiha Itachi!"

The hand holding the crutch was violently exerted, and the blue veins were exposed, which showed Danzo's inner unrest.

Uchiha Itachi's threat still rings in my ears,

He never thought that he would be threatened by a junior and dare not move.

However, this incident happened in such a ridiculous way.

"Mangekyō, what powerful eyes!"

Touching his eyes subconsciously, Danzo sneered.

The absence of Fugaku's eyes is a bit of a fly in the ointment, but that's okay, there are so many of them here, enough to cover his one arm.

By the time,

A gleam of fire flashed in Danzo's eyes, transplanting the cells of the legendary man.

Will I be invincible?

Looking forward to it.

The action of the roots was very fast, and it didn't take long to goug out the eyes of the Uchiha tribe with Sharingan, and then left quietly.


Everything has calmed down.


Under the watchful eyes of Naruto and Nine Tails, not long after, a ghostly figure appeared.

"Third Generation old man!"

Naruto frowned and sighed inwardly: "Sure enough..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen watched all this calmly, with no joy or sadness on his face, just watching silently.

After staring at it for a long time, I turned around and left. At the same time, I also gave an order: "Clean up and arrange everything properly!"

By the way, Sarutobi Hiruzen also took away Sasuke who was fainting aside.

"This, your human heart is really too complicated, I can't understand it at all!"

Nine Tails can only sigh.

Even a fool can see that Sarutobi Hiruzen, who is Hokage, must know something, but he didn't stop it. Perhaps, he also contributed to this?

"People's hearts are unpredictable!"

Naruto said something meaningful.

Even gods can't see through people's hearts.

"Okay, it should be nothing, tomorrow is destined to be peaceful!"

Naruto intends to take back the bees.


At this moment, a white shadow came lightly.

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