

Sarutobi Hiruzen was surprised: "It's so fast, it's only been a few minutes?"

Looking at the time, only ten minutes have passed. What can I draw in ten minutes?

Sarutobi Hiruzen is completely hopeless.

But you can't just obliterate the children's achievements like this, you can only read it and then praise it.

Thinking like this,

Sarutobi Hiruzen walked up to Naruto with a smile on his face, looked down,

next moment,


Sarutobi Hiruzen was stunned.

what is this?

A circle, a few straight lines, what kind of ghost symbol is this?

It looks very realistic, like a villain, but the key is...

Are you sure this is a painting that can surprise me?


It seemed, it seemed, that it did surprise him.

"How about it, my stickman fight is not bad!"

On the side, seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen's astonished gaze, Naruto couldn't help asking a little proudly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "..."

It's good, it's really good!

Knocking on the pipe, Sarutobi Hiruzen gave a dry cough, and wiped a wad of coins from his pocket: "Here, it's just your living expenses for this month!"

Naruto's eyes flashed when he heard this, and he calmly accepted the poor living expenses.

"Work hard, boy!"

see this,

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled, stroked Naruto's blond hair, opened the door with his hands behind his back, and left quietly.

Watching Sarutobi Hiruzen leave, Naruto sneered slightly while holding the coin in his hand.

With this little money, for a child, he can't even afford meat if he saves money.

What's more, in the Jōnin school now, refining Chakra requires the power of physical cells. Where does this energy come from?

Not from food intake.

This is also because Naruto belongs to the Uzumaki family. He has an extraordinary physique, and it’s okay to eat some expired food. If it were someone else, he would have been sick for a long time.

"Sometimes I really don't understand what these high-level Konohas are thinking!"

Naruto muttered to himself, put the coins aside casually, went to the window and stared at the moonlight, wondering what he was thinking.

Sometimes Naruto even has an urge to leave Konoha Village.

But in the end reason prevailed.

Not to mention that for now, Konoha Village is better than other villages,

Just saying that he is a Jinchūriki, fleeing with his current strength is simply sending him to death.


Death does not mean death, but imprisonment, or brainwashing is a must.

"Forget it, why think so much, the most important thing is to improve your strength first!"

Naruto looked away and calmed down.

Turning around and returning to the table, tearing off the funny drawing paper, and laying it on soft white paper again, pondering slightly, the corners of the mouth slightly curled up, and writing calmly.

There is no shortage of Chakra Naruto, but the interference of Nine Tails is the most deadly,

This is also the reason why Naruto could not learn the basic ninjutsu of Transformation Technique in the early stage.


For now, it is still mainly to increase the number of Chakra.

So here comes the problem,

Naruto needs to find another technique to improve his safety a little bit.

"If this idea can come true, it might work!"

Naruto's eyes fell on the paper. At this time, the pattern he imagined had already taken shape on the paper.

It was a picture of seven shurikens flying out at the same time, colliding continuously in the air, and finally shooting at a target at the same time.

This is the best skill of the Uchiha family. With the dynamic vision of the Sharingan, it can perfectly throw the shuriken.

The library of this picture ninja school has it, just a principle.

But there is no one who can really practice it,

It's just because practitioners don't have a pair of Sharingan.

But Naruto has cheats.

This makes his vision possible.

Picking up the picture, Naruto looked out the window at a dark corner, where a person was leaning against a tree trunk and taking a nap.

That's Anbu.

Every day someone takes turns watching him.

Day after day, year after year.

For this, as long as you look carefully, you can find that they have not covered up much at all.


For a kid who is not yet a ninja, he can't find himself with a little disguise.

Just the basic confidence of an Anbu member.

but helpless,

Naruto is no longer the original Naruto, and you can find where these Anbu are if you observe a little.

"Hehe, I've been under surveillance for so long, so if you become a guinea pig, you must have no objections!"

The corners of Naruto's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a hint of a smile. As soon as he thought about it, a strange fluctuation flashed across the paper in his hand.

next moment,




One after another shurikens burst out of the air, collided in the air, and aimed directly at Anbu who was dozing off.


When the shuriken came through the air, the alert members of Anbu woke up, their eyes narrowed, and when they saw the shuriken coming through the air, they broke out in a cold sweat.

With a subconscious hand on his waist, he took out a shuriken and waved his arm,

clang clang!

There are shurikens that keep being shot down, but what makes Anbu change color is...

There are actually seven shurikens, and all of them are aimed at him.

"Depend on!"

The members of Anbu cursed secretly, and with a bang, white smoke flashed, and they immediately cast Body Flicker Technique to leave the place,




The moment Anbu members flashed away, they nailed their shuriken directly to the tree trunk,

Sawdust was flying.

"who is it!?"

The members of Anbu flickered to the electric pole nearby, looking at everything in front of them in surprise, their eyes wandering, trying to find the hidden enemy.


The breeze is blowing, the leaves are flying,

But there was no one suspicious.

His eyes fell on Naruto's room, and he could see that Naruto was lying there concentrating on drawing.


Everything is normal, there is no trace of the enemy.

"That technique?"

The Anbu member pondered, his expression changed.

That skill is so terrifying that only one group in Konoha can perform it.

That is - Uchiha.

"No, I have to inform Lord Hokage about this!"

With this in mind, the Anbu members separated a Shadow Clone and went straight to Sarutobi Hiruzen's house.



This Naruto, who was lying on his stomach and scribbled, took a deep breath, with a hint of ecstasy on his face.

did not expect,

This flash of inspiration was actually a success.

what does that mean?

This means that in the future, if one's fighting methods are more changeable and the cards are more, the means of life-saving will be stronger.

This is very good news for him who is an inspirational salty fish.

at the same time,

Sarutobi Hiruzen's home is not so peaceful...

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