I, Naruto, Draw Everything In Konoha Calligraphy

Chapter 50 Ghost Man, Don't Be Beheaded Again!

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, the water is coming out!"

In the sealed space, Nine Tails urged vigorously: "Really, why are you so ink-stained, the ink-stains are fine, you can pour out water!"

Naruto was silent.

Why did he pour out the water, don't you have any idea?

This tone, this voice...

Don't you understand, it is very daydream.

Depend on!

Silently despising Nine Tails, Naruto lit the fire, and not long after, a large pot began to boil.

Everyone uses small pots, but Nine Tails needs a very large pot to eat hot pot.

It looks like a big pot of rice.

But the seasoning is in place, and the taste will naturally not be bad.

"Hey, what was Kakashi's eyes just now, it feels weird!"

When eating, Nine Tails recalled seeing Kakashi looking straight at Naruto just now, and couldn't help feeling cold, so he asked a casual question.

"I don't know, maybe I think of Might Guy!"

Nine Tails: "..."

This seems to be quite correct, those two funny comparisons.

Since Nine Tails got on good terms with Naruto... oh no, they were able to see outside after a little relaxation, and I often saw those two fighting in the village.

throughout the year,

See you often!


"It's foggy, what a big fog!"

On this day, Dazina yelled and shouted, and he was as happy as a child.

This time I can finally go back quietly.

Hearing the sound, Naruto got up and walked out the door, only to find that the road was almost invisible due to the thick fog.


How to tell the direction?

"Don't worry, I'm familiar with this place, I won't lead you astray!"

Dazna brims with confidence.


He is a person who passes by here often, and he can know where to go with a little sight.

"Hey, let's go 1"

Kakashi rubbed his head, which was like a chicken coop, and said something.

It's finally time to go,

If this went on like this, he wanted to give up on this task.

"Well, let's go, please, kid!"

Dazna looked at Naruto,

Originally, I wanted my friend to give him a ride, but that friend would have to take the risk. Now, with Naruto's ability, I can punting by myself without bothering my friend.

"Hold on!"

Naruto took out the picture scroll from the ninja tool bag, pulled it casually,

The scroll is broken,

Spots of light fluctuate, floating on the sea,

In a moment,

The light spots converged and turned into a small boat.

Everyone boarded the boat, Dazna punted, and slowly moved towards the country of waves amidst the thick fog.


very lucky,

I didn't encounter any moths on the road, and landed on the shore easily.

"Oh, is it finally here?"

At a certain moment on the big tree on the shore, Zabu Zhan closed his eyes, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

He has been waiting here for a long time.

With the passage of time, the thick fog has gradually dispersed. Although there is still some fog, it does not affect the line of sight. At most, it is impossible to see clearly from a distance.

"Not far ahead is the Kingdom of Waves!"

Dazna pointed to the faint buildings in front of him, and sighed helplessly: "It's a pity, the country of Waves, which used to be considered prosperous, is now being taken over by Kado, and the whole country has become very poor!"

"There is no way around this. Businessmen are all interested in their own interests. If they are not restricted, the damage will be unimaginable!"

Kakashi nodded.

In the Land of Fire, merchants can walk freely, but there are also many restrictions. Once there is a sign of disaster for the country, the country will directly ask the ninjas of Konoha Village to kill it.

In the face of absolute force,

The power of merchants can't stand it even if it is huge.


It is the gathering place of powerful ninjas in the Fire Country.

Just one or two Jōnin are very strong, and there are few opponents who are powerful.

"Yeah, I didn't know the destructive power of merchants until Kado came!"

Dazna closed his eyes in pain.

In just a few months, just a few short months, Kado controlled the economic lifeline of the small country of Wave, and in addition, there were not many powerful ninjas in the Kingdom of Wave.

Its national strength is not Kado's opponent at all.

We can only watch it weaken step by step.


They will think about building a bridge across the sea, crossing the blockade of Cardo, and going to other places to do business.


Once the bridge is completed, it will be impossible for Kado to block the Kingdom of Waves alone.

The rest of the merchants will come too.

That way, the economy should recover slowly.

It's a bit taken for granted, but there is no doubt that Cardo is the biggest cancer.

"Let's go, the left and right are almost at their destination!"

Kakashi took the lead and walked towards the land of waves.

This time, there are three tasks, but at the end of the day, as long as Dazna is safely sent home, the task will be completed.


After that, things are out of their control.

Seeing this, several people behind hurriedly followed.



At this moment, there was a faint sound of piercing through the air, and a big knife cut across the air.

Kakashi's expression changed drastically: "Scatter!"

After finishing speaking, he pulled Dazna past him, his figure moved, and he dodged the knife with a single shot.

The three of Naruto barely escaped.

"Yo, it's really fast to hide!"

Next to the big knife, Zaibu pulled out the big knife and smiled faintly.

Looking at the iconic broadsword, Kakashi had a serious expression: "Behead the broadsword, and ghosts will never be beheaded again!"

"I didn't expect you to know me?"

Buzhan is surprised, is he already so famous, any Konoha Shinobi fan knows him.

"Naturally, if you don't kill the famous ones, why don't you know them!"

Kakashi yelled: "Little Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto, protect Mr. Datsuna!"

Touching his forehead, looking at the protected Dazna, he smiled wryly. He thought it was just an ordinary escort mission, but he didn't expect so many ninjas to be involved.

This Kado,

It seems really not simple.

Even the ghosts were moved by him if they didn't kill them.

All of a sudden, things became very troublesome.

"It seems that it's time to show your true strength, and you can't let yourself be lazy!"

Casting a glance at the calm Naruto, he felt a little relieved.

At least with Naruto around, there is no way to succeed in a sneak attack if you don't kill him. This is also good, so I can fight with peace of mind.

"Then, come on, if you don't kill me, let me see your strength!"

Kakashi stretched out his hand and pulled it slightly, revealing the...eye that had been covered all along!

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