I, Naruto, Draw Everything In Konoha Calligraphy

Chapter 64 Yo, Hinata, Good Evening! "Eight Watch"

In the Hokage office,

Sarutobi Hiruzen swallowed clouds, occasionally spit out circles, and occasionally spit out a spear.

Unpredictable, worthy of Hokage,

Smoke was played by him superbly.

In the crystal ball, what emerged was the scene of the bathroom. Sarutobi Hiruzen watched calmly, neither happy nor sad.

Inside...but a little hot.

"Sure enough, my practice is not yet at home, it seems that I have to continue this practice!"

for a long time,

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed softly,

At such an advanced age, I still can't achieve Shisui. This kind of practice is really difficult.

But he firmly believes that once he succeeds in cultivation, his strength will grow again,

It won't be long.

"Master Hokage!"

Just then, Anbu came,

Anbu lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "Kakashi and his party are back!"

Sarutobi was stunned for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face: "It's good to be back, just come back, you let them come here!"


Not long after, Kakashi and his team came to Hokage's office after completing the task.

"Third Generation old man, if you have something to say, please fart, I have to go home and clean up!"

I haven't been back for so long, I guess it's full of dust.

The rest were silent.

That's what Naruto dared to say to Third Hokage, but for the rest... I guess the grass on the grave would be too high. 263

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned,


It was still a familiar question, and after such a long time, I suddenly felt quite kind when I heard it.

"Hey Naruto, how do you feel going out this time?"

"No way!"

Naruto stared at Sarutobi Hiruzen: "For such a big matter, the village didn't investigate it clearly, so they gave a C-level task, and it turned out... It directly soared to S-level. I lost a lot of spirit and wasted a lot of time , a lot of energy wasted!"


Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly had a bad feeling.

"So, mental damage fee, time consumption fee, physical energy consumption fee, etc., etc., I won't talk about the extra, just give the money!"


Sarutobi Hiruzen almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Seeing that the old god was there, with a big brother-like expression, Sarutobi Hiruzen almost knocked over with a pipe.

Thinking about these things all day long.

"Why don't you improve your academic performance when you have this time?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen took out a Naruto test paper: "Look, 9 points, this score is really good, isn't it?"

Naruto: "Sorry to bother you!"


(cffj) Kakashi couldn't stand it anymore, took the initiative to take up the topic, and selectively talked about some things that happened on the road.


I didn't say anything about not beheading.

After listening, Sarutobi Hiruzen was thoughtful.

"According to what you said, the guest this time is really dangerous!"

Nodding his head, Sarutobi Hiruzen asked about the Dragon Slaying Knife again.

"That is indeed the Dragon Slaying Knife, but I don't know if it's not the Dragon Slaying Knife mentioned on the parchment!"

Kakashi recalled it, and asked Naruto to draw the pattern, emphasizing on the word "slaying dragon".

"The world has changed!"

After watching for a long time,

Sarutobi Hiruzen let out a breath slowly, if this is true...  

What did you do before?

The corner of his mouth twitched, and he rubbed his temples, what kind of fucking things were those.

Didn't he completely spread the important information?


Think about sesame seeds.

It is estimated that all the big forces have received the news now, and such a big news cannot be concealed.

The key is not to blame him,

Who would have thought that this matter would be true, it's so fucking nonsense.

This is total subversion.


Now that piece of parchment has appreciated in value, that's for sure.

This can be regarded as a little consolation.

"There is no need to hide this matter, and there is no need to hide it. I have never seen the power of the Dragon Slaying Saber, but judging from your expression, it is only a slightly stronger weapon!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen eyes twinkle,

He does not deny the power of the Dragon Saber, but he does not blindly think that if he really gets the Dragon Saber, he will be able to command the world!

after all,

What he believes in is still extremely strong.

Strong strength can sweep away many injustices.

Just like the founders of the two Konoha Villages, Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama.

Just ask,

In that era, who would dare to be presumptuous in front of them?

"I will send people to investigate, to collect evidence, whether to participate or not, then I will tell you, you go first, you have been out for so many days, it is time to rest!"

For this,

Several people did not say anything.

On the contrary, Naruto feels that this is a real Hokage, the real leader.

Perhaps, sitting in this position is destined to walk between light and darkness and balance the forces of all parties.

If he is not in his position, he will not seek his own government.

Naruto doesn't matter,

Just don't come in the way of his life.

how many people left,

Walking out of Hokage's office, Naruto cast Flying Thunder God directly after breaking up and returned home,

As soon as I got home, I thought the dust would be all over the floor, but I didn't expect it to be unexpectedly clean. Even Naruto felt that the cleanliness was outrageous.


For a moment, Naruto thought of Hinata,

Apart from Naruto himself, only Hinata has the key to this house.

This is really a good girl.

Shaking his head and smiling, Naruto walked to the front of the bookshelf, jumped up, and took out the game console on top.

It's been a long time since I played this game console.

suddenly miss,

It's also pretty good to play with.

Looking at Pikachu following behind, Naruto tilted his head and thought for a while, such a cute Pokémon probably matches Hinata well.

If we walk together, the return rate is estimated to be sufficient,


My current ability is far from reaching the level of painting and calligraphy, otherwise I can give it a try.

Play the game, time will pass quickly,

in a blink of an eye,

The sun is setting and it is about to set.

card wipe!

At this moment, there was a sound of opening the door, Hinata walked in suspiciously, seeing the clothes draped on the back of the chair, a trace of surprise appeared on his face.

"Yo, Hinata, here you come!"

"Naruto-kun, good evening!"

When their eyes met, Hinata hurriedly lowered her head, her face was filled with red clouds, and her fingers had nowhere to rest.

"Eat? I'll cook!"

Naruto smiled, walked up to Hinata, scratched Hinata's nose with his fingers, and put the game console in her hand when Hinata was dizzy: "You come to play" I


finished speaking,

Naruto left with a smile on his face.


I touched the tip of my nose, it seemed that there was still a little warmth left!

with a tug of the mouth,

Show a happy smile!.

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