I, Naruto, Draw Everything In Konoha Calligraphy

Chapter 71 Solicit Me? Don't Dare!

"Yes, the current king, but it is said that he is very mysterious, so he sent Zai Buzhan and Mr. Bai. If you ask me, they are good people!"

Dazna hugged his grandson, the smile on his face was heartfelt.

He really didn't expect that these two people would help the country of Bo. As for the matter of killing him before,


Can't beat it, and now the life in the land of waves is gradually changing.

After Kado's death, the bridge proudly continued to be built. Before long, under the dual effects of Zabuza and the bridge, there will be ten overturns in the grand event of the Kingdom of Waves.

The vast majority of people are aware of this, and with hope in life, their mental outlook will be different.

This is still thanks to the supplies purchased by Zaibujian. Although there are not many, it can be improved to a certain extent.

As for launching a coup?

"Four two three" haha!

All the armies are rotten, and even the king has been emptied by Cardo, which is useless.

It didn't take much time to master the Kingdom of Waves in the first place.

However, it is said that there is also a mysterious king, that is, the daimyo.


It is estimated that apart from Zabuzhan and Mr. Bai, no one knows.

Deidara: "Okay, thank you old man!"

"It's okay, you can take a stroll in the Land of Waves. Although it's a bit small, there are some things that are not available in many places!"


Deidara left with a smile on his face, and Xie followed behind all the time. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but be speechless.

Deidara is a sunny boy when he smiles, who would have thought that there is a bursting heart in the heart of such a sunny person?

Demolitions expert, Divola.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Scorpion withdrew his gaze: "No, I just think you are very sunny!"



Thanks for the compliment!

But, hearing this word from your scorpion mouth, why do you feel that life is barren?

"Hehe, let's go, go find him and don't kill him again. This man is very powerful. After his death, Kaduo's money was frozen and divided up. I heard that this guy is still a lost dog. Where did he get the money to do things!"

"The mysterious person behind it is what I am most interested in!"

Scorpion guessed something in a few words, but unfortunately,

He would never have guessed that the person behind Fubuxiu would be a brat.

This joke is not funny.

"Don't talk about it, let's go!"

After getting a big flying bird, the two jumped up and flew in the sky.

The speed of the flight was not fast, too fast to withstand the sharp blade, but it was not too slow, and not long after, the two of them followed the information they had inquired, and found Zabuzha who was directing.

"Don't kill Mr. again!"

Bai raised his head and glanced, called out in a low voice, then looked back at Bai without turning his head, followed Bai's eyes to look upwards, and frowned involuntarily.

Where did such an ugly big bird come from in broad daylight?

The big bird hangs in the air, looking down.

Deidara ignored the panic of the mortals and watched Zai Buchou: "Let's talk!

No longer chopping the corner of his mouth, he grinned: "Okay!"

"Don't kill Mr. again?"

"Those who come are not kind, and those who are kind don't come, you go and inform Naruto, and I will meet them, don't worry, even if you lose, I won't come back and lose soon!"


Bai Wenyan paused and nodded.

If Naruto comes, with his strength and speed of disappearing, he will not be afraid of anything.

"So be it!"

Zai Bu Zhan waved his hand, and walked to the side with the Dragon Slaying Saber on his shoulder.

Seeing this, Deidara and Xie jumped down and followed behind Zai Buzhan.

When he came to an open place, he turned his head to look at the two of them without chopping his feet, and asked indifferently, "Tell me, why are you looking for me?"

"If you don't kill ghosts again, your strength is good. Our organization wants to invite you into the group!"

Deidara got straight to the point and stated her intentions directly.

Bu Zhan was obviously stunned for a moment,

He thought of many possibilities, but he didn't expect that someone would come to recruit him?


No longer beheaded, he came back to his senses and smiled bitterly.

So much time has passed since he betrayed Ninja Village before, and no one has ever come to recruit him during this period.

All the ninjas I met before wanted to exchange his head for money.

"Is it for the dragon-slaying knife in my hand?"

It is very self-knowledge not to cut again, glanced at the dragon-slaying knife in his hand, and then smiled: "You are late, I have already joined the Kingdom of Waves, and I plan to develop it!

Deidara sneered: "I'm afraid you don't know how strong our organization is. In a small country of waves, our organization can be easily destroyed!"

"Oh, what's the matter?"

No more doubts: 'What does this have to do with me? Everyone is out to work, don't talk about how awesome you are!



What they said left them speechless......

It's not rough, but you can't say that, there is still a gap between organizations.

Deidara scratched her head: "If you look at you this way, do you disagree?"

"It's not that I disagree, it's that I dare not agree!"

don't cut your lips,

Wouldn't it be nice to follow a person with a bright future? If he had to follow this organization that came to him suddenly, he would only do it when his brain was showing off.

dare not!?

The two looked at each other, a little dignified in the application.

They are not stupid.

Being able to reach this level of strength is also valued by the Xiao organization. Leaving aside other things for the time being, the brain is definitely easy to use.

Once I hear that I don't want to cut it, I feel that something is not right.

How strong is the strength of not cutting again...

I don’t know if I haven’t played before, but the information on the name shows that I have just stepped into the threshold of Elite Jōnin, and now I have this knife 1.2 in my hand, so it is not an exaggeration to say that it can be comparable to half a step of Kage-level .


Even with such strength, I dare not say,

Don't you want to kill the person behind...it's Kage-level!

This is a bit troublesome.

There are not many Kage-level strengths in the ninja world, except for the Akatsuki organization, there are only one or two in each ninja village.

Then the problem is here,

Which ninja village is recruited and then not killed?


It is possible to exclude Kirigakure,

Konoha Village, or Raikage Village, or...

These are not important, the most important thing is that their Xiao organization claims that the intelligence network is everywhere, and there are strange ninjas like Black Zetsu, but there is no news at all.

This is kind of spooky!.

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