I, Naruto, Draw Everything In Konoha Calligraphy

Chapter 79: Each Shows His Abilities!

The written test is quite simple for Naruto,

At a glance, they were all very simple questions, and with his frightening hand speed, they were all completed within a few minutes.

The reason why it takes a few minutes is that when the answer is conceived,

if you know the answer,


It will be done for you in seconds.

Naruto has a big chest here, but seeing Sasuke and little Sakura behind are terrified,

Small Sakura: "Naruto's hand speed, it can't be scribbled!"

Sasuke is also a little panting at this time,

Naruto's strength is very strong, but he thinks... No matter how good your studies are, it is impossible to finish it so quickly.

The pen has a phantom.

Hinata sitting next to Naruto was even more stunned,

what speed is this

glanced for a second,


It seems to be all right, really powerful.

Hinata admires Naruto more and more, this is the person he valued, strong, sunny, cheerful, and now he even learns so fast...

All right,

I can't make it up anymore, I'm going to faint when I make it up.

Rubbing her reddened face, Hinata hurriedly lowered her head to do the test paper.

The Chūnin exam is very sacred and serious, and it is related to the face of the Hyuga family. Hinata is very clear about this,

Even if you like it,

You can't be muddled during these 410 times. If you really faint, it will be terrible.

I still don't read it, the more I read it, the more I blush, let's do the test paper.

Naruto put down the pen in his hand: "???"

This girl, why is she blushing when she is so good-looking?

Touching his own face, Naruto sighed helplessly, he was too handsome, so there was nothing he could do.

Nine Tails: "Narcissistic, you are not as handsome as Sasuke, although I hate the Uchiha clan, but one thing to say, you are not as handsome as him!"

Naruto's face darkened: "No hot pot for a month, no stinky tofu for a week!"

Nine Tails: 'I was wrong, don't!'

In this sealed space, Nine Tails can't do anything except eat, read, and play games.

it's still good,

In the words of my predecessor, I can't do anything except talk occasionally.

Not to mention how aggrieved it is.

The little black house is not so scary.

But now that he has tasted the sweetness, it is really impossible for him to go back to his previous life.

"Hehe! 2"

Naruto rolled his eyes, then thought,

Having said that, it seems that it is time, Nine-Tails Chakra Mode.

For a long time, Naruto has been very Buddhist and has not deliberately pursued excessive power, but this time is different, Orochimaru is not very afraid, but the First Generation and Second Generation are different.

Both of them are quite powerful,

It is estimated that it is a bit difficult to cope with the current strength.


It's time to improve your strength again.

It stands to reason,

There is no shortcut to practice, but there are many ways to improve one's hand. To improve one's strength without side effects, one can only rely on the power of Nine Tails.

The first form...also known as Nine Tails Check out the pattern.

In this mode, Naruto's Chakra and Nine Tails' Chakra are separate, but this does not mean that they are weak. On the contrary, this form is very strong. With Naruto's ability,

To put it bluntly,

The strength explodes!


Naruto, who had finished the test paper, was so bored that he randomly sketched an invisible eye on the draft pad.

lying on the table,

Naruto controlled the movement of the invisible eye with his mind, dangling around, and saw many people cheating.


Naruto opened his eyes suddenly, and his eyes were shining brightly.

"This figure is nice, is it called Temari?"

"This is okay too!"

"Hey, little Sakura? Sure enough, it's still a tablet!"

"Oh, Hinata...you're still young!"

Although it doesn't look real, it really...

If there is nothing, it is even more itchy.

"I'm a gentleman, how can I watch this!"

Naruto muttered, reluctantly retracted his gaze, and mischievously moved the invisible eye on Dawson's milk Ibixi (cfdg)'s head, overlooking the audience.

as time goes by,

Many people have been eliminated, and many people have successfully completed it.

In general,

There are tens of thousands of cheating methods, and everyone is very good, and they all work hard to cheat.

these days,

You can't pass the exam without any cheating methods. Seeing those unlucky ones, it's fine if you can't cheat, and your teammates are also eliminated.

But having said that, this Mori milk Yibixi is really ruthless.

But if you think about it carefully, it's okay, not too much.

After all, there are a lot of people who come to take the exam, so it's not easy to eliminate some people.

as time goes by,

More and more people were eliminated, and finally Mori Yibixi asked the last question,

Naturally, Naruto is not as good as the original, but it is also easy to pass.

too easy!

After the exam, Naruto and his party walked out of the exam room, and Sakura and Sasuke breathed a sigh of relief as if they were entrusted with their strengths.


It's good to pass.

Naruto squinted: "Why do I feel that you are always on tenterhooks, what's going on?"

"What are you talking about? It doesn't matter if you draw fast, but you are so fast in the test paper, the answers are all scribbled, right? Fortunately, the purpose of the teacher's assessment is not to really look at the grades, otherwise...

Little Sakura was worried,

If you really look at it, it is estimated that they will be eliminated.

On the side, Sasuke deeply agrees.

I go!

Naruto is confused, co-authors, you are still not confident enough in me, he can guarantee that all his answers are correct.

Everyone else shopped around, but he had compared the answers in the entire exam venue, and compared dozens of companies, how could he be wrong.

"Let's go, I hope we pass the customs, guest!"

Naruto grabbed Shikamaru and said with a smile, "Don't try to run away, it's your turn today!"

Shikamaru looked unlovable, why him.

The rest of the people looked over in unison, Inuzuka Ya smiled: "My Akamaru is already hungry and thirsty, I need to buy some rations!"



"Don't worry, Shikamaru has a lot of pocket money!"


Shikamaru's face turned green, Akimichi Chōji, which side are you on, you sold me in the blink of an eye.

Naruto's eyes lit up: "It's a good relationship. It's fine if I thought about eating ramen. If that's the case, how about eating barbecue?"

Shikamaru: "Don't!"

"Don't worry, I won't make you poor!"

Naruto comforted: "At most, I will eat eight layers of your money bag!"

is there any difference

Shikamaru was silent, feeling deeply that Naruto was cheating.

"Hehe, these people are really active and happy, don't you think so, Dou!"

A person with a hidden face quietly appeared in front of Yakushi Kabuto, he laughed, a little cold. .

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