I, Naruto, Draw Everything In Konoha Calligraphy

Chapter 88 Come, Orochimaru, I'll Give You Something To Add!

Orochimaru what they are doing, Naruto doesn't care,

No matter what kind of world you are, you don't stay away from anyone. To put it bluntly, before you are detached, you are just like a human cell.

To be dead is to be divided, there is no difference.

Naruto is lying on the tree trunk at the moment, and there is light and shadow in front of his eyes.

The light and shadow present the perspective of God, allowing Naruto to see the current situation of the entire death forest.

"Tsk tsk, it's crazy!"

He took out a gourd casually, took a sip of the wine, Naruto sneered,


For the sake of strength, most of the people went crazy. He suddenly discovered that so many ninja bears he sent out were almost wiped out.

During this period, several teams also met,

Even for a bear friend and teammate turned against each other, it really staged a big show.

Naruto watched with relish,

Add some ingredients from time to time, life is boundless.

like now,

Naruto raised his hand and pointed at a corner of the light and shadow,

where the map starts to zoom in,

It's Shikamaru's team,

Naruto smiled at the corner of his mouth, he is a brother, just try hard.

With a thought, the bombing circle in the sky descended again,


More than a dozen Great Fireballs crashed down, and the blazing flames were spreading, as if drying out a few small suns.



Akimichi Chōji:


this forced

How many times have you been here?

After a little calculation, their faces are all green. In just such a short time, this is the third time they have appeared here. Is there any more enjoyable game experience?

If they didn't know what was going on, they would definitely flip the table,

This broken game is unplayable.

specifically to entrap them,


Shikamaru sighed helplessly, and the three escaped the moment the Great Fireball fell.


Shikamaru heaved a sigh of relief. Although this thing is tricky, it is easy to dodge if you are prepared.

"Shikamaru, be careful!"


Shikamaru heard Ino's scream and Akimichi Chōji's roar, but hadn't realized what was going on,


A Great Fireball bombarded him without warning.

in an instant,

My whole body hurts!


Shikamaru's whole body flew upside down.

I bumped into a big tree along the way, the corners of my mouth twitched slightly,


It hurts!

Akimichi Chōji and Ino hurried over and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

Shikamaru was silent.

Do you think I look okay like this?

That's a nice question.

Reluctantly getting up, Shikamaru took the mirror handed over by Ino casually, glanced at it, and twitched the corner of his mouth.

The clothes were torn and burnt everywhere, and there seemed to be a faint smell of meat spreading.

The hair is even more……………


It's hard to say.

Seeing this scene, Naruto had a smile on his lips, hey, who told you to draw circles and curse me last time,

"Shikamaru, Shikamaru, don't be angry, I'm doing this for your own good too!"

Naruto rubbed his chin and smiled, it's a good feeling to be able to help a friend while also cheating him.

this is not

Shikamaru was now looking up at the bombing circle, and said in the presence of Akimichi Chōji and Ino: Let the bombing come harder!

"Are you okay?"

"Hmm, blah, blah, I have the same problem!"

"Of course I'm not sick. On the contrary, although I look a little embarrassed, I feel very good!"

Hearing the words, the two took a step back in unison,


This guy got bombed crazy?

This can be said.

Shikamaru was speechless, and expressed his feelings just now,


This thing, like the bear, can also slightly increase Chakra, which is a good thing.

Naruto didn't care about Shikamaru, looked in Hinata's direction, and found that she had been lucky, so he stopped looking, but looked at Orochimaru.

"It's so hard to keep an eye on Sasuke!"

Naruto hesitated, Sasuke is also his friend, whether to help or not, this is a very profound question.

I touched my chin and thought about it, and finally decided not to help.

Orochimaru is a good teacher, he will improve Sasuke's strength,

The opposite of,

In Konoha Village, I may have that ability, but I don’t have that mood,

Everyone has their own way to walk,

Just like Naruto,

He feels that his way is to do things occasionally, and then just stay at home, read books, play games, and flirt with Hinata.

As for strength......

Feel sorry,

Naruto said that he is not interested in strength.

As the old horse said, things that are at your fingertips, don't care much at all.


Naruto has the same mentality now.

And Sasuke,

If he wants revenge, he must squeeze himself all the time, does Naruto have that time?

That is Orochimaru has that patience, so he is the best teacher for Sasuke.

As for whether Sasuke will be blackened in the future?

Naruto meditates,

This is possible, the original work is on the verge of blackening, and it is a pity to be pulled back again.

And, 1

So what if it's blackened?

It's not a matter of slapping, so.....it's okay!

""However, can you bite Sasuke so easily!"

Naruto smiled wickedly, and with a thought, the bombing circle suddenly expanded, covering the sky above Orochimaru.

Orochimaru, who was about to suppress Sasuke, suddenly felt the ground was red, and looked up subconsciously,


At this glance, Orochimaru straightened his eyes.


The berserk fire energy gathered, and in an instant, a series of Great Fireballs poured down desperately like machine guns.

densely packed,

The surrounding area is reflected in red.

Orochimaru: . . . . . . .

What the hell am I... (Li Le's) What the hell?

He doesn't care about this single Great Fireball, nor does he care about ten or hundreds of them, but this is too much, right?

Without time to think about it, Orochimaru completed the seal in an instant:

"Triple Rashomon!"


The ground shook, the earth shattered, and three strange stone gates rose from the ground to block Orochimaru's body.



Boom buy!

The Great Fireball poured down, constantly bombarding Rashomon,

Orochimaru's eyes flashed, Sasuke had already been injured by him, Uzumaki Naruto was also dizzy, and as for the little Sakura, he was slapped flying by him as early as the very beginning.

Now all that remains is to plant the seeds.

How could he let go of such a good opportunity,


Under the pressure, Orochimaru came to Sasuke's body, smiled indifferently, stretched his neck, and was about to bite it down.


At this moment, the sky above, which Orochimaru didn't notice, quietly changed. .

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