I, Naruto, Fooled Black Zetsu Into Being His Father At The Beginning

Chapter 149 He Himself Should Be Safe, But Why Has He Suddenly Become So Dangerous Now?

"Moreover, we haven't replenished food for so long, and if we don't do anything next, we really risk starving to death here."

The gaze seemed very calm at this time.

It's like in this town, there is nothing, and it looks very poor.

"So you have to be cautious anyway, and if you don't be careful, the consequences will be dire."

Finally, I saw that everyone at this time also belongs to the seaside, has been wandering non-stop, and in some seas, has always belonged to the middle of the bamboo forest on both sides.

Nami's eyes became very cautious.

"Look at it, these plants around you haven't even seen it.

"This kind of stuff is so weird, I don't know if there will be some of it."

This makes them feel very helpless, and even feel that such a situation is already very ~ powerless for them.

Sanji in front of him also smiled very confidently instantly, posing a grand gesture that he thought was very super cool.

"Actually, you don't need to worry at all, after all, I have already observed, as long as it is around here, it is generally impossible - there is no danger.

"And we are relatively safe here, and in this safe place, there is no need to worry at all."

At this moment, he suddenly saw that in his life, a huge bird was appearing.

The giant bird instantly began to scratch him with its claws.

However, after not being caught, he fled quickly and quickly.

While fleeing, it was heard, and the sound like a volcanic eruption sounded directly.

This made everyone present hear this kind of voice, and instantly felt a little scared.

You may even feel some peeling and numbness, after all, all these sounds are too strange, and in such a situation, how can these strange guys appear.

Suddenly, they saw a huge tiger, also appearing in front of them.

The volume is at least 10 times more than theirs.

However, at this time, he will directly see the tiger in front of him directly killed.

...... Ask for flowers...

Nami's face was full of deep fear, and she didn't understand the situation at all, after all, it seemed that this guy was obviously very safe just now, why did he suddenly become like this now?

"This is not right, after all, under normal circumstances, he should be safe, but how did he suddenly become so dangerous now."

"What the hell is going on here, why did it suddenly become dangerous, according to normal circumstances, suddenly becoming so dangerous should not be in itself." 1

"This is the king of the jungle, how suddenly the tiger died violently."

Naruto in front of him also frowned.

In the first time, he could not analyze the situation, after all, he was also the first time to see such a strange situation, and it was so sudden.

The speed of this violent death is also too fast.

Nami stood by and smiled awkwardly.

"Let's slowly absorb the magnetic force in bed, and when the magnetic absorption is almost the same, we will leave immediately."

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