I, Naruto, Fooled Black Zetsu Into Being His Father At The Beginning

Chapter 160 Such A Duel Is Actually Not Considered A Duel In General

However, there is such an opportunity that is generally not easily missed.

Otherwise, in the end, it will become very bloody for them.

The situation looks to be getting worse.

Now they even use IQ battles directly.

Such an IQ battle also seems to be very cruel, but it has to be said that it is also very effective.

This number three also looks even more desperate.

Just like the battle here, it is very reasonable for them.

There is simply no need to worry about such things.

If they persist on such issues, it is very unreasonable for them.

The current state also feels very normal, and it feels that such a thing is more beneficial for them.

At this moment, suddenly I saw the volcano outside, and suddenly it erupted.

This made everyone present feel a little scared in an instant, and felt that such a thing was very outrageous for them.

After all, the current volcano is already a complete eruption, as long as the eruption is more favorable for them.

I only saw that the current fat man suddenly stood up directly.

"This can continue to fight, after all, if you don't fight all the time, then the next step is also very unreasonable."

"And although I have an injury, I must not give up, after all, if I give up, it will be a very shameful thing."

As for the current Naruto, he has seen that the man at this time still wants to fight.

This made them feel a little shocked themselves, and even some completely unable to understand, why fight in this state?

If the battle continues, then the next thing is completely certain death, and there is no effect at all.

And such a way of fighting has no effect on friends at all.

"Alas, once the two of them fight, even if they win, it will not even seem that this matter will become more and more interesting..."

"But such a battle, no one can stop it, after all, this is a normal thing."

The decisive battle is impossible for anyone to stop, which in itself is a very tough effect.

At this time, men struggled to pick up their shields and weapons.

At the same time, the attitude also seems to be very serious at this time.

"I'm really sorry, I actually doubted you before."

"If I don't fight, it means that I have indirectly lost my status as a fighter, and after losing my status as a fighter, I will no longer be me."

"So whatever happens next, I have to fight, I'm going to be the god of war."

"It's just that because of a fight like this, there will be some disadvantages for me. 7"

Now Naruto, standing next to him, said very calmly: "This is a duel that was interfered with by others, after all, it is already completely interfered with by others."

"Such a duel is actually not a duel overall."

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