There was no way, Naruto had to bite the bullet and choose three.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 100 coins. Balance: 1100 pieces. ”

Sakura glanced at Naruto beside her a little dumbfounded, he actually didn’t refuse me?


The two of them soon arrived at Konoha’s hospital.

After that, I went to a designated classroom.

When I opened the door, I saw Tsunade and Shizune who had been waiting here for a long time.

“Tsunade-sama.” Naruto scratched his head and said.

Last time, Tsunade also told himself that the title of sister is best in private.

When she was in front of outsiders, she was still called Tsunade-sama.

“Naruto, you guys are here.” Tsunade stood up from his chair and said with a smile

“From now on, Naruto, your Hokage candidate’s learning progress will be put aside for the time being.”

“I’m going to teach you medical ninjutsu!”

As soon as Tsunade’s words came out, Sakura and Shizune were surprised.

And Naruto himself is also a little different, in the original book, Tsunade did not give Naruto any medical ninjutsu!

“This was decided by me and the current Hokage-sama.” Tsunade chuckled.

After that, Kakashi appeared in the medical room.

Naruto turned his head to look at Kakashi, who nodded and said seriously

“Since Naruto is the next Hokage candidate, it is best to be all-round development.”

“This medical ninjutsu aspect naturally can’t be left behind! All-round development is king! ”

After speaking, Kakashi muttered softly again, “Well, there is no mistake, these are the words…”

Kakashi wondered at the moment, the devil knew that yesterday evening, Tsunade came to find himself and had to get him to agree to Naruto’s practice of medical ninjutsu.

No way, Kakashi had to compromise under Tsunade’s coercion and temptation.

He can’t withstand Tsunade’s punch!

After Naruto listened, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, but he did not refuse.

Medical ninjutsu is a good thing, and it’s a lot of control over Chakra.

Moreover, if you really learn it, then you will help others treat emergencies in the future.

As for yourself? Naruto smiled secretly, his perverted physique, plus the nine-tailed chakra.

Before I could perform medical ninjutsu, I estimated that the wounds were all healed.

Kakashi came out and left here, Hokage is not so idle….

“Okay, starting today, Naruto, I’m going to teach you medical ninjutsu hand-in-hand.” Tsunade said with a smile.

“The first step is hemostasis, after learning, the second step is healing, and the third step is the most difficult palm cactus.”

“Let’s start with the first step.”

Tsunade clapped her hands, and Shizune on the side suddenly noticed, and then she took out two injured rabbits from the backstage.

Both rabbits had their ankles scratched.

“The first step is to place Chakra in the palm of your hand, and…” Tsunade explained seriously.

Naruto, who was sitting below, also listened carefully.

Time flew by, and an afternoon was slowly spent in the task of practicing hemostasis.

Looking at Naruto’s learning, and some subtle green light has appeared in the palm of his hand.

Tsunade’s eyes also showed admiration.

It seems that this little guy’s talent is still very good!

“Well, it’s not too early.” Tsunade clapped his hands, “Shizune, Sakura, to congratulate Naruto on officially becoming your junior.” ”

“You two still don’t say something?”

“Huh?” Sakura and Shizune looked at each other.

After thinking for a while, Shizune hurriedly stretched out his right hand and said, “Okay, I’ll treat you tonight, let’s go to the barbecue together.” ”

“The barbecue is very good.” Tsunade nodded, and then asked, “Sakura, what about you?” ”

Sakura tilted her head, thinking for a while and didn’t think of how to congratulate Naruto, she had to stick out her tongue and say to Naruto:

“Naruto, let’s tell you when I think of a way to congratulate you.”

“It’s okay, I don’t care.” Naruto scratched his head.

“That’s not okay, if you say congratulations, you must congratulate you.” Tsunade waved his hand and refused, “Okay, this matter is settled. ”

“Go~go, eat barbecue~”

Tsunade was the first to take the lead and leave the medical room.

Shizune sighed helplessly, and muttered in a low voice: “I’m going to break the bank tonight… Woo hoo…”

After speaking, he followed Tsunade’s footsteps.

“Let’s go, Naruto.” Sakura gently patted Naruto’s shoulder.

“Hmm.” Naruto was also a little helpless in his heart, he still wanted to go home to accompany his wife…

However, I can’t refuse Tsunade-sama’s kindness.

On the way, Sakura peeked at Naruto from time to time.

She was now wondering how she should congratulate Naruto.

Moreover, it seems that I have to congratulate twice….

One was to congratulate Naruto on becoming his apprentice, and the other was a gift to congratulate Naruto on his marriage.

But I don’t know what’s going on, and I thought that Naruto was going to get married in a few days.

Sakura’s heart is also blocked….

Twenty minutes later, the four arrived at a barbecue restaurant.

After ordering a sumptuous barbecue, everyone ate it.

Girls eat more reserved, but Naruto doesn’t care so much.

The people are big and the people are the most full!

At this time, Tsunade was also happy, raised his right hand, and shouted: “Boss! ”

As soon as this sound came out, Shizune, Sakura, and Naruto all stopped their movements and looked at Tsunade.

Mute (forehead): “It’s over, order a drink…”

Sakura (helpless): “+1. ”

Naruto (inhales): “Cool…”

“Ding! Trigger daily selection tasks. ”

“1, let Tsunade drink alone. Bonus: Haemostasis (boutique)”

“2, let Tsunade, Sakura, and Shizune drink together. Bonus: hemostasis (boutique), cure (boutique)”

“3, everyone drink together. Rewards: Hemostasis (boutique), Healing (boutique), Palm Cactus (boutique)”

Naruto huffed and took a few breaths.

Nima! This is pushing yourself into the fire pit!

But! For the palm cactus! In order to live up to Tsunade’s expectations! I sacrifice some, it’s nothing!


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