In Konoha's conference room, a group of people were arguing about something.

"As an ally, we openly broke the contract. We absolutely cannot forgive such behavior!"

"If you don't forgive me, do we really want to go to full-scale war with the Sand Ninja?"

"If a war starts, then it starts. Has the village experienced too few wars?……"

"Huh, that's easy to say. Once Konoha and Sunagakure Village engage in a war between villages, do you think the surrounding villages will be able to watch in peace... Then, it will be another ninja war!"

"Then can we let them go so easily?……"


By this time, Ma Ji had already been taken away, and the various dignitaries of the Fire Country had also left one after another, leaving behind only the high-ranking figures of Konoha Village.

Junto Kazama sat in his seat and listened to their argument silently.

The whole topic was mainly about how to deal with the Sand Hidden Village, and the people present were also divided into two groups. One side felt that they should be tough on the Sand Hidden Village, and felt that they could not forgive them, and Konoha must take revenge.

Danzo, in particular, had an extremely tough attitude, constantly advocating that Konoha must take retaliatory actions to let the surrounding villages know that Konoha's majesty cannot be violated, and even threatened to start a real war!

The other side felt that they should accept the Suna Ninja's surrender while avoiding new conflicts.

After all, Konoha's losses in this small-scale battle were not large, while the Suna Ninja had suffered several times more casualties.

If Konoha retaliates, it may cause resistance in Suna Ninja Village and a real war will break out! Then Konoha's losses will be even greater……


And it is obvious that most people in Konoha yearn for peace and stability.

Mito Kaden and Koharu are uncharacteristically opposed to Danzo.

They declare that"Konoha cannot withstand the war, and must fight with Sunagakure Village repairs its relationship, and in order to appease Sunagakure Village, Gaara and others can be sent back in advance."

In the end, these two"old men" even felt that in order to re-establish an alliance, Konoha could take the initiative to make some concessions at the right time.……


Upon hearing their words, the corners of Quasiren's mouth twitched slightly.

Danzo's approach is indeed too radical, and war is a cruel and merciless thing for many people; but the remarks of Mito Kadeni and Koharu Koharu make others feel cowardly, and they even say that they must take the initiative to compromise?

What a joke. The peace achieved by blindly compromising is too cowardly.


The third generation has not spoken, but the heads of the important families of Konoha such as Hinata, Nara, and Yamaha spoke very vaguely and ambiguously, and did not express their attitudes.


Finally, the third generation finally spoke.

And after hearing the third generation's words, these arguments were the same. They all looked at the third generation.

The third generation ignored the others, turned to look at the person who had remained silent, and asked:"Quarantine , what do you think about the affairs of Konoha and Sunagakure Village?"


Seeing that the third generation actually allowed Junto Kazama to make a comment, Mito Kadeni and Koharu, who had transferred to the dormitory, also changed their expressions like Danzo, and wanted to stop him.

In the eyes of these"old people", it is unusual for a prospective person to sit down and participate in a meeting because of his contribution to the village, but these major decisions should still be made by them.

After all, the quasi-inmate is still too young...

However, the third generation ignored Danzo, Koharu and others, and signaled the quasi-into Kazama to speak.

The patriarchs of the big families also looked over, their eyes full of sizing up the person they were targeting.

Especially Nara Shikaku, his eyes were shining with an unknown light. It seemed that he could see some clues from the series of behaviors of the three generations.

Junto Kazama stood up expressionlessly, looked around, and said:"Many of you here have experienced the Great Ninja War, so you know how cruel the war is... Konoha finally recovered from the shadow of the war. Come here, then you'd better not get stuck in it again……"

At the same time, Quanren looked at the third generation and continued:

"And after experiencing this invasion, the surrounding villages of Iwa and Kumo will definitely take action. At the same time, Konoha's mission country's trust in us may also change. Our main focus must be on dealing with the mission country and In those villages……"

Quasi-Ren's words made the"peace" faction nod in agreement. The third generation and the clan leaders also nodded.

Quan-Ren's words were recognized by them.

But Danzo's face was even uglier. He was already very dissatisfied with Quasi-Ren, and now Quasi-Ren was even more against him!

Just when everyone thought that Quanren had finished speaking, Quanren's tone changed and he said firmly:

"However, it is a fact that Sunagakure Village invaded Konoha. Regardless of whether he was deceived by Orochimaru or not, Konoha cannot ignore it or take the initiative to compromise.……"

"If they want to ally with us again, they must show real sincerity and compensate us for all the losses in Konoha……"

Mito Kadoyan frowned when he heard this, and said:"You must know that the losses of Sunagakure Village are greater than ours. Hundreds of their jounin died, and even the Kazekage died... If we ask for compensation, wouldn't we? Intensify conflicts, if the other party cannot accept it……"

Hearing Mito's words, Junto Kazama looked at him and said calmly:"All their losses were caused by themselves, not Konoha's fault! If the other party wants war, Konoha is not afraid!"

"Although we in Konoha don’t want to fight, we are not afraid of it!"

The words of Junto Kazama were sonorous and powerful, making everyone's eyes brighten.

And most importantly, Junto Kazama's demonstrated strength undoubtedly convinced people of what he said.

A satisfied smile appeared on the face of the Third Hokage, He made the final decision and said:"Then just as the accurate person said, make preparations.……"


When the meeting ended, Danzo's face was extremely ugly and he was the first one to slam the door and leave.

Junto Kazama was invited over by members of the sealing class, and they wanted to seal the two Hokages!


In another place, Jiraiya's eyes widened as he looked at a coffin with the word"four" written on it that appeared in front of Orochimaru.

" way, Orochimaru, you actually learned this technique!"

Jiraiya said with an ugly face. At the same time, he was shocked when he saw the word"four".


Orochimaru's face turned pale, and he stuck out his tongue and licked his lips.

"Of the three people I prepared, this is the only one left.

Jiraiya, please test this person's strength for me!"

Orochimaru said to Jiraiya.

Then, the coffin was opened directly, and a figure came out.

But after Jiraiya saw this person clearly, his face became a little better, and he was not the person he suspected.!

But... it’s not easy to deal with!

He is the Fourth Kazekage!

And after Orochimaru summoned the Fourth Kazekage, he immediately asked Kabuto to retreat with him, because after reincarnating in the filthy soil, his Both chakra and stamina are exhausted……

"Don't run!"

Jiraiya wanted to chase Orochimaru, but the Fourth Kazekage was controlled by Orochimaru and stopped him._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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