Junto Kazama went home after separating from Uchiha Shisui.

After meeting Uchiha Shisui, he suddenly realized that his current strength was much stronger than that of ordinary people, and his combat power could even be said to be above that of an elite chuunin.

However, in the eyes of some"bosses" he knew, they were just cannon fodder.

Others can kill him instantly!

Just like Uchiha Shisui, if he doesn't use the Mangekyo Sharingan, he is a relatively strong jounin, and Kazama Jun is still able to fight back in front of him.

But once the Sharingan is used, especially his terrifying pupil technique - other gods and people under the Six Paths cannot even block a glance!

"Not enough, there is no trick that can be used as a trump card!"

Kazama Jun said silently.

Although he is proficient in some ninjutsu, he has no tricks that can be used as trump cards.

But there is no need to rush. He believes that he will have more and more trump cards in the future.


The next day, Kazama Jun came to the classroom

"Ah, it’s the right person!"

"accurate person……"

"Good morning!"


When he came, many classmates passing by would say hello to him.

The girls couldn’t help but have red hearts in their eyes.

Quasi-Ren Kazama also responded with a polite smile.

But even so, Quasi-Ren still underestimated his current charm.

For Kazama, it was just a gesture with a slight smile on his face.

But for others, a sunny smile appeared on his handsome face, which was very warm and charming at this moment.

"Ah, the quasi-person smiled at me……"

Some girls just held their red cheeks in their hands and couldn't help but say

"Get out of here, you idiot, you are obviously smiling at me!"

"Nonsense, to me……"

"yes to me……"


For a while, there was a small group of girls arguing about this and never tired of it.


Ignoring the daily operations of these little girls,

Kazama walked to the seat by the window next to the classroom. That was usually his seat because he liked to look out the window (actually, he was deserting in class)

"Oh, good morning, I'm sure you'll find the right person!"

As soon as he reached his seat, Kazama heard a listless greeting.

"Morning, Shikamaru, why do you look like you're not awake again?……"

Looking at Shikamaru in front of him, Kazama Junto asked


After yawning, Shikamaru waved his hand and sat on the seat behind Junto Kazama, then he leaned on the table with his head supported by his hands.

"For me, sleeping is a matter of day~"

After a few casual conversations, Kazama also propped his head with his right hand and looked out the window in a daze.

Under the table, his left hand was knotting. Seal.

He is practicing one-handed seal formation. Now he can do three seals per second, and soon he will be able to do four seals per second, and he can continue to improve.

As for the speed of seal formation, Kazama is still very accurate. Don't worry, after all, except Muji Ninjutsu or really special Ninjutsu, all others require seal formation, and the speed of seal formation is particularly important in battle.

And the training of seal speed is undoubtedly more important when you are young. Easy to carry out.

Kazama Quasi-jian guessed that due to the changes in his bloodline talent, his various abilities are also extremely outstanding, including seals.

His hand seals can now do an average of six seals per second.

You know, this level is very astonishing, not inferior to Uchiha Itachi~

However, after reaching six seals per second, his improvement speed becomes extremely slow. It will probably take a long time to practice to break through.

While secretly Practicing one-hand seals while looking at the scenery outside the window, for Kazama, a day can pass like this


During class, Iruka looked helplessly at Kazama, who was clearly in a state of confusion.

Just a reminder,

"You're right, please listen carefully in class!"

"Oh, I got it, Iruka-sensei!"

Kazama Jun nodded obediently in response.

But after a while, he recovered again.

Iruka was also helpless. He simply ignored him.

Because Kazama Jun's theoretical score was the first, and the newly opened practice Courses and grades are currently No. 1.

Such a"good student" really makes teachers love and hate them.


"Naruto, you guy, you are not allowed to sleep in class, you have to stand for punishment!"

Iruka shouted"Evil Dragon Roar" at the last Uzumaki Naruto in the classroom, causing a burst of"haha" laughter in the classroom.

This also made Kazama Junto look back.

More than a year later , the changes are still huge. Kazama Junto is now the number one genius in the class, surpassing Uchiha Sasuke, while Uzumaki Naruto is the bottom of the class.

Kazama is very popular in the class, and Needless to say, Naruto's popularity in the class~

"Is this what you mean by letting others know yourself through your own efforts?"

Recalling what Uzumaki Naruto once said to himself, Kazama Jun was speechless.

It seemed that he had returned to his original path. Although Uzumaki Naruto's growth trajectory had a Kazama Jun, he was speechless. Returned to the original route.

He shook his head and did not interfere with Uzumaki Naruto's choice.


When class was about to end in the morning, Iruka suddenly said:"By the way, in the afternoon, this week's kunai throwing assessment will be held. Everyone, be prepared!"

When they heard that there was another assessment, many people said"Ah" A sigh.

Uzumaki Naruto was even more worried.

But there are also people with bright eyes.

It's that Uchiha Sasuke. When he heard the news about the assessment, he was already staring at the Kazama candidate!

"Very good, I will definitely beat you in this assessment!"

Having Junto Kazama take the top spot among first-year students has always made Sasuke, who follows his older brother as a role model, very concerned.

He wants to surpass Junto Kazama and become the number one in the school like his brother Itachi!

(Updated comparison Please forgive me for the slowness. Just wait until the plot of my old book is finished~)

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