
In this way, Kazama Jun will rush to the training venue as early as possible in the evenings of the past two days.

Not only for training, but also for waiting for something...

Finally, at dusk on the third day,

Kazama, who was training in the forest, suddenly frowned. He sensed that a group of people had broken into this place. area

"A group of people are chasing one person."

He closed his eyes and concentrated on the feeling, and Kazama could tell it clearly.

"Moreover, the chakra of the person in front is Shisui!!!"

I opened my eyes suddenly, and a flash of lightning seemed to flash in my eyes.

Fengjian's legs immediately kicked off the ground, and wow!

The figure rushed into the depths of the dense forest and quickly disappeared.


One kilometer away from here, Uchiha Shisui was shuttling between the trees, very fast, and looking behind him from time to time, as if there were pursuers behind him.

Shisui didn't look good at the moment, he was obviously hurt.

His right eye was closed tightly, with a line of blood flowing from the corner of his eye. Blood dripped down and stained the collar.

The left eye that is open has three magatama in the scarlet pupil, which is terrifying and mysterious.

This is the limit of blood inheritance of the Uchiha clan - the Sharingan.

Shisui, who was running around, seemed to have thought of something, and his figure turned and flew towards another place.

He deliberately wanted to stay away from Kazama's training place.

I'm worried that Junto Kazama is training and will be involved in this incident.


And shortly after Uchiha Shisui left, shua!



Dozens of figures appeared where Shisui had been standing, all wearing animal masks and ANBU-like uniforms.

However, compared to ANBU members, these people had colder temperaments and no emotions.

They are the roots controlled by Danzo!

"He just left not long ago, but the direction has changed!"

A root ninja with a cat face mask sensed it and pointed in the direction where Shisui left.

Without thinking about why Uchiha Shisui changed direction, a root ninja with a fox face mask coldly ordered:"Chase.!"

In an instant, these dozens of figures immediately chased Uchiha Shisui

…… sieve! sieve! sieve!

Moving quickly through the trees,


Fengjian Quasiren noticed that the person half a kilometer away changed direction and moved away from here.

"Is it Shisui?……"

It is only possible that Shisui took the root ninja away from Kazama Junto's place.

"He's really kind, unlike Uchiha……"

He murmured softly in his mouth.

Kazama Quasi-Ren just quickened his pace and ran in the other direction.

He didn't know why he rushed there.

Maybe he had strength and needed to vent?

Or maybe, you don't want to see such a person die in Danzo's hands?

He had only been in contact with Shisui for a short time, but his character was impressive.

Without thinking carefully about whether he should take the risk,

Kazama Jun just rushed towards Uchiha Shisui.


After chasing all the way,

Kazama Junren has discovered traces of the battle, with kunai, shurikens inserted everywhere, and various trees destroyed by ninjutsu.

Kazama Junjin even found a corpse. Ninjas wearing animal masks, that's a member of the Roots

"It seems that the situation is very tense, and a corpse will be left behind!"

Generally, Anbu ninjas cannot leave corpses like this. They must either destroy themselves before death, or have them recovered or destroyed by people from the same village.

But now, those Anbu ninjas may not care about this.

Danzo gave a death order, and he did not hesitate to do so. At all costs, keep Uchiha Shisui!!!

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