When Midori Aoi defected to Konoha, she served as a teacher in the ninja school and was an elite chuunin in Konoha.

But by this time, his strength should have increased, and since he has captured the Thunder God Sword, he will not suffer any loss even against a special jounin!


"Hehe, it’s only you two who are so unlucky!"

Lu Qingkui sneered and said confidently to the prospective people,

"As long as I kill you and join the Rain Hidden Village, I can directly serve as a Jonin!"

His eyes were full of passion and desire.

You know, the title of Jonin is not only a manifestation of strength, but also a symbol of power.

In Konoha, becoming a Jonin is already the elite backbone of the village. There are The right to participate in some major decision-making in the village. At the same time, he has the right to vote!

In other small ninja villages, the status of Jonin is even more prominent...

This is also the reason why Midori Qingkui wants to defect. The strength and power are enough for him. Betray Konoha!


People on both sides were full of murderous intentions towards each other, so without saying much, they immediately started fighting.




The sword light flashed, accompanied by the crisp impact of metal.

""Yue" was fighting with the leader of the rain ninja, and Quanren directly launched an attack on Lu Qingkui.


"Damn it, you are so strong!"

After fighting with Quasi-Ren for a short period of time, Lu Qingkui felt the pressure and threat from Quasi-Ren in the wind.

Looking at Quasi-Ren's figure who was obviously at most twelve or thirteen years old, Lu Qingkui's eyes were full of Jealousy and hatred.

Why! Why are there always such geniuses!

And why the genius is not me!

Lu Qingkui's expression became ferocious,

"Thousands of ninja techniques like rain and dew!"

Pull out the umbrella behind your back, and immediately throw out thousands of thousands of thousands of books.

Swish, swish, swish!

The thousands of books are like dense raindrops, flashing with a strange black cold light and hitting the target. The target person in Kazama does not dare to be caught. There was something obviously wrong with the Qianben hit.

The Qianben was quenched at first sight. Even with an immortal body, it is not sure whether it can withstand the poison.


His hands flashed through the phantom, and the seal was slapped on the ground, and suddenly a wall of earth formed. Rising.


All the thousand books were densely packed into the outer wall of the earth wall. Suddenly the earth wall gravel flew up, setting off a burst of dust.


And a burst of white smoke rose, and the soil on one side of the earth wall was covered with venom. corroded, changed color


Seeing this scene, Quanren's heart tightened, and at this time, it was stabbed!

The hard wall created by the earth escape to block the ninjutsu of Green Green Kuei was directly cut through by a sharp light.

I saw the figure of Green Green Kuei breaking through the earth escape, holding a lightsaber exuding sharp light, towards the intended person. Attack

"Thunder God's Sword!"

Even if he didn't observe carefully, Kazama knew what Lu Qingkui was holding in his hand!

He didn't dare to take it forcefully, so he exerted force on his feet and retreated quickly.




Lu Qingkui would not show mercy. , rushed over, and launched attacks one after another at the target.

The target also immediately defended and resisted, ping ping!

Holding the ANBU ninja sword to resist the attack of Green Green Aoi.

But after three or two,

"not good!"

Zhunren's eyes froze, click!

The good-quality ninja sword in his hand was directly cut off by the Thunder God's Sword.


The Thundergod's Sword passed through Quanren's abdomen, tearing a straight line from his clothes. But fortunately, the target was on time and no one was injured.


After a few jumps, he distanced himself from Lu Qingkui.

"Hehe, you should feel honored to die by this sword!"

Lu Qingkui did not chase this time. Instead, she stood on the spot, raised the Thunder God's Sword, and laughed wildly.


Quanren looked at the half-broken sword in his hand. Even if he used chakra to attach to the weapon to make it stronger and sharper, it was still not as good as the Thunder God's Sword!

After all, the material determines so much!

"Haha, go to hell!"

Lu Qingkui smiled cruelly and rushed over quickly.

At the same time, the sharp sound of the Thunder God's Sword piercing the air was also particularly sharp.


The accurate person's expression was calm and calm, he just looked solemnly at the attacking Green Green Kwai, immediately formed seals with his hands, and instantly released his ninjutsu

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

A ball of raging fire was spit out from the mouth of the person. It was a fireball that directly swept more than ten meters.

The air heated up at this moment, and many trees burned directly.

The fire shot into the sky!

"……it's useless!"

Lv Qingkui was also shocked by the power of the quasi-human ninjutsu, but he smiled ferociously, holding the Thunder God's sword tightly, and the chakra surged in his body and poured into it, making the sword's light even more terrifying.


Facing the incoming fire ball, he swung the Thunder God's Sword, and then split the fire ball directly.

Like a bomb bombing, his surroundings were scorched black, and a one-meter deep pit appeared.

But Lu Qingkui was not injured, but felt extremely hot

"You see, this is the power of this weapon!"

Lv Qingkui shouted coldly at Fengjian Quanren.


"This sword is indeed good, but how much power can you unleash!"

Kazama Jun looked at Midori Aoi and said faintly.

You know, in the original work, Midori's Thunder God Sword was shattered by Chidori and Rasengan!

How could the Second Hokage's weapon be broken like this?

In other words, Lu Qingkui is not strong enough to fully master the Thunder God Sword!

Hearing the words of the accurate person,

Lu Qingkui's face also changed, and he said gloomily:"Even so, it's enough to deal with you!"


But at this time, the battle on"Yue"'s side was almost over.

Because he was worried about the battle on the other side,"Yue" was going all out.

The leader of the Rain Ninjas was obviously at a disadvantage, and because he was injured by the target, he was even more unable to withstand"Yue"'s fierce attack.

"Konoha style swordsmanship, Dance of the Three Suns and Moons!"

With the dance of"Yue"'s gorgeous but hidden murderous swordsmanship,


Letting out a scream, the leader of the rain ninja's pupils widened, as if he would not rest in peace.

The leader of the Rain Ninjas was directly killed by"Moon"!

Then she immediately rushed over to support Kazama Jun.

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