Time passed like this day by day, and in the blink of an eye, it was Konoha's 56th year.

It has been half a year since Junto joined ANBU.

In the past six months, due to his powerful talent after transformation, Quasi-Ren's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Not to mention the chakra is dozens of times that of a jounin, the physical skills have also reached the level of a jounin, and the ninjutsu and genjutsu have both been learned and improved.

What makes the prospective person even more proud is that after his own test, his chakra attributes are all five attributes, which means that he can control the ninjutsu of fire, wind, thunder, earth, and water attributes!

A fair guess is that this is also due to the superposition of talents.



After completing the mission that day, Quanren took a hot shower and put on a new set of black combat bodysuits, a green Konoha ninja vest on his upper body, and finally a god-like robe.

"enmm ~ Not bad!"

Looking at himself in the mirror, Kazama's lips curled up and he nodded, praising,"This dress is worth so much."

You know, this outfit cost him all the reward from a B-level mission.

The Konoha forehead protector tied to his forehead makes him look even more heroic!

"Time to meet them!"

The quasi-inmate whispered and walked out. The ninja school finally had a break today, and a few guys just wanted to make an appointment with the quasi-inmate.

After all, after graduating early, the time that quasi-into Kazama could meet them was really too little


Junto Kazama was walking on the street, his handsome face and attire undoubtedly attracted the attention of many people, but before he reached the gathering point,

"Ah, the right person is here!"

He just heard Ino's call in the mountains.

He walked towards that side,

"Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji are all here!"

Kazama Junto looked at Ino, Shikamaru and the others and said with a smile.

"Long time no see, my dear!"Shikamaru's face was still so lazy, and he greeted Kazama's target as if he was yawning.

Then, he looked at the target carefully and said dejectedly:

"By the way, why do you feel like you are getting taller again? It's half a head taller than me……"

At the same time, Shikamaru was still muttering in his heart,"Besides, he seems to have become more handsome! Now, I don't know how many girls I can attract!"

There was no doubt about this, and he kept holding on to the arm of the prospective person. You can see the Ino's and the heart in her eyes.


This party seemed to be organized by Shikamaru and the others. Of course, Shikamaru didn't want to do such a troublesome thing, but he had no choice. As soon as the matter of organizing the party came out, it was inexplicably his turn to do it in the end!


"Hello, long time no see!"

"Long time no see, Quanrenjun!"

One after another, classmates from the class rushed over. When they saw Kazama, they would say hello and chat with each other, and their words were full of admiration and praise for him. It can also be seen from this that Quasi-ren is in the ninja school. His stay for a year has not been in vain, at least he has very good popularity!

Moreover, the people Shikamaru invited are also very interesting, they are all acquaintances in the original work, such as Inuzuka Kiba, Aburame Shino, Haruno Sakura, etc. Most of the people are members of some families in Konoha, and a few are also excellent students!

It seems that no matter which world they are in, interpersonal relationships are the same. Birds of a feather flock together!


"Haha, that’s right!"

Of course, before Kazama could finish his thoughts, Uzumaki Naruto's loud laughter came over.

"Shikamaru, why did you call Naruto here too!"

Haruno Sakura looked at Naruto and said in boredom.

Shikamaru had a headache. He called Uzumaki Naruto because Naruto and Quasi were familiar, but he also knew that Sakura was pestered by Naruto in school. She was annoyed.

When Shikamaru didn't know what to say,

"Sakura, Naruto is also our classmate!"

Kazama smiled and replied to Haruno Sakura's words.

At the same time, he also said hello to Naruto who ran over.

Everyone had spoken, and Haruno Sakura could only accept Naruto's arrival.

"You're right, you're a guy who's been away from home for so long!"

Naruto said carelessly, as if there was nothing unfamiliar.

Of course, he also saw Haruno Sakura, and he was even more happy, and he walked over.

"Ah, Sakura, you are here too!"

In the end, Uchiha Sasuke also came. This was something Kazama didn't expect. He thought such a cool guy wouldn't come~

But after Sasuke came, his expression was also very charming,

"Huh, when, do you dare to compete with me in kunai throwing again!"

Uchiha Sasuke looked at Kazama and said provocatively.

His current throwing skills have made great progress after days of hard training. Even if the Sharingan is not turned on, he can still achieve impact transformation. That’s right!

Sasuke feels that in terms of throwing, now he will not be weaker than Kazama Quaito

"Let’s wait until you graduate!"

Kazama Quanren smiled and touched the forehead protector on his forehead.

The meaning is self-evident. When you become a ninja, you can challenge again!


Sasuke gritted his teeth and stared.

At the same time, he thanked Haruno Sakura,"Sasuke, you are here!"

After seeing Sasuke, she just came over to pester him, which made the target feel relaxed.


Kazama Jun also used the copying technique on Sasuke during the party.

He always felt that what he wanted was not far away, because Sasuke knew very few things, just a few things, and he had already copied them. , and in the past six months, most of the time it failed.

Some people think that they are just waiting for a wave to explode.

"Ding, copying failed!"

"Ding, copying failed!"

After two failed attempts at copying, the accurate person frowned slightly.

However, he still used it a third time, and this time, his eyes flashed with light, and at the same time, a joy flashed away.

"Ding, I successfully copied Indra's chakra, is it fused?"

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