Kakashi was talking to the person who commissioned the mission,

"I'm so sorry, they don't know that you are the one who commissioned the mission!"

Beside Kakashi, Sakura also looked embarrassed, but Uchiha Sasuke still had the same cold expression.

"It’s okay, it’s okay, haha!"

Opposite, the director of the crew waved his hand and said. At the same time, he looked at Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura, and said in admiration:"You are indeed a ninja of Konoha. He easily eliminated our hired bodyguard and stuntman.!"

And after they continued talking for a while, they mentioned the main character of the mission, Fuji Fengxue!

"It's really troublesome. Does that person always run away?"

Kakashi felt a headache after hearing their story about Fuji Kazue's escape times and experiences, and said while covering his head.

"Then we'd better go get her back quickly!"

Sakura said next to her.

Although Naruto went to chase him, Sakura felt very uneasy when he was alone!


At this time, a voice came from the horizon, and then a figure fell from the sky.


When the figure stood in front of Kakashi and others,

"Ah, the right person!"

"Miss Yukie……"

Two different calls rang out, and people stared at the Fujifaze painting with wide eyes, and Kazama Junto who was carrying the Fujifaze painting.

"It seems that our mission can begin!"

Kakashi said with a chuckle when he saw Kazama Quanren coming over with Fuji Fugee.


Junto Kazama put down the Fuji Fugetsu Painting, and a group of people gathered around him, especially a man named Asama Santao, who asked nervously:

"Miss Yukie, are you okay?"

Fuji Kazue's face returned to calmness and he shook his head.

Seeing that Fuji Kazue came back safely, the director was also very happy.

He looked at the staff around him and announced loudly:"Great, now the staff are too. Now that we’re all gathered, let’s head to the final shooting location!"


The other crew members responded enthusiastically.

But at this time, Fuji Fengxue said loudly:"I won't go. I won't go no matter what the Snow Country says!"

Her words caused the voices of the people around to stop suddenly.

Everyone stopped and looked at her, and Fuji Fengxue expressed his attitude resolutely, that is, he would never go to Snow. country

"Miss Yukie……"

The director and her agent gathered around to persuade her.

On the other side, Sakura looked at the crew members arguing over there, and asked Kakashi in confusion:"Kakashi-sensei, why didn't Miss Yukie not Would love to go!"

"Well~" Kakashi scratched his face with his fingers, looking thoughtful. He also had some doubts in his heart. This Fuji-style snow painting seemed to have extreme resistance to this place in the snow.

"If she doesn't go, then our mission won't be possible!"

On the side, Uchiha Sasuke crossed his arms and showed a cold expression, and said lightly

"What a hassle!"

Kakashi felt that there might be a big change in this mission, so he sighed.

Beside him, Kazama Quanren asked:"Kakashi-senpai, have you been to the snow before? country……"

Hearing the words of the accurate person, Kakashi also showed a look of recollection and said:"Yes, that was many years ago.……"

Kakashi and the others were talking about the past on one side, while the crew on the other side was persuading Fuji Fazee


After a while, but still unable to reach a unified opinion, Fuji Fengxue said resolutely:"No matter what you say, I don't want to go to that ghost place!"


Fuji Fengxue heard the familiar voice again, and she felt a sense of embarrassment and wanted to reply, but when she turned around, she saw a finger facing her, and then She only felt a wave of dizziness coming over her, and her eyelids became heavier and heavier, so she fell asleep directly. Before she fell asleep, she saw a person catching her.


Catching the sleeping Fuji Fengxue, Kazama The accurate person said to the somewhat surprised crew members:"Now, we can set off! When Kakashi saw this scene, he also came over and said,"That's right, don't waste any more time. Anyway, we are escorting you to shoot a movie. Just come back immediately after the shooting.""

The crew thought, that's right~ By the time Fuji Kazue woke up, they were probably almost at the Land of Snow, and then they quickly finished shooting the last scene and came back. Presumably Miss Fuji Kazue wouldn't be too angry..

Thinking of this, the director ordered:"Hurry up and prepare, we will set off immediately!"

Then everyone started to clean up and got busy.

"So what should she do now?"

Sakura asked as she looked at Fuji Kazue E, who was sleeping in Jun Ren's arms.

Kazama Jun Ren looked at Fuji Feng Xue E, who looked particularly peaceful only when she was sleeping, thought for a while, and said :"Let me get her on board first!""

Kakashi and others nodded.


The figure of the accurate person disappeared immediately.


And when everyone is ready and about to set off,

"Huh? By the way, where is Naruto?"

Kakashi suddenly remembered that there is still one member of their seventh team who has not come over.


And at this moment, bang!

When Naruto Uzumaki, sweating profusely and panting, carried a tied black horse to the cinema, he suddenly found that the place was deserted.

When Uzumaki Naruto realized that he might be left behind, his eyes suddenly widened, and then he shouted in grief and anger:"Damn it, I knew it, it's like this again! The right person, Kakashi-sensei!""


Time passed slowly, and Fuji Fengxue felt that she slept extremely peacefully, and she felt that someone was always by her side, which made her feel at ease.

But it just felt like the world was shaking, like it was on a boat, which made her a little confused.

So she slowly opened her eyes,

"you're awake!"

Just when she heard a somewhat familiar voice, she remembered something and looked over with wide eyes. When she saw that it was Kazama, Fuji Fengxue seemed to have remembered everything. She was The candidate was taken directly to the boat.

Remembering that he was carried aboard by Kazama Jun, a blush appeared on Fuji Fengxue's face, and then he stared at Kazama Jun with a pair of moving eyes, He gritted his teeth and said,"Even if you bring me back, I will continue to run away."

"You should know that under our protection, you have no chance."

Kazama Quanren retorted mercilessly.


Fuji Fengxue stared at Junto Kazama, her teeth itching with anger. She found that Junito Kazama's handsome appearance was too"annoying" for her. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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