"I just want to make money, why doesn't Aren understand me?"

Aren's grades have not been ideal since he was a child. From a young age, I raised him with my own hands...

Takamura has been listening silently, without words, as the best confidant.

At this moment, there is no need to speak, no need to persuade, just listen.

In the end, Yuuki was completely drunk.

Heavy pressure, Akutsu's grievances against himself, grief, and the stimulation of alcohol, Yuuki needs to vent and indulge.

The biggest thing people can release stress is the ability to exercise.

Based on the three principles of not taking the initiative, not rejecting, and not taking the blame, Takamura successfully became Akutsu's father.

In addition, Takamura made a major contribution to the ability to control cells.

Can control any part of the body within a time frame.

When I woke up the next day, Yuuki was still in a daze and had a terrible headache.

This is the aftermath of drunkenness.

I opened my eyes and was confused for a while, this seems to be my own room.

Then, Yuuki felt like she was falling apart and soft...

"Ah 35



Those who didn't know it thought it was a female ghost howling.


It made many neighbors wonder.

what happened again?

Oh, it's Yuuki Akutsu, it's not surprising, it must be Akutsu who is in trouble again.

Yuuki looked at Takamura with grief and indignation.


Shaking fingers, speechless.

"I don't want to, Yuuki-san," Takamura said brazenly.

Heaven and Earth can testify that he didn't move.

"You know, I was the victim yesterday. I've been blocking you, saying no, no, but you...

"Shut up." Yuuki felt even more ashamed.

She also remembered what happened yesterday.

Although the memory was intermittent, Yuuki also knew that it was her own problem.

Active action, active action, and...

Yuuki's face turned even redder.

Takamura, has been trying to persuade himself not to drink too much.

However, in this way, he suffered a big loss, Takamura was not responsible, and he was not sober.

So, who is to blame?

Or, to be proactive?

Yuuki: [O?`?O]

Yuuki thought, grief-stricken.

Takamura knows that now is Yuuki's most helpless time, and if he really wants to be Akutsu's father all the time, not just once, now is the best chance.

Although this shows that he is scumbag.

However, single mothers like Akutsu Yuuki.

It's okay if you're single all the time. If you remarry, you will always be persecuted by idlers' gossip.

This is determined by Japan's national conditions.

Men are superior to women, this is a national condition.

In order for Yuuki to avoid the influence of rumors and rumors, coupled with Akutsu's worry-free son, Akutsu Yuuki has been living very hard.

So, Takamura is saving Akutsu Yuuki.

It is noble, it is sublime.

Takamura himself moved himself.

So, Takamura is active again.

The poor little sheep, which is the opponent of the big bad wolf, was immediately eaten in the mouth.

dozens of minutes later.

Yuuki stared blankly at the sky.

If the first time was unintentional, what about the second time.

"Let go of me." Yuuki said suddenly.

I can't let go. You will be mine from now on. Takamura said domineeringly.

Yuuki burst into tears.

She was not a strong character.

It is also indecisive.

"Let go of me, I'll just treat what happened yesterday as an accident and forget about it. Yuuki cried.

"Otherwise, I don't have the face to meet anyone, and I don't have the face to meet Akujin.

At this time, what else can Takamura say?

You can only turn into a big bad wolf again, and use tough actions to show your tough attitude.

In the end, Yuuki could only blushed and turned her back to the sky.

Eyes are full of confusion.

Why, things have become like this?

To put it bluntly, Yuuki has a soft-natured nature and has no opinion, so someone needs to make a decision for her.

"Leave it to me, don't worry, I will take care of you and Akutsu."

Well, it's better to let Akujin go the right way, and then drive him far away.

Nice to play tennis.

After a day of training, you will be exhausted to the point of exhaustion, and then you will fall asleep at the end.

Wouldn't it be nice?

"Akutsu has a conflict with you, can you really let go of your grudge?" Yuuki doubted.

The only thing she couldn't let go was Akutsu.

"I don't mind children's conflicts at all." Takamura shook his hand.

Completely ignoring Yuuki's strange gaze.

"Can Akutsu be the same as me?"

"Akutsu is physically 13 years old, mentally 13 years old, 99

"I'm 13 physically and 30 mentally."

Yuuki:  …

Can you say anything more outrageous?

"I can put Akutsu on the right track and become a hero of Japan.

"Really?" Yuuki doubted and didn't believe it at all.

"You're still so young." Yuuki didn't know what to do.

"Of course, I'm pretty sure, and I'll take care of you and Akutsu. 95

So, Takamura opened the stock exchange right in front of Yuuki.

Fang Qiu, who rebuked Fang Qiu, knew very well about the limit-buy price and the change curve of stocks.

Using leverage, a hundred times the benefit, in a short period of time, he made 2 billion yen, and Yuuki's eyes lit up.

The conflict in my heart is also a lot less.

Sure enough, this man can't be without money.

"In the future, leave it to me, you have worked hard for so many years, and it will be time to enjoy. 35

Yuuki blushed and nodded slowly.

a few days later.

At this time, Takamura has completely changed.

A well-cut handmade suit, a symbol of the eyes of successful people, and a Swiss watch on the wrist, are full of mature atmosphere.

30 years old, mature, handsome, steady and reliable.

"It's incredible, is this magic?" Yuuki's eyes were full of admiration when she saw Takamura's transformation.

While tidying up Takamura's clothes, like a wife serving her husband.

"That's right.

Using the ability to control cells, it is very easy to change the face, grow the bones, and adjust the body shape.

Takamura's current appearance is based on the data to predict the appearance of Takamura in her 30s, and the ability to control cells changes.

"If you're really 30..." Yuuki sighed.

Takamura's 30-year-old appearance, Yuuki is about to be obsessed.

But soon, Yuuki came back to her senses.

She also knew that she was not worthy of Takamura.

Now, it's good to be by Takamura's side.

At least, for the second half of my life, I have support.

"Silly woman." Takamura hugged Yuuki.

He comforted her with a big heart.

Takamura and Yuuki find Akutsu.

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