I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 118 Someone is coming to kick the hall again

"Grandma, be careful." Fuji Syusuke helped grandma across the road.

"What a good person, there are too few good people like you." The grandmother laughed.

Saying that, the grandmother looked at racquet behind Fuji. Thoughtful eyes.

"Are you a tennis player?""


"I see that you are troubled."

"I was invited to the U17 and didn't want to go, but the coaches encouraged me to go. Fuji Syusuke sighed.

"Shiraishi too, if I don't go, he won't go.


The grandmother's eyes lit up.

Aren't only high school students allowed to join?

how come?

After watching Fuji's training, the grandmother was stunned.

(Genius, genius, this is true genius. No wonder the U17s are special.)

Looking at Shitenhouji's students, the grandmother knows that everyone has great potential.

Most importantly, the love for tennis comes from the heart.

(Well, it seems that it is God's will. In that case, I will help them.)

Thinking, the grandmother stepped forward.

Watanabe Xiu, also noticed the arrival of the old man.

"Old man, be careful, if -813 is not careful, you will fall."

Watanabe was stunned.

Because the opponent is a famous professional player in Japan.

Although he has long since retired, his experience, connections, and strength cannot be underestimated in today's Japanese tennis.

"I'm just here to help Fuji.

"Fuji, Shiraishi, Ishida Gin, U17, the three of you should go. U17 is very important to you. As for the others, I will help train them." "The grandmother said kindly.

Looking at Shitenhouji's members, the old woman pondered.

I'm low on energy, maybe, go ask a few friends for help?

Kanagawa, Middle-School affiliated with Rikkai University.


"What is this place?"

Tezuka et al wonder.

"Ah, this is a holy place for cultivation, which can better help you cultivate." Takamura said.

"Like Naizuka-senpai and Takeuchi-senpai, I think I received an invitation letter before, right?"

"That's right, we received it. After entering high school, we went to U17 to report. 35 celebrities nodded.

'The quota is written for 20 people, and we Rikkai directly took half of it," Marui was speechless,

"too exaggerated.

"Strictly speaking, 11," Takamura explained.

"It's no exaggeration, who made us so strong.""

"That's right." Marui nodded.

"Okay, then I'll join in.

"I will join too.

At Takamura's persuasion, everyone joined.

At this time, someone shouted.

"No, Minister, someone kicked the pavilion."

"Kick the hall?"

Everyone was surprised, even Takamura was surprised.

In today's Japanese middle class, there is still that eye-opening, who will come to Rikkai to play?

The last one, Mr. Atobe Keigo, came full of confidence and left in despair.


Takamura thought about something.

On the net court, stood two tall, imposing men.

Prominent facial features and poor Japanese all explain their identities.

Robot Frankenstein, and Ziegers River.

Two geniuses of the younger generation in Germany.

"Where's Makoto Takamura? Get him out of here right now," Serifford yelled.

At his feet, there are members of the Rikkai wailing all over the place.

"Who are you?" Hua Yuan Tuo also raised his head with difficulty.

"Hmph, you lower races are not qualified to know my name.

"However, in order to let you know about the monkey Makoto Takamura, I will tell you with great mercy.

"I am the genius of the German Tennis School in Munich, Ziegseliverde.

Serifed, ever since he learned of Takamura's existence from Heydrich, has been training hard.

I have also been looking for opportunities to come to Japan and have a showdown with Takamura.

Perhaps Seri (chbj) Ford is not an opponent.

But, Serifed, is really not reconciled without a fight.

He wants to prove that the excellence of the Germanic nation

This time, because the German Tennis Association launched an investigation into Takamura, Serifed finally found an opportunity and quietly followed the two of Heinkerts to Japan.

By the way, also brought the robot Frankenstein.

"Bastard, how dare you insult the minister." Hua Yuan Tuo was also furious and wanted to fight again, but was beaten by Serifford again.

The Rikkai members too, no one can stand to be insulted by their minister, Takamura.

Continually challenged and defeated.

For a while, Rikkai was full of wounded soldiers.

"Hmph, with the difference in strength, fighting spirit is worthless." Serifed sneered, and another ball knocked him out.

"Where's Makoto Takamura? That coward, get out of here." Serifed.

"Really?" a cold voice. from afar.

Takamura et al, finally arrived.


"Minister, 35

"Minister, teach him a lesson." The crowd cheered.

In the hearts of Rikkai members, Takamura is invincible.

"It's finally here." Serifford sneered.

He's been waiting long enough.

The hotel and Heinkerts are reporting the situation.

Suddenly, they got an intelligence.

That is, Germany's two high-profile geniuses, the robots Frankenstein and Ziegseliverde, quietly came to Japan.

The intelligence of Heydrich and Makoto Takamura comes to mind.

And Serifed's character.

Heinkerts' faces changed drastically.


Serif was upset, because he felt himself being suppressed.

That's momentum.

Also, eyes.

The look in Makoto Takamura's eyes, the look in his own eyes, was most familiar to Serif.

Because, that's how he looked at black people and yellow people.

It's like looking at a monkey.

"Makoto Takamura, have a fight with me.

Yukimura took the lead.

"You are not yet qualified for the minister to take action.

"Makoto Takamura, you don't even dare to accept the challenge?" Seriver sneered.

Rikkai everyone laughed.

"Just you?"

"Ten of you are not the minister's opponent.

An angry Serifford gritted his teeth.

Because he can feel it, this is someone else's sincere words.

This made Serifed even more furious.

"Okay, I'll beat you monkey first, and then I'll deal with Makoto Takamura. 35

Yukimura's eyes narrowed slightly.

In my heart, there is murderous intent.

The others backed away silently.

Yukimura is the strongest when it comes to manipulating people's hearts and destroying opponents.

"Poor, I don't know Yukimura's abilities at all, and I don't know what will happen to myself.

Serifford's hearing is very good, or in other words, his hearing is not good, and the probability of becoming a tennis master is very low.

"The Whispering Monkey, get out of here." Serifford cursed.

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