I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 133 Top Ten World's Strongest Junior High School Students

At the airport, French scout Spencer Smith stared blankly at the two figures in front of him.

Rubbing his eyes, yes, just the two of them.

But how is this possible?

"Hey, look, is that Amadeus from Switzerland, and Tasta.

Companions thought Smith was crazy.

"Are you kidding me, Amadeus, what kind of characters are Tastas, how could they be them..." The companion was speechless.

Because he also thinks he is crazy.

The usual Amadeus and Tasta are so high-spirited and heroic; now, some people believe that the two of them are defeated dogs.

There is no doubt that Amadeus and others, in Japan, suffered a defeat or a disastrous defeat.

"His" suddenly realized the thought.


The two scouts looked terrified.

Even Amadeus lost, so how strong is the Japanese team?

So, the Japanese team, which is stronger than Duke Watanabe, really have 4 more players?

For a time, the two people in France had cold hands and feet.

Report must be reported immediately.

The French team must immediately collect information on the Japanese team to prepare for the next World Cup.

And the French Tennis Association, but also because of this, a lot of chickens and dogs jumped.

Italy, Byōdōin Hōō also received the beginning and end of the matter 830.

There was a smile on his unsmiling face.

Makoto Takamura, didn't let him down.

Switzerland? Humph.

Byōdōin Hōō snorted coldly and walked back to the airport again.

Target, Switzerland.

This time, he will also make a big noise for the Swiss U17.

As a result, the Swiss U17 ushered in an overlord.

Without Amadeus, Tasta, and the entire Swiss U17, no one is the opponent of Byōdōin Hōō.

Boom, the same light hit the ball, a ball blasted open the door of U17.

"Come on, stop him."

"Byōdōin Hōō of the Japanese team, how strong is it?

"Impossible, I don't believe the Japanese team has such a strong person. 99

Some people do not believe, some people shout, some people are afraid.

The Swiss Tennis Association is even more overwhelmed.

"Why is the Japanese team's counterattack so fast, sure enough, they had a premeditated plan.

"Why did the Japanese team have another Byōdōin Hōō?"

"The intelligence is completely wrong.

"What about the pros? How long will it take?

"1 hour."

"How could it be so long?"

"There's a traffic jam.

Nothing (chbj) can stop Byodoin's footsteps.

The noble son of the Swiss genius, Henry Nobel III, was defeated.

The treasure of Swiss tennis, Pietrambeer, can't catch three strokes.

Even the amazingly powerful Albert Federer and Randy Bugu couldn't stop Byōdōin Hōō's rampage.

In the end, when Amadeus came back, it was the news of the overall fiasco of the Swiss U17s.

6 people were disabled, 20 people were injured, and 8 people were struck out of the tennis field.

An angry Amadeus was livid.

"Makoto Takamura, Byōdōin Hōō, I remember you.

In this confrontation, Switzerland was crushed.

After half a month, no one relaxed, everyone was training hard.

In addition, Takamura received news from Byōdōin Hōō.

I also know the consequences of the Bydo Yuan's rioting in Switzerland.

"It's really the style of Byodoin.

Takamura laughed.

Almost all world-class players have the experience of wandering the world.

Medanore, Polk, Byōdōin Hōō, and, the scariest of all, Echizen Ryoga.

"Minister, have you read the news from the United States?" Marui ran over, looking extremely excited.


"Then take a look, it's about you.

Takamura: "???


Soon, Takamura saw his name in a magazine.

"Tennis" is a magazine news that focuses on tennis exclusively issued in the United States.

Great influence.

This time, the title of "Tennis" is directly "Top Ten Strongest Junior High School Students in the World. 35

{The tenth place, Japan, Niou Masaharu, the first day of the first year.

The ever-changing figure, endless stunts, can replicate all the abilities in the world, this is Niou Masaharu, one of the most difficult tricksters.

Reminder: Niou Masaharu has two forms, one is normal mode, the other is not only the strength has changed, but also the shape and appearance will change accordingly.

The ninth place, Japan, Seiichi Yukimura, the first grade.

Known as the Son of God, beneath his polite exterior is a terrifying tennis ball that can manipulate the five senses.

It also has powerful magical skills against the reserved light. Can greatly improve their basic strength.

Note: This is a spiritual genre player, players who want to challenge, please be careful.

Eighth place, Japan, Tezuka Kunimitsu.

The superb ball-handling skills, the spin control from seconds to peak, the almost indecipherable zero-style serve, and the opening of the reserved light make up a unique genius, Tezuka Kunimitsu.

Attached is a zero-serve diagram.

No. 7, Germany, Berti, the first year.

With the absolute genius of AI, he can break all the stunts in the world, with a solid foundation, and an extremely calm mind, he is the most troublesome opponent type for all players.

Note: AI cracking skills requires a process. So, your skills can still get a point or two from Berti.


The third place, Germany, QP, the third grade.

The supreme masterpiece of German elite education.

A strong body, impeccable technology, an extremely solid foundation, and a shrewd brain that seems to calculate everything.

Formed a perfect and strongest weapon.

Note: QP is extremely powerful, don't be fooled by his small size.

2nd place, Greece. Zeus Ilioboros, sophomore.

Named after the god-king in Greek mythology, no one finds it strange, and it is recognized by the entire Greek country.

Because, this man, above the court, is God.

Omniscient, omnipotent, supreme.

God's realm, colorful light.

Thunder serve, the authority of the king of God.

Attachment: All-knowing and all-powerful guessing.

The first place, Japan, Makoto Takamura, the first day of the first year.

This is a man full of mysteries, because he has basically never shot.

Unknown skill, unknown strength, unknown playing style.

Everything is a mystery.

But the peerless genius ranked 8th, 9th, and 10th, called him a minister, and was convinced and voluntarily surrendered;

And from the age of 4, Makoto Takamura began a life of extreme self-discipline.

Train for 8 hours a day, do not eat any junk food, and focus on tennis;

This alone will be able to complete the explosion of the above 9 players.

Everyone who has seen Makoto Takamura has praised it.

More people praised that Makoto Takamura has long been a professional player.

Note: The author found that before meeting Makoto Takamura, although Niou Masaharu and others were strong, they were far from world-class.

Therefore, the author has a bold hypothesis, Makoto Takamura, has the ultimate stunt that can transform a genius. }.

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