I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 140 Despicable Koreans

Han country, Seoul.

Han national team, is taking the time to analyze the intelligence of the Japanese team.

Because of the historical origin of the two countries, coupled with the fragile national self-esteem of the Han country, it is still the home court.

The National Tennis Association has already given U17 a death order.

Must win, at all costs.

The Asian Tennis Association is very happy, let's see, isn't the topic of this topic coming?

In the conference room of Nuoda, the representatives of the first army of the Han country were neat and undressed, and they were waiting in full force.

"Cut," NO.10's Jiang Zhiwu laughed,

"The devil is really no one, who is not good to use, and even uses a junior high school student as the main general."


As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces were relieved.

"Tennis" has always boasted about the strongest junior high school student in the world, what if it is the strongest junior high school student in the world?

Just a mere junior high school student, what kind of strength can he have?

Sitting, can't even junior high school students beat it?

how is this possible.

Looking at the world rankings.

Japan, 31, Han, 30.

Don't look at it, it's a taller,

That's a world of difference.

Represents the strength of the han country, which is above Japan.

Looking at the record, Japan went home in the group stage, while Han country won a game in the World Cup.

"Also there are "830", I saw their list of players. There are four junior high school students in the top 10 of the first army. No.5 Quan Zhilong's face is solemn,

"It seems that the devils want to put their hopes on the next World Cup and have a long-term vision.

This point, Han country can not compare.

Even most parts of the world can't compare.

However, this also shows that the Devils gave up this World Cup, and their main force did not come.

Everyone's face is relaxed.

Cultivating the next generation means that the combat power is insufficient.

This time, I will definitely teach the devil a lesson.

"Okay, we have all the information about the Japanese team. Now, let's study the tactics." Coach Li Xiuman lowered his voice.

"I warn you, even if the strength is above the opponent, we must not be careless.

"We are clear about our relationship with Japan, we can lose to anyone, North Korea and Japan must not lose.

"First of all, it is to use our home field advantage..."

On the plane, Takamura looked at the intelligence of the country of Han.

The first impression of Takamura, a player from the country of Han, is that she looks more like a star than a player.

Sanada also opened the player information.

"This man or woman?"

Sanada was surprised.

Made many people laugh.

"You're joking, the Han country player is naturally a man, Miss flight attendant forced herself to put on a false smile and corrected herself.

This is the Laihan national flight.

"Oh." Sanada suddenly realized.

"How do they dress up like this? Aren't they afraid of being misunderstood as a woman?

The corners of the flight attendant's mouth twitched, not a service norm. For fear of losing their job, they couldn't help but loudly accuse Sanada of framing the hero of Han.

Takamura shook his head amusingly, and could only say, shouldn't it be the Han country's stick?

Tennis players, all men and women, are very Chinese.

"We have to be careful, at the home of the country, nothing happens," 35 Takamura reminded.

"Yes, according to the news I received, all the countries that go to the han country to compete are evaluated in one word." Irie Kanata said with great interest.

"That word?


Hearing everyone frown.

Soon, everyone was confused.

Arrive at the hotel, and after dinner, hold a tactical meeting.

As soon as he walked in, Takamura's expression changed.

"Okay, players from the country of Han, what we need to pay attention to is-"

Takamura raised his hand to stop the words of spiritual coach Saitō Itaru, and then, while everyone watched, in the corner, took out a bug.

Everyone was pale.

Takamura looked again.

There can't be only one bug.

Soon, in different corners, three were found.

"Asshole." Tohno Atsukyo was annoyed.

It is necessary to find the theory of han people.

"Enough," San Mifūne Nyudō stopped, "what evidence do you have to prove that it was released by the Han people?

"Just in our conference room, who else is there besides Han people? 35

"Of course not," Takamura said indifferently, "the network association is looking at evidence, not speculation, even if this speculation is very reasonable. 39

"I believe that someone must have checked into this room yesterday, and definitely not from Han.

"If we really want to investigate, the hotel is a problem that is not strictly organized, and it is an unintentional mistake.

"How cunning."

Jiazhi Kazena cursed.

Push yourself cleanly, really considering everything.

Sure enough, it is the style of the Han people.

"Then we'll be dumb?" Tsukimitsu Ochi frowned.

He was also unhappy when he saw the country of Han.

"It can only be this way," Saitō Itaru said.

"This is the home field advantage." He emphasized, "The home field is the territory of the Chinese people, and only soldiers can come to block the water and cover it with soil."

"Not necessarily," Takamura said, pointing at Yanagi Renji's computer.

"There's really no way for Han U17, there's no direct evidence, but this hotel—" Takamura laughed, with a gloomy tone.

"Post the news about the misorganization of the hotel on the Internet, and then have our own opinions. When meeting reporters, first explain that the hotel is not properly managed and that there are items lost, and spread the news to the world. The bigger the noise, the better."

"Others dare not say, this hotel, Han people want to quell the situation. 35

'By the way, one more point,' Takamura patted his forehead.

"Let's talk about it after we leave. Otherwise, once the hotel is broken, the water and electricity are cut off, and even some stimulants are added to the meals, we will have a hard time."

Saitō Itaru sucked in the cold air.

Looking at Takamura in amazement.

(How can you be so adept at intrigue at such a young age? And, so thoughtful?)

For Takamura, Saitō Itaru was frightened for the first time.

And decided to never offend Makoto Takamura.

The others also looked at Takamura in amazement.

It's like meeting for the first time.

"You're really insidious, but I like it. Tohno Atsukyo laughed.

Then, when it was time to rest in the evening, there were gongs and drums outside, playing and singing.

Outside the hotel, many people from Han countries are organizing activities, no matter how loud they are.

How exaggerated the picture should be.

Even a soundproof room can't stop the loud speakers.

Even, many people played huge banners.

"Get out of Han country.

"Japan will lose.

It makes Tezuka and others extremely uncomfortable.

It was Takamura, no surprise.

This is the reason for the division of home and away.

In their own home court, each country, of course, uses various means to improve the efficiency of their own victory.

Don't say despicable or despicable, these are all normal means allowed by the rules.

Japan does the same.

"Here," Takamura took out earplugs and distributed them to all junior high school students.

High school students have experience.

San Mifūne Nyudō San silently took off the prepared earplugs.

Originally, he was going to take it out at the last minute, so as to teach a lesson to the upset and flustered junior high school students.

What is home field advantage and what is the lower limit of not underestimating the enemy.

High school students also come here.

Unexpectedly, Takamura thought of going ahead of him again.

Let San Mifūne Nyudō feel helpless.

The students are too stupid and not good.

But the students are too smart, and that's not good either.

This makes himself, the head coach, seem useless.

"Hurry up and rest, and have a game tomorrow," Mifune said.

"One more thing, no matter what I eat tomorrow, I will check everything with an instrument to make sure that there is no stimulant in it. This old man has suffered a big loss." Mifune recalled the past again.

"Mineral water, you can only drink the sealed bottle, it's best to bring it from China. Once the bottle cap is opened, even if you don't drink it, throw it away for me.

Three Mifūne Nyudō three kept exhorting.

"What about dinner tonight?" Fuji asked.

"I sent someone to check beforehand, and it's fine. 99

Whoops, outside, the people of Han are still shouting.

Drums, trumpets, and someone started the concert.

cause the crowd to cheer.

"Can you really rest? Earplugs don't work either." Irie Kanata patted her head helplessly.

"And food and water, good guy, you have to be prepared for everything, it's very tiring."

Jiazhi Kazena and others can say that after the war in the world, they have understood most of the situation and are psychologically prepared.

And Tezuka and others, even if they are mature, they are also a little anxious.

"Don't worry, we have already made preparations for the country of Han. Takamura said, took out the items, and started to make up.

The makeup of the four major magic arts in East Asia.

Soon, someone completely different from Takamura appeared.

And, unlike Takamura's unremarkable face, this is a face that makes people sleepless at 1.9.

Makes it look like a nightmare.

Ignore the surprised eyes of everyone. Let everyone go first.

And, gave San Mifūne Nyudō San a few words.

Mifune was shocked and looked at Takamura with extremely complicated eyes.

There is fear, there is sobriety, and there is schadenfreude.

"I see." Mifune left.

Start calling people right away.

After everyone left, after half an hour, Takamura estimated that he was almost done and walked to the window.

The conference room has floor-to-ceiling windows that can be opened. Facing the square, it is also the place where Han people gather.

Seeing Takamura's figure, the crowd even more excited.

I thought Takamura was angry and couldn't take it anymore. The angrier and angrier Takamura became, the happier they were.

For a while, the noise got a little louder.

As a result, Takamura did nothing, just sat there, judging from time to time, as if watching a monkey show.

Well, by the way, I ordered a late-night snack, and then I ordered a few side dishes and judged it.

Also, I called two young ladies, ignoring the forced smiles of the young lady, one of them massaged their shoulders and the other sat in Takamura's arms, which was very pleasant.

High-end hotels have special services, as long as they have money.


"Horse, 35

"Is this an U17 player? Bah. Scum."

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