If you keep it for a long time, you will lose it. An inattentive, sharp tennis ball hit Song Zhongji in the face.

"Ah," Song Joong Ki exclaimed.

Blood was dripping, and his nose collapsed.

His handsome skin was broken.

"Bastard, I'm going to kill you.

Song Joong Ki was so mad that he could no longer keep calm and attacked wildly.

But how can Song Joong Ki, who is in a turmoil, be the opponent of Tohno Atsukyo.

Consecutive cement and stone leather boots, the bull of Faolaris, the three moves of the pagan trial, and the bruised Song Joong-ki.

Make those fans cry.

"It's so pathetic."

"No, don't attack Oppa again.

"Referee, foul, how can tennis hit someone? 35

But the referee still didn't bird them.

Only one sentence.

Keep playing.

Tohno Atsukyo was even more unreasonable and attacked again and again.

Every time tennis is played, Song Joong Ki is hit.

In other words, Tohno Atsukyo was fighting Song Joong Ki.

"Hahaha, happy." Tohno Atsukyo laughed.

This is the tennis he looks forward to.

Song Joong Ki couldn't hold back.

By the time the game was over, he was no longer in human form.

In particular, all the thirteen strokes of execution were used, and Song Zhongji's whole body was already in shape.

"So pitiful." The fans left hot tears.

"Too much." Fans shouted.

"Demon, I curse you to die. The audience yelled.

It wasn't that the audience was warned, but the next wave of rubbish was thrown over again.

"Hahaha, trash, really trash." Tohno Atsukyo laughed wildly.

Walking on the catwalk, with the help of music - Takamura bought a stereo - he walked down the venue extremely arrogantly.

Raise your right hand high.

Fingers open.

That's a slap.

The audience was rioting, and the security guard was even more bitter.

What if there is a riot?

"I object, the Japanese player Tohno Atsukyo provokes the audience and wants to sentence him to lose." "Li Xiuman finally got angry.

He wants to return the way of the people to the body of the people.

"I don't, is it a foul when I walk arrogantly?

"No." The referee shook his head.

"I just raised my arm, foul?

"Of course not.

"What happened to that slap?" Li Xiuman exclaimed.

"It's an insult. 99

"Opening your hand is a slap, and clenching your fist is about hitting someone?

"Of course not, Coach Li Xiuman, you are too much (chbj)," the referee advised.

"Then the trash he scolded just now is an insult to the players and must be severely punished.

"Oh, I said something wrong, I'm sorry."

Saying that, Tohno Atsukyo hurried to Song Joong Ki's stretcher and said.

"Although I beat you out of shape, and although I scolded you just now, but I apologize now, then we will be clear.

After speaking, he bowed.

Song Joong Ki:

Han country players:

Lee Soo Man:

"Okay, that's it." The referee's meaning revealed that this was the end.

Takamura smiled.

It seems that in 2002, the referee session is still on fire.

On the premise of not breaking the rules, the referee must be heading for the Japanese team.

Li Xiuman opened his mouth, opened his eyes wide, and went back angrily.

He kicked the mineral water bottle into the auditorium with one foot, knocking a hapless man unconscious.

The two doubles are Irie Kanata and Sanada Genichiro.

High school students and junior high school students.

"Hmph, Japan is really empty, even junior high school students." Jin Xiumin sneered.

Doubles two, Han country is NO.3 Kim Xiumin and NO.4 Jiang Zhihuan.

The cooperation between the two sides is very strong.

"Don't be careless," Sanada said.

Irie nodded sheepishly.

Glancing at Jin Xiumin, he shrank his head again.

A newbie.

This is what Kim Soo-min and Kang Ji-hwan thought.

Perhaps, a gap can be opened from him.

This is the second thought.

"Hahaha, look at the one with glasses, it's so funny. A spectator laughs.

"Yeah, just like this, it also represents U17, I can go to me.""

The audience laughed.

By the way, put pressure on the Japanese team.

The first game, Sanada serve.

In an instant, as soon as he made a shot, it was like thunder.

Boom, crackle, just a flash of light past, is the figure of the ball.


"Okay, that's awesome, Sanada." Irie yelled.

"Interesting." Jin Xiumin smiled.

But not enough.

Sanada shot again, Kim Xiumin moved quickly, and was about to fight back.

Boom, the net wears out.


"Okay." Irie applauded.

Jin Xiumin's face narrowed slightly.

Glancing at Irie.

"I have completely seen through your serve, weakness. Kim Xiumin said.

Very confident tone.

For mediocre wear, use the racquet edge to break it easily.

Sanada looked at Kim Xiumin coldly.

"Don't talk too much."

Jin Xiumin smiled lightly.

It's a fact that he never speaks loudly.

Move like thunder.

For the third time, Kim Soo-min caught the ball with a racquet edge.

Unexpectedly, just after catching the Let ball, the tennis ball was divided into two and fell to both sides of the court.


"How, see through?" Sanada sneered.

"Before you speak, think about your ability."

Kim Soo-min was angry.

Irie added fuel to the fire.

"Jin-kun, you made a mistake just now, you didn't see through Sanada-kun's skills,

In particular, Irie showed sincerity in cowardice and calm in fear, which completely exploded Kim Xiumin's mentality.

Lee Soo Man frowned, feeling that Irie Kanata was talking too much.

"Kim Xiumin, Jiang Zhihuan, you two, be careful about the one with glasses.

Jin Xiumin nodded.

However, Kim Soo Min's eyes were dangerous, and the anger in his heart began to rise.

Fourth ball.

Kim Xiumin is ready, this time, he will not be careless.

Dividing the ball, piercing the net, changing irregularly, he has been fully equipped.

Take all possible situations into account.

As a result, moving like a thunderous speed, it was 50% faster than the beginning, and it went straight over his racquet.


(Being tricked, this is his full strength.) Kim Xiumin realized instantly.

His face was gloomy.

"Jiang Zhihuan, you step back first, and I'll return to him.

Kim Soo Min was furious.

He also has a super-speed ball.

The speed can reach 450KM/H.

The first goal is to point to Irie Kanata.

The weak in the court.

"Beat me. 39

Boom boom boom, swirling airflow, causing strong winds.

"I must stop it." Irie ran fast, and the slow Kim Soo Min and Jiang Zhihuan wanted to laugh.

Especially Irie Kanata fell to the ground and laughed even more.

As a result, Irie fell, and the racquet in her hand was just in the way of the tennis ball.


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