I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 158 North Korea Team: Too Difficult

Switzerland, Amadeus looked at the news and clenched his hands fiercely.

He also remembered the shame of the past.

That was, the most humiliating experience of my life.

Looking at Tasta, Amadeus, who was still resuming training, he went to practice in silence.

Next time, he won't lose again.

And Tata, looking at the news of Takamura, was even more angry and his face turned green.

"How long do I have to be better?""

"A year and a half.

"It's been too long, I want to speed up my recovery."

"It's too dangerous, and it hurts your potential."

"I can't handle that much anymore. My opponent is still improving. I can't stand still.""

Staring at Tasta, the doctor finally agreed.

"OK then."

France, Echizen Ryoga watched Takamura's news with interest.

As a peer of his own, he constantly refreshed his understanding.

"The strongest junior high school student in the world?"

There was humor, disdain, and humor in his tone.

Because, Echizen Ryoga is also a junior high school student.

"I don't know, when will the fight against you be, the U17 arena, or..."

847 returned to U17 again, and Takamura once again guided everyone's practice.

After experiencing two world wars, everyone is eye-opening.

Everyone wants to fight in the world.

According to Takamura's training plan for everyone, everyone's strength is steadily improving.

For example, Tezuka, his game is very practical.

However, too much reliance on rotation.

Once the opponent has a trick that can restrain the spin, he will be numb.

Therefore, Tezuka also needs to improve the ball speed.

Using the power of rotation can greatly reduce air resistance and make the ball faster.

It can also make the tennis ball more erratic and reduce the probability of the opponent catching the ball.

There is also Yukimura, Yukimura's YIPS and basic advection, which requires Yukimura to have a very high foundation. Therefore, Yukimura's main practice is to strengthen the foundation.

A fixed amount of basic training that Yukimura must complete every day.

Like Fuji Syusuke and others, the strength is already a world apart from half a year ago.

It has already completely surpassed Liu Sheng, Kuang Yuan and others.

There was nothing Takamura could do about it.

Tennis, after all, is also a sport that relies heavily on talent. Not enough talent is not enough, and no matter how hard you work, you can't catch up.

In this regard, Liu Sheng and others are very calm.

They knew for a long time that compared with Takamura and other gods, they would never catch up.

And like the seniors, such as Kazena, his speed is the fastest.

However, to a certain extent, speed is also power. If you use the speed of fast movement, then Kazena's strength will also rise to a higher level.

And Tsukimitsu Ochi, with his mach serve, has a lot to offer.

Among them, the most important at present is to improve his physical strength...

In March, there will be another U17 Asian Top Ten Tournament.

This time, the Japanese team is at home.

The opponents are North Korea and Beibang.

"North Korea's strength is not strong, this time, it is a good opportunity to use our home field advantage.

Three Mifūne Nyudō said three.

And Takamura also wanted to know what the home field advantage of the Japanese team was.

Soon, Takamura looked odd.

"Is this what you call home field advantage?

The Japanese U17 directly booked a 5-star luxury hotel as the residence of the North Korean U17 team.

Moreover, in the hotel, wine, food, beauty, everything is available.

Where is this as an opponent, it is clearly treated as a guest.

Takamura understood at a moment's notice.

In this world, because there are only polar bears behind North Korea, and polar bears are also poor ghosts, they can't produce much, so North Korea is very poor.


"Looks like you know," Mifune smiled. He admired Gao (chbj) village the most, in addition to his strength, he was active.

"Yes, North Korea is very poor, and even their players can only say that they are full, not well-fed. 35

"People who are used to being poor, once they fall into enjoyment, their competitive state..." Mifune smiled.

This is a lore specifically for North Korea.

And if it is Han, it is naturally a different approach.

Protests outside the hotel, insults, affect the rest of the players. Affect the mood of the players and make them impatient.

"I don't think it is necessary. 35 Takamura against.

Takamura absolutely disagrees with spending money to serve North Korean sticks.

"They are weak. Any lineup can beat them.

"Of course I know, but strong strength doesn't necessarily mean victory." Mifune recalled the World Cup in France. If he didn't preserve his strength, he would be in the semifinals.

This is something Mifune regrets extremely.

"The victory or defeat of the game is accumulated by a little bit of small factors. Strength is only one aspect, as well as mentality, physical fitness, competitive state, acclimatization, including climate, competition venue, and even a small mistake during the competition. lead to failure.""

"My task is to build strengths from every point of view, and when small strengths combine, it is an unstoppable victory.

Spend some money and increase your win rate, in the eyes of three Mifūne Nyudō three, it is worth it.

No way, is more money, willful.

North Korea: envy ING.

"Once you make a move, you must use all your strength and absolutely do not give the enemy any opportunity to take advantage of it," Mifune said.

This is what Mifune learned from the World Cup in France.

Takamura glanced at Mifune.

It's nice to say, after 2 years, the pattern of your tailwind still hasn't changed.

"I disagree." Takamura said lightly.


"We agreed to listen to me.

This is still Takamura's agreement to join the U17.

Three ships:

MMP, co-authoring and I talked for a long time, all in vain?

In the end, Mifune agreed with Takamura.

The hotel should be cancelled all at once.

The last thing Takamura saw was the resentful expression of the hotel manager.

A good deal, blown.

Soon, the North Korean team entered, without the support of the Japanese team, and due to the lack of funds, the U17 of the University of Connaught found a small hotel to settle in, but it was in tatters.

Compared to the hotel booked before Mifune, it is heaven and a pig's nest.

Moreover, in order to reduce expenses, all North Korean players cook and eat by themselves.

In addition, Takamura also discovered that the clothes worn by the North Korean players turned out to be gifts from the last World Cup, one set for each player.

It was also treasured by the North Korean team members, waiting to be taken out during the game, which is not ashamed.


North Korea: It's too difficult.

Takamura was speechless when he heard it.

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