I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 161 The shock brought by Fuji Syusuke

Three Mifūne Nyudō stared at the game with his mouth wide open.

White Dragon, Phoenix Return, Qilin Drop, Light Wind, Guardian of the Hundred-Armed Giant

One by one gorgeous tricks came at hand, followed by one by one, completely pressing Zhang Chengze into the disadvantage.

"Okay, okay," San Mifūne Nyudō slapped his thigh sharply.

Fuji Syusuke, this little guy, surprised him too much.

As a middle school student, suppress North Korea's NO.2.

"Fuji Syusuke.

Three Mifūne Nyudō three silently chanted.

He remembered the name.

In turn, three Mifūne Nyudō looked at Takamura again, full of doubts.

(Kid Takamura, how did you know that Fuji Syusuke would evolve? And Tezuka Kunimitsu and Seiichi Yukimura before? Weird.)

New ball skills, all birds face the phoenix.

Tens of phantoms appeared in the tennis ball, and they seemed to form the pattern of a phoenix.

Because of the wind, the tennis does irregular motion, the vibration amplitude increases, and the phantom increases;

Because of the light, a phantom appeared in the tennis ball, and a golden phoenix shone brightly. And because of the fast tennis ball, the air was drawn, which caused a chirping sound, like the chirping of birds, which made people intoxicated.

"It's so beautiful." The audience was mesmerized.

Watching Fuji's tennis is a pleasure.

Even Zhang Chengze was stunned.

He seemed to have seen the phoenix.

Boom, 15:0.

Fuji Syusuke scores.

The racket and the tennis ball are divided into two, intertwined with each other, and separated from each other, and keep running.

There are no rules, but it is like dancing a gorgeous dance.

"Don't think about it," "Jang Cheng-taek instantly turned into two people and shot out at the same time.

However, the two tennis balls slowly turned into phantoms and disappeared.


New ball skill - Butterfly Dance.

Another move, boom, and Fuji Syusuke scored.

The score, 6:4.

In the first set, Fuji Syusuke won.

(Damn, the opponent has evolved, what's going on?) Zhang Chengze doesn't understand, he doesn't understand why the ants who were weak and inexperienced before, the ants that can be pinched to death suddenly become so strong.

Beat yourself so completely that you can't fight back.

However, he will not admit defeat.

Suddenly, taking advantage of Fuji Syusuke's inattentiveness, he hit an extremely tricky spin.

Extremely fast, completely irregular motion, erratic in the air. Can't hold onto the spot.

(This trick, I have never used it, I can't think of it, I still have it.) Jang Cheng-taek sneered.

But soon, Jang Cheng-taek's smile froze.

Because of his spin, it was directly broken.

In less than 0.1 seconds, tennis has returned to its own backcourt.

"Forgot to tell you, what I'm good at is dealing with technical balls." Fuji Syusuke smiled.

Let Zhang Chengze's heart cool down.

(Can't believe the opponent's words, he may be cheating me.) Jang Song-taek forced himself to calm down, but the game still did not improve, and it was one-sided.

Takamura watched silently and wrote lightly.

(Marked by Hundred Birds Chaofeng and Butterfly Dance, Fuji Syusuke's tennis has evolved from a counter-attack type to a super-attack type. No, with the previous moves, it should be an all-around type.)

Touch, Fuji Syusuke scores.

Touch, the tennis ball flies off the baseline.


Fuji Syusuke wins.

"Amazing, really awesome." San Mifūne Nyudō San praised.

Looking at Fuji Syusuke's eyes, full of admiration.

This is one, true genius.

"It's so gorgeous.

"The skill is really good.""

"Do whatever you want, move your heart as you want, it's amazing, it's amazing."

There was a lot of discussion, and they finally recovered from the game just now.

Scouts hidden everywhere, silently press the camera.

It seems that the Japanese team, in addition to Makoto Takamura and others, among the junior high school students, there is another Fuji Syusuke that needs attention.

Both audiences and well-informed professionals gave Fuji Syusuke a very high evaluation.

Genius, true genius.

It also made Ryūzaki's heart even more regretful.

Fuji Syusuke, who was supposed to be Seigaku, is Seigaku's genius.

Ryūzaki roared inwardly.

Once, there was a real genius in front of me, but I didn't cherish it. When you lose it, you will know the value of genius.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.

Ryūzaki looked frustrated.

"Fuji Syusuke..." Oshitari paled.

I'm afraid I can't catch up with Fuji Syusuke.

This battle directly broke Oshitari's confidence.

Atobe also looked at Fuji with a shocked face. Obviously, Fuji Syusuke's performance completely exceeded Atobe's imagination.

"If it were me, could I beat Fuji Syusuke?"9

Atobe asked back.

Fuji Yumiko looked at Fuji with a smile on her face.

My younger brother is really very promising.

"Yuta, you will be as good as Syusuke in the future.

"Oh." Fuji Yuta was a little dissatisfied.

What does it mean to be as good as "Syusuke?"

He is also very good himself.

In Fuji Yuta's heart, there was some dissatisfaction.

Next, is doubles two.

Kazena, and Tohno Atsukyo.

This is an 847 crush battle.

Even if the North Korean team sent their own NO.3 and NO.4, the same is true.

The two former First Army top 10 generals, Huang Bingrui and Cui Longhai, fought in a row.

Especially Tohno Atsukyo, with his violent tennis, lethal moves.

"Haha, be punished."

Iron Maiden.

The ball slammed hard on Cui Longhai.

Cui Longhai continued the game without saying a word.

"What a strong desire to win, this is a group of worthy opponents." Tezuka praised.

Huang Bingrui fractured his left hand and continued the game.

Choi Ryonghae was knocked down 5 times, and each time he stood up and continued to fight.

"You may not know the consequences of the North Korean team losing," Takamura said.

"If you lose, everyone will be sent to the coal mine to dig coal."

"What?" Tezuka and the others were shocked.

"Isn't this just losing a game? Nioh is incredible.

"But it lost the prestige of North Korea, and North Korea itself is very poor and needs labor." Takamura said lightly.

"This is also one of the reasons why the North Korean team has a strong desire to win." After Takamura finished speaking, he also felt deeply about the North Korean players.

Then, I said something to a fat man, doing it beautifully.

The harder the stick was, the happier Takamura was.

After the game was over, the Japanese team won.

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