I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 16 Seamless? Isn't that a split second?

Mathematics is the language of God, and all the mysteries of the entire universe can be expressed in mathematics. Including time, including black holes, and of course death.

Those world-famous mathematicians can even turn all the problems in the world into mathematical models. Solving the mathematical model means solving the difficulty.

Of course whether the mathematical model can be solved is another matter, after all, this is a world that makes Newton's coffin board dance.

This is the role of the intellectual brain. As the computing power has already surpassed the terrifying amount of calculation of human beings, it is very simple to build a model, extract, analyze, and condense.

Relying on the memory in Takamura's brain, collect players' information, including but not limited to living habits, personality, family, living environment, game habits, ball skills, etc.

It can be said that, not to mention it is seamless, even Echizen Nanjiro, the king of net ceiling, has no secrets for Takamura.

"Drip drip,"

In just a few hours, after eliminating the distracting factor of happiness, the results of the intellectual brain analysis appeared.

"Seamless, the power of selflessness is stored in the depths of the body, and it is released in a restrained form without waste, and released in an appropriate amount.

The brilliance of the outer wrapping allows the player's own energy to be preserved in the body without any leakage, and through the will as an amplifier, the overall physical fitness can be improved..."

The perfect secret is in front of you.

"It turns out that the key is will, or mental power. Whether it is happiness or resentment, amplify some of your emotions to the limit and break through, believe in yourself,

Having strong self-confidence in yourself, being determined to win even in desperate situations, and focusing all your attention on the game, plus enough foundations,” Takamura suddenly said.

"What about me."

Takamura closed her eyes.

In my mind, countless Takamura villains appear, simulating different methods: exercise, competition, life perception...

In different environments, day, night, cliffs, blue sea and blue sky...

Analyze different moods, the excitement of strength improvement, the frustration of failure; the anger of quarreling with others, the warmth of family reunion...

Zhinao is trying step by step, trying to help Takamura open up seamlessly.

There are small Takamura failures, numerous. The same goes for little Takamura.

The failures are grouped into one group, and the reasons for failure are analyzed. The successful ones are also grouped into one group, and the elements of success are analyzed.

All previous attempts to turn on seamlessness failed. This time, with the elimination of interference factors, successful samples began to appear.

Moreover, there are more and more successful samples, and the success rate is also increasing.

Simulate the 10 millionth time.

10% success rate.

Simulate the 23.2 millionth time.

The success rate is fifty percent.


Simulate the 450 millionth time.

100% success rate.

Zhinao has given the premise and method of opening seamless.

"Intellectual brain, hypnotize, and isolate my senses."

Through hints one by one, the already strong self-confidence becomes firmer, which is the confidence to win;

The sense of smell, pain, and useless sensations disappear, which makes the concentration of attention unprecedentedly improved; a large amount of energy flows into the brain, and the mental power is improved...


A dazzling light flashed and wrapped around Takamura. The light emitted is both warm and frightening.

Seamless, instantly open.

"In a perfect state, my strength has more than doubled." Takamura clenched his fists.

"It is an all-round improvement, strength, speed, endurance, mental strength, all-round improvement."

"Also, after the opponent is illuminated by the brilliance, fear will unconsciously emerge in the heart, disturbing the opponent's state, and the strength will be greatly reduced."

"As soon as you come and go, the strength has tripled. No wonder, no wonder that seamlessness is the ultimate trick of Selfless State, and it is also the strongest of the three realms."

"Very good. Seamless is a status skill, which can be improved with the improvement of one's own strength. This skill will never be eliminated. I have another hole card."

Before I knew it, half a year passed.

Soon, the new semester will start.

Cherry blossoms are blooming and people are surging. The noisy popularity, advanced facilities, numerous buildings, and the continuous flow of parents and students all explain the status of Rikkai.

The school has a long history and outstanding achievements. Since its establishment, the school has produced countless honest, honest, full of ideals and hope students. I can assure you that this is the perfect place to boost your ego during this golden age of teenage life.

Education in Japan, like America, has become a business.

The educational environment, teachers, and financial talents of private schools are far superior to those of public schools.

"The environment looks really good."

Strolling around the campus, Takamura marveled.

"Take me around. Get familiar with the environment."

"Okay." Yukimura nodded. *

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