I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 181 The Old Ugly Picture

"How? Can you bear it? If you can't stand it, just use the Big Bang." Kimijima kept talking.

It gave Jonan a headache to death.

Originally, his strength was not as good as that of a human being, and when he talked a lot of trash, he became even more dizzy.

Teaming up with Tohno Atsukyo, one ravages/destroys the body, and one ravages/destroys the spirit.

Let the two of them live rather than die.

As for using the Big Bang, when the two are fools.

Now it's just a temporary life rather than death,

Once the Big Bang is used, life is better than death.

Account, the two are very clear.

6:1,6:0, is the score of doubles two.

After the game, the two of them were covered in scars.

It is finally over, this is the most direct thought of the two.

Then, suddenly fainted to the ground.

In the singles second game, the Jonan team has to make a substitution.

No way, women's congenital defects, lack of strength.


"Coach, I want to play. 35

Hu Zhi was silent and nodded in agreement.

It's a loss anyway, so let Kasanna try it as compensation for Kasanna.

Although, Kasanna doesn't have to sacrifice.

And his opponent is Tachibana Jihei.

(Tachibana Yoshihira, this time, look at your training results.) Takamura thought lightly.

As soon as Kasanna came up, she was very moving.

"Little brother, friendship first, competition second," he said, blowing a kiss.

It made Tachibana Jihei extremely embarrassed.

After playing so many long games, 847 has really never faced a female face-to-face. In particular, he put on a pitiful posture, as if every attack was a crime.

And Tachibana Jihei, his own style of play is extremely violent.

Whether it's a runaway lion or a flurry of balls, it's easy to hurt your opponent.

Now, to deal with such a pitiful beauty, even if the opponent's strength is likely to be higher than his own, Tachibana Jiping is still a little uncomfortable.

However, with his good psychological quality, Tachibana Jihei kept his mind down.

First of all, the wild breath, strengthen the reaction speed.

Then, go berserk and improve your strength in an all-round way.


serve directly.

Super ball flurry.

According to Byōdōin Hōō's American Pirates, the world-class game was transformed.

One-third of the 12 tennis balls that were originally just afterimages became real.

You can't hit all the real tennis balls back at the same time, if you miss one, it's a failure.

Tachibana Yoshihira is also a super trick that can only be used if he uses his full strength.

(It's fast, and it's a doppelganger.) Cassana was taken aback.

Bye bye, the ball has crossed the net.


"It's really amazing, little brother, my elder sister admires you so much." Kasanna said, her eyes bright (chbj), with a strange influence, trying to influence Chitose.

It is Kasanna's game charm.

It is also a big mystery of yue Nan.

Special skills for women, the elderly, and children to practice.

And the Big Bang, is a match.

"Really, that woman is not a good person.

Tachibana in the audience muttered.

Maybe it's women's intuition, maybe it's women who understand women better, Ju Xing can see at a glance that the Yonan female player is a green/tea.

Tachibana Jihei also realized it.

The outgoing mental power constantly influenced himself, making him feel good about Kasanna.

Couldn't bear to make a move.

(Damn.) Fortunately, Tachibana Jihei's runaway lion form is extremely excited and has great resistance to mental attacks.

Also, according to Takamura's instructions, don't treat Kasanna as a human being, but as a beast.

Thinking this way, Tachibana Jihei tried his best to imagine that Kasanna in front of her was a sow and fat.

Slowly, it finally eased up.

But still not.

Not enough.

Thinking, Tachibana Jihei took out a picture book from his arms.

Hundreds of beautiful old ugly pictures.

What a blind old woman, a 90-year-old man without clothes...

Especially when scratching, scratching, and laughing at you, revealing only one or two yellow teeth left inside,

Extremely hot eyes.


Tachibana Jihei felt uncomfortable for a while.

After matching Kasanna, Tachibana Jihei finally calmed down.


She keenly felt the change in Tachibana Jihei's eyes.

It seems that there is disgust.

(Could it be that he likes men?) Cassanna shuddered suddenly when she thought of this possibility.

And Kimijima, was speechless.

Such a charming lady, you give the impression of a beast. Really, what a waste.

Tachibana Jihei serves again.

Bang bang bang.

serve several times in a row.


Both sides exchange, Cassana serve.

"Little brother, you have to take pity on elder sister. 35 said, Kasanna serve.

Charming effect, greatly reduced.

The speed of the ball is very fast, exceeding 380KM/H, the angle is tricky, and it draws several arcs in the air. However, it is still not enough to see in front of the Tachibanagi plane, which has long changed.

Touch, Tachibana Jihei fights back. Kasanna was not to be outdone.

Bang bang bang, the fierce battle began.

Bang bang bang.

Kasanna, hard to get a point.


Coach Yue Nan shook his head.

The disadvantage of women is still too great.

Strength and stamina are the biggest disadvantages.

Tachibana Jihei became more and more excited as he fought.

He is the type that gets stronger and stronger.

As for Kasanna, her own strength was above Tachibana Jihei, but her physical strength and strength were not as good, which completely shattered her thoughts of falling into a protracted war.

Only use skills.

Often, Kasanna can score points with great skill, but Tachibana Jihei used his strength to go straight and quickly counterattack.

Boom, chop, tennis row on the ground.

Cassana scores.

Hit the ball vigorously and use the skill of the wave ball to give full play to your strength.

Tachibana Jiping scored.

In the first set, Kasanna won 6-4.

However, in the second set, because Kasanna's physical strength was greatly reduced, the situation gradually became favorable to Tachibana Yoshihira.

In the second set, Tachibana Yoshihei won with a score of 7:6.

In the third set, both sides lacked physical strength. In the end, it was Tachibana Jihei, who won the victory with the advantage of men.

"Ah, Tachibana Jihei cheers, this is his first victory in the world.

"That's great, brother." Ju Xing smiled.

"Good job, Tachibana." Chitose smiled and applauded his friend.

Yanagyu and others, who were also applauding, celebrated Tachibana Jihei's victory.

"how is it going?

Kirihara Akaya, hurriedly finished the game, hurriedly ran over.

As soon as he came, he saw the picture of the crowd applauding.


Kirihaya sighed lightly.

Hurry up, hurry up, and finally you are not late.

Then, I saw the picture of Tachibana Jihei cheering up to the sky.

"Haha, what's the next game?" Kirihaya asked.

Others looked at him with a strange expression.

"What's wrong?" Kirihaya wondered.

"The game is over.

"I know, this game is over, isn't there another one?"

"I'm talking about all games."

"The whole game? Kirihaya blinked this eye, suddenly loudly.

"It's over?


Kirihaya was stunned, but still didn't catch up.

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