I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 183 Chengjun, let's date

"Then, Nanako, look at this.

With that said, Nanjiro hits a power ball.

Boom, a huge wave of air, causing a gust of wind that made Nanako's hair flutter.

The hem of the attached short skirt is about to flutter.


Takamura's heart skipped a beat.

The figure disappeared instantly and appeared in front of Nanako.

Take out the coat and put it on Nanako.

Block the spring light.

Boom, the ground, blasted a big hole.

The soil splashed and scattered.

Nothing happened to Nanako, dirt, it all hit Takamura.

"Uh." Nanjiro stopped talking, his eyes swaying from side to side.

It seems that he just pushed too hard.

Players, this is not good, the hands are rusty, once you start, you will not be able to grasp the strength.

Seriously, how did you forget the girl Nanako?

Nanjiro regretted "eight forty-seven".

"Are you all right?" Takamura said softly.

Nanako turned pale.

Just now, she really felt that the world had come to an end.

Explosion, noise, rocks...

She felt like she was dying. In times of despair,

A warm embrace just blocked in front of him.

Keep all dangers out.

Nanako's face was flushed, and his heart was pounding.

"No, it's fine.

Very low sound.

Looking at the yard again, Nanako's mouth has grown, his face is pale, and that small cherry mouth can already be stuffed with eggs.

"Is this tennis?

Nanako couldn't believe it.

"Yeah. 35

Now, Nanako also understood the meaning of tennis players.


Nanako said.

Takamura, saved her.

"Don't worry, Nanako, uncle is measured." The more Nanjiro said this, the more guilty he felt.

If Rinko found out, I don't know what would happen.

"It's alright." Takamura waved his hand.

"Then, Nanjiro-senpai, forget it today, the venue is not suitable, and Miss Nanako is also frightened. What she needs now is company."

Nanako was stunned.

Unexpectedly, Takamura is still thinking of her until now.

(Makoto-kun.) Nanako was silent.

"Yes, but this maintenance fee..." Nanjiro was embarrassed.

He also knows bad.

However, in a man's small treasury, money cannot be spent indiscriminately.

Exactly, the maintenance fee will be reimbursed by Rinko, and I will earn two directly.

Nanjiro's abacus is very precise.

"Let me go out, and treat it as compensation for scaring Nanako.

"Okay, I really didn't read you wrong. If you have any questions in the future, come to me at any time, hahaha." Nanjiro was delighted.

Well, it's getting more and more obscene.

"Uncle," Nanako looked at Nanjiro angrily.

I am speechless for my uncle.

It's embarrassing to look so pretentious.

Nanjiro didn't see it.

Anyway, that's how he is.

"It's okay. It's all small money.

The bold tone made Nanjiro full of envy.

He wants so much money too.

At that time, how many young and beautiful girls can I find to chat with.

Seeing that the sky was almost over, Takamura got up.

'Then, you two, I'll take my leave.

"Wait." Nanako stopped, stepped forward, and gently swept the dirt off Takamura's body.

That movement, that gentleness, was like a wife tidying up her husband's clothes when he was out.

Nanjiro felt something was wrong.

"I'm so sorry, because of me, Makoto-kun, you are disgraced. 33 Nanako bowed and apologized, "Why don't you leave the dirty clothes and I'll wash them for you. 99

"No, Takamura boy, you go first." Nanjiro interjected.

"Uncle, we have to apologize to the guests, this is sincerity.


Takamura smiled.

"No, Miss Nanako, I'll go first.

Takamura leaves.

Nanako personally sent it outside the house, and stared at Takamura's figure outside the house for a long time.

Nanjiro touched his head, feeling more and more dangerous.

I feel that my cabbage is in danger of being poached by others.

Moreover, when I think of that set of "Flower/Hua/Gongzi", the more I think about it, the more I feel that my niece is too naive.

Scumbags like to pretend to be innocent.

Check out Nanjiro himself.

never pretend.

So, Nanjiro, that's a great man.

"No, Takamura can harm anyone, but not his own niece."5

After thinking about it, Nanjiro talked to Nanako directly.

aggressive persuasion,

Stumbled away.

It took a long time for Nanjiro to recover.

(No, how did she persuade me?)

U17, bang bang bang, bang bang bang.

Numerous tennis balls created afterimages in the air.

A thunderous sound produced bursts of heavenly might.

Like a god coming into the world.

Jingle, Jingle, the phone rang.

Many anomalies disappeared.

Officially Takamura, training tennis.

Looking at the cell phone information, unsurprisingly, it was Echizen Nanako.

Takamura was helpless.

Nanako has been calling himself since what happened last time.

The intent of harassment/harassment is obvious.

It made Takamura helpless.

Your own charm that is nowhere to be found.

"Forget it, go have a look. 99

So, he left the base again.

Moreover, simply do not say hello to the Mifune Office.

U17, just like his own home, come when he wants, and leave when he wants.

Three Mifūne Nyudō three: (①0)

I didn't see it, I didn't see it.

Two people who are struggling and calculating vacation day by day: (1^1+)0

So envious, we also want to go out to rest.

Looking at each other who was struggling again, the two felt a lot better,

(I'm not too miserable with the other party accompanying me.)

The meaning of happiness is in comparison.

It's not that he is stronger than himself, but he is worse than himself.

You see, you are instantly happy.

In the afternoon, Takamura and Nanako met in the restaurant 1.9

Nanako is obviously well-dressed, her skin is better than snow, her lips are a little red, and her expression is shy and shy. The beauty is like pink peach petals, and the demeanor is like an orchid.

Takamura, also made a dress up, no way, he is too popular.

"Hello, Chengjun. 99

Nanako was clearly happy with his outfit.

As soon as you come, straight to the point

"Sincerely, let's date.

Just, Takamura was a little surprised.

Also a little happy.

Echizen Nanako, Takamura is also very good.

"We don't fit, Nanako, you should know, I have a girlfriend."

As a scumbag, a sea king, even if he wants to, he must not be exposed in front of women.

A refusal made Nanako appreciate Takamura even more.

Sure enough, she was not wrong.

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