I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 189 Seigaku: I want to kill Guanyue, what should I do?

Seigaku vs Rikkai.

As soon as Rikkai appeared, especially Takamura's appearance, everyone immediately cheered, and Seigaku's situation was completely two treatments.

Let the players of Seigaku share the same hatred and envy.

"I must hit him hard in the face;

"I want to win, and tell everyone that I, Fuka Ibu, is the strongest."

"There are also audiences, who look down on them, fame is not the only one.""

Seigaku's fighting spirit is boiling, and he will never admit defeat.

As a result, the cold water splashed down.

"If you can't do it, if you can get one point, you will win." Guanyue.


When he woke up, he realized the gap in strength, and his fighting spirit decreased rapidly.

"Compared to using strength, I think you should still pray that all Rikkai have diarrhea or feel uncomfortable, and the probability of winning is higher.


I always feel like I want to beat Guanyue.

The first is singles three, Akira Kamio VS Begonia Smoked. 27

One is good at speed, the other is good at physical strength.

(Very well, it's the second team.) Ryūzaki Sumire sighed lightly.

Fortunately, if you are a freshman, you will have a chance.

It depends on Akira Kamio's speed, whether it can surpass Haitang Xun's reaction.

Although the strength gap is still huge, there is an opportunity in the end.

Not as desperate as the old man.

Then, watching the beginning of the month, I poured cold water again.

"There is no doubt that we will lose, this game is impossible to win." Guanyue stroked the hair in front of her forehead.

Ryūzaki Viola:

Where are you from?

"Shut up. 55

"Oh," Guanyue nodded.

For Rikkai's newcomers, Guan Yue is also very interested.

Akira Kamio's speed is indeed extremely fast, and the high-speed serve issued is also urgent and fast.

But in Haitang's eyes, slow as a snail.

Accustomed to the speed of Yanagyu and others, Akira Kamio's proud speed makes Kaidou feel pitiful.

(Too slow, really slow.)

Haitang shook his head in his heart.

Boom, snake ball.

"Impossible." Akira Kamio yelled.

Because the speed of the snake ball has exceeded its own high-speed serve.

Not to mention the weird arcs on the ball.

Akira Kamio, hit hard.

The speed that Haitang is not good at is faster than the speed that he is good at, how can he fight?

Akira Kamio's heart is already messed up.

Boom, whirling snake ball.


Boom, snake ball.


Another ball, the tennis hit the baseline.



competition is over.

Blowing dry and rotten, completely one-sided.

But that's the way it fits Rikkai's positioning.

Let the audience keep shouting.

"Okay, 6:0."

"6:1, I'm still going to scold you.

The audience has always pursued the strong.

Akira Kamio, walks off the stage with his head down.

His eyes were confused.

Is the difference that big?

It's fine if you can't compare to the old students, but if they are both freshmen, the gap shouldn't be too big.

"Let's take a rest first." Ryūzaki Sumire said.

"You are still young and have a great future.

Akira Kamio is in a much better mood.

"There is a big gap between you and Haitang Xun. With the training of classmate Takamura, in this life, you probably won't be able to catch up. Guan Yue.

Akira Kamio:

I'm in a bad mood again.

Akira Kamio silently walked to the corner and squatted down.


"Look, that's why I said it long ago, I can't win." Guanyue said proudly, showing her foresight.

"The mental quality is so weak, and the upper limit is limited. Before the game starts, you should help him adjust his mentality, lose, and lose beautifully."

Ryūzaki: (*^)

If you want to kill Guanyue, who has a way, wait online, very urgent.

On the other hand, Haitang is very peaceful.

It's just a Seigaku, and he still has a long way to go.

Just like a primary school student.

Huh? Elementary school student?

Haitang saw Xiaojin's smiling face when he saw it, and also remembered the horror of being dominated by Xiaojin.

I also thought of the talent gap between the two.

Set off yourself like a monkey.

Kaitang was in a bad mood, and the joy of victory disappeared. He also silently squatted in the corner.

Confused Xiao Jin.

"You obviously won, why are you downcast?

Akira Kamio felt someone beside him, and at first glance, it was Haitang Xun's gloomy face.

Haitang: (‘i¯;)

Akira Kamio:〒▽〒

The two big eyes met small eyes, and after dozens of seconds, they tacitly staggered.

(This is a man with a story.)

Both thought at the same time.

Next is doubles two.

Momoshiro Takeshi, and Sakurai Masaya VS Jackal Kuwahara, and Tamagawa.

Tamagawa, the next minister of Rikkai in the official original, is extremely weak,

"Well, our formation is good. Ishida's iron wave ball, singles are the most beneficial, and Ibu Fukaji's instant paralysis, only singles have a miraculous effect. 35 The moon is amazed.

"Coach, when did you have the ability to form troops normally?"

Ryūzaki Sumire: (#¯~¯#)

She really regretted letting Guanyue join the tennis club.

"It seems that under my influence, coach your IQ has risen. 35

Ryūzaki Viola:

Seigaku people:

Takamura gave Guanyue a strange look.

At the beginning of the month, isn't he a guy with a deep sense of stoicism? EQ 860 is also very high.

If you provoke a coach like this, what kind of unemotional intelligence can Guanyue say?

How come you look like a bum?

Kanyuki saw Takamura's gaze.


If he said something offensive, he knew it would attract Takamura's attention.

Watching the beginning of the month, I want to make a deep impression on Takamura, my idol.

Seeing that the time is almost up, Guanyue stretches out his hand.

"Hello, my name is………

Takamura turned his head directly.

Flowing down the messy view of the beginning of the month.

Am I not impressed enough?

Guan Yue thought.

Before the game, Kuwahara began to shave again.

"You have to pay attention, every tennis player has his own way of focusing. Jackal Kuanghara, his method is to shave his head, even if it is bald." Ryūzaki Jin sat and explained.

Don't laugh at him.

Yamato Yuda looked strange.

Seemingly, this is what Inui Sadaharu said last year.

Coach, you don't change a word, is this really okay?

"No one will laugh, this is normal." Guan Yue said.

"On the contrary, people who make jokes are really ignorant. Once they don't understand tennis."

Yamato Yuda: It seems that last year, many people in Seigaku laughed.

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