I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 199 Atobe: I don't want you to think, I want me to think

After investigating, Heinkerts discovered something very interesting.

"This Hyotei is not easy. 99

Leff wondered.

"Yes, according to the intelligence I have, Hyotei also has a few talents," Klopp said.

He is the latest professional sent from Germany.

Will lead Heinkerz two, three people together, the whole process of collecting information on the Japanese team.

"Really? Then I'll take a look.

Not only the Japanese team, Switzerland, France, Spain, the United States, and major tennis powers have all sent professionals to see Rikkai's strength.

Although the chances are slim.

However, we must seize every opportunity to conduct intelligence gathering.

Even Echizen Nanjiro came.

Just wait for the game video, and then show it to Echizen Ryoma to stimulate him and make Ryoma more active in training.

Don't be dragging all day long, he's still far behind.

"I don't know, how bad Ryoma's face will be when he sees Makoto Takamura's strength." Nanjiro touched his chin, thinking of Ryoma's ugly face.

Could not help but gloat over the misfortune.

U17 head coach three Mifūne Nyudō three is also here. As the most honored guest of this competition.

He came here to see 27 Hyotei's strength up close. ,

Especially Atobe and Akutsu, these two, three Mifūne Nyudō three will not let go.

(Atobe, Akutsu, how far are you two going under the pressure of Takamura and Rikkai? Let me see.)

The scene of the game was crowded with people.

Because Takamura's popularity is too strong, and there are also a large number of U17 elite players such as Tezuka Kunimitsu and Seiichi Yukimura, and in recent years, the development of the Chinese tennis industry and the improvement of strength.

The Organizing Committee of the Kanto Competition deliberately moved the final venue to the National Net court.


It can be regarded as allowing Rikkai and Hyotei to enjoy the treatment of the national final in advance.

At present, Rikkai's people have arrived, and only Hyotei is left.

The referee has already looked at the watch, and in 30 seconds, if Hyotei does not appear again, Hyotei will be sentenced to lose.

"Really, what happened to Hyotei?"

"I think it's so frightening that the whole team admits defeat. With such a big gap in strength, it's normal to admit defeat."

"No way? I think Hyotei is very strong?"

"Who knows, in the past few years, no team can match Rikkai, that's for sure.

Audience discussion.

Takamura's ears moved, and with his intelligence's investigation, he already knew Atobe's plan.

(Really, it's really Atobe's style.) Takamura smiled.

"However, with today's weather, is Atobe sure it's okay? 35 Takamura is speechless.

Outside, there was a strong wind.

Time goes back a day.

In the semifinals, Hyotei met Yamabuki Middle-School.

On the day of the game, Atobe once again found that there were not many spectators.

The audience all ran to Rikkai.

Made Atobe pissed off.

He is such a perfect handsome guy, no one looks at him, this is the biggest insult.

So, in order to prove the blindness of the audience, but also to attract attention, Atobe made a decision.

On the day of the finals, I took the stage by helicopter.

Blind the audience and Rikkai's dog eyes.

"Master Atobe, I have to remind you that the wind will be strong tomorrow, which may be dangerous. It's best not to travel that day." The driver looked serious.

"Life-threatening?" Atobe was startled.

If there is, then Atobe can only cancel the plan.

Life is greater than everything.

"That's not true, but, for safety, there may be some bumps. 33 The driver's discretion.

"Will there be a security incident?"


"If you take out a little bump, what will be the consequences?"


"Then it's fine." Atobe flicked his hand.

Both him and the players at Hyotei are professionally trained.

The mere bumps are nothing. .

"It's just, it's really..."

"It's okay, listen to me, I don't want you to think, I want me to think...

So, the next day, all Hyotei got on a helicopter and flew directly to the stadium.

Oh right, except Inui Sadaharu.

Because he looked at the weather forecast and refused to get on the helicopter.

"Atobe, I think it's better to go by car, the plane is too...

Atobe hesitated, but the others, except Oshitari, all asked to do the plane, and things settled down.

"That's the plane, I've never done it before. Mukahi Gakuto is excited.

"Admission by helicopter, this should be the Kanto competition, no, it's the first national competition." Kikumaru was also excited.

The result, very happy and very sad.

Because of the strong wind, the plane was blown left and right, and for the safety of the passengers, the pilot flew up and down, left and right, just like a roller coaster.

Up and down, left and right, just like the pilot said.

Rather bumpy.

"What's going on?" Kikumaru yelled. "Stop now.

"Is there a parachute?" Changfeng Taro panicked.

Atobe also panicked, but his face remained calm.

"It's alright, the driver said, just a little bump, it's alright.

Do your best to calm the panic of the Hyotei players.

But no one cares.

Pilots, fighting the wind with all their might.

"10,9," the referee was counting seconds.

If the time limit is not reached, Hyotei loses.

Just when almost everyone thought that Rikkai was walkingover, the sound of the propeller came humming.

In the sky, a helicopter flew slowly.


"Could it be..." Liu thought about the information he had received and guessed it.

"Haha, it's really interesting, I'd like to call Atobe the strongest when it comes to pretending. Nioh also guessed it.

Many viewers have also recovered.

"With a helicopter. 99

"so cool.

"I didn't expect Hyotei to be so handsome.

The audience shouted with envy.

This is the most handsome way to appear on the online court.

Takamura looked odd.

Using his intellectual brain, he already knew the whole process of the matter.

"It's not the most handsome, but the most special, but definitely."


Before Tezuka and the others understood, the helicopter landed staggeringly.

With a click, the members of Hyotei rolled down in a panic.

Yes, roll.

Mukahi Gakuto led the way.

As soon as the hatch was opened, he immediately rolled down and vomited.

Not to mention that the sky is his domain.

Changfeng Taro is slightly better.

After taking a few steps, I could no longer hold back the sour water in my stomach.

Atobe was pale and his legs were shaking.

The best, maybe Kikumaru Eiji and Akutsu

Kikumaru Eiji is acrobatic tennis and is good at bumps.

As for Akutsu, it's pure heart. Moreover, his intuition also told him that it was safe.

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