I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 204 Dad Beats Son

Hyotei was silent, and the game once again came to the edge of the cliff.

No one spoke.

After a year of hard work, it seems that nothing has changed.

Many people are depressed.

Because it means that all your efforts are useless.

Everything is back to square one.

"It's okay, and me. 35 Akutsu stood up.

He is still very confident.

"You lost because I didn't play. 99

"If I play, victory will come.

Hyotei:  …

Although you are extremely powerful, you are also too arrogant.

If they weren't teammates, Oshitari and the others would really want to beat Akutsu.

Although there is a high probability of being beaten.

"With Akutsu's strength, there is a great chance of winning against Rikkai's weaker players," said coach Shintaro.

Only he, as a coach, knew how terrifying Akutsu's talent was.

Definitely a genius comparable to Makoto Takamura.

It's a pity that he found out too late, if he was given another year, Makoto Takamura...

Well, still not possible.

But Tezuka Kunimitsu and Seiichi Yukimura, Sakakitaro are confident they can fight.


Sakakitaro was secretly unwilling.

"let's go."

singles II, Akutsu VS

Makoto Takamura.


The audience was sluggish, and some people even rubbed their eyes in disbelief.

Wait until you are sure. Then, right away, like a volcanic eruption, it made a sound of Zhenlong.

Almost flipped the net court.

"Okay, it's finally here.

"I didn't expect that Takamura would still shoot. 39

"You've been waiting so hard.

The audience shouted.

Watching the game, the biggest expectation is to watch Takamura play?

I've always felt hopeless.

Makoto Takamura, too strong, will not be able to see the game of junior high school students.

Just like last year, the whole process did not start.

As a result, it has now appeared.

"Hurry up, hurry up, the camera, aim at Takamura classmate, come to a close-up.||." The live broadcast director hurriedly urged.

This is the biggest point of view.

Not only the spectators, but also players such as Hanamura Aoi, Ryūzaki Sumire, Rokkaku, and Yamabuki were all surprised.

That's three Mifūne Nyudō three, too.

(Takamura boy, with your strength, what's the point of appearing?) San Mifūne Nyudō San frowned, puzzled.


Any doubts about Rikkai winning?

Aside from hitting opponents, three Mifūne Nyudō, three, couldn't see the significance of Takamura's appearance.

Some networked people, such as Guan Yue, have already thought of last year's scene.

It is also Akutsu, Makoto Takamura also appears.

(It's hard to come by, what's the relationship between Akutsu and Takamura-san?) Kanyue was dumbfounded.

(Or, he still wants to teach Akutsu a lesson.)

Guanyue smiled.

Klopp and the others looked at each other and saw the surprise in the other's eyes.

Makoto Takamura, appeared.

Then, staring sharply at the camera.

No, 2 cameras are not enough.

Far from enough.

"Sir, will you be able to fully record the game information from this angle later?

"Ma'am, can I borrow your camera?"

"Why should I listen to you?" The audience was dissatisfied.

Heinkerts took out the euro.

"make a deal.

Not only Germans, French, Americans, Spaniards, all are ready.

At this moment, there are no less than 100 foreign intelligence personnel, cameras, and cameras in the entire stadium.

"It's a flop, it's a flop, Makoto Takamura is going to shoot," Klopp fiddled with the camera.

"Who knows what Makoto Takamura thinks, we can only do our best," Heinkerts said.

Then, lift the camera and move to another location.

Be sure to record at multiple levels and from multiple angles.

"I really didn't expect that you would take action, 33 Akujin grinned, he didn't know how long he had been waiting for this day.

Especially last year, a ball was killed in seconds, which is a great shame.

Also, Takamura is so shameless that he keeps preaching that he can't catch a single ball.

It's really unbearable.

"Of course I'll play." Takamura laughed.

After all, Akutsu is his own cheap son.

How can you not help him.

(Son, dad is here.)

Akutsu frowned, Makoto Takamura's expression and smile always felt a little familiar.

From another angle, the more you look, the more you look like your stepfather.

"Bastard, I must kill you." Akujin gritted his teeth, feeling even more annoyed.

Can't help but complain.

My stepfather, looks a little too similar to Makoto Takamura.

Next time we meet, Akutsu will be in a bad mood.

No, everything is Makoto Takamura's fault.

"Come on then."

Akutsu serves directly.

The whole body is relaxed, and the movements are not standard, but it is indeed the most suitable style of play for Akutsu.

Make full use of your physical fitness, give full play to your coordination, flexibility, and use stormy attacks to drown your opponents.

"So fast." As soon as Akujin made his move, everyone's eyes lit up.

Speed, strength, technique, coordination, the perfect blend.

Most importantly, strong.

Light is speed, and afterimages have been produced.

As for the ball speed, 520KM/H.

Fully reached the level of high school students.

"This, this is Akutsu?" Sengoku Kiyosumi was dumbfounded, in disbelief.

Just at this speed, he couldn't see clearly.

Akutsu, originally from Yamabuki Middle-School.

Qianshi and the others knew that Akujin was extremely talented, but within a year, he has progressed like this. Isn't this progress too exaggerated?

What have you been doing in the past year? Staying in place?

(King Qian's) companion was also looking ashen.

If he knew that Akutsu's talent had reached the current level, even if he committed public anger, the old man would keep Akutsu down.

Unfortunately, everything is too late.

Touch, the tennis ball flies back faster.

Score directly.

"Akutsu, if you only have such strength, it is impossible to beat me." Takamura said.

Akutsu said nothing and continued to attack.

However, as before, all attacks were all broken at one time.

Akutsu's strength, everyone can see, is completely different from the players who played before.

However, Makoto Takamura is stronger.

"What a pity." Love sighed.

"The one named Akujin is an out-and-out genius. In the previous two games, no matter which one he appeared in, he would dominate the entire game."

"Unfortunately, he met Makoto Takamura."

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