I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 211 Akutsu's Decision

All of a sudden, all countries focused their firepower on Japan.

Be sure to talk about the elimination of this archenemy.

Let the Japanese people be angry half to death.

But helplessly, the two fists were invincible against the six palms, and they were completely suppressed.

Akutsu hasn't woken up yet.

Then people from all over the world can only harass Akutsu Yuuki.

To take the lead in doing the work of the family, we must not let the previous things happen.

For Akutsu, countries are bound to win


Akutsu Yuuki has a headache.

She had no idea.

Moreover, a lot of foreigners surrounded themselves all at once, and they kept making conditions one after another, making Akutsu Yuuki feel a little dizzy.

"Aren't you asking me?" The heavy voice came, and it gave people peace of mind when he heard it.

"Sincere..." Yuuki immediately felt that something was wrong, and quickly changed her words.

"You are here. "Eight seven seven""

Yuuki felt relieved.

With Takamura in, she just needs to be a little woman.

Yuuki also asked about Akutsu's injury, it was simply too tired, and the burden of moves was too great.

Just rest for a while.

By the way, for Akutsu's hospitalization expenses, Yuuki didn't pay a penny, all of which were paid in advance by Japanese U17.

Even the advance payment is rushing to pay by the major countries.

Let the hospital have happy troubles.

As soon as Takamura appeared,

Everyone else knew that this person was Akutsu's stepfather.


"I don't need to introduce you, I know your intentions, Takamura is right.

Takamura had long anticipated the current situation.

Make up first.

Solve the dilemma for his cheap son.

By the way, enjoy being a dad.

"But, it's about my son Akutsu, so wait until he wakes up. 35

"We can wait.

"Then leave, Akujin needs to rest, the two of us, to accompany the family."

"That's naturally."

"Sorry for disturbing you.

"Hello, I'm from the Japan Tennis Association...

"Please leave, what Akutsu needs now is rest."

The visitor shut up angrily. Smiling nod.

Everyone frowned, unlike Akutsu Yuuki, the man in front of him was undoubtedly not easy to deal with.

I don't know what will happen by then.

The only good news is, don't worry about Japan getting there first.

Oh my god, finally a player has let go.

Let the nations be thrilled.

On the other side, Atobe's family, looking at Atobe's family background, everyone is numb.

Will the people of the Atobe consortium really join foreign countries?

With the idea of ​​giving it a try, someone stepped forward.

After knowing the intention of the person who came, he slammed the person out without even opening the door.

Even Watson from England is like that.

"I'm Atobe's friend, I helped Atobe, I want to see Atobe Keigo, I want to see Atobe Keigo."

Watson struggled, but to no avail.

He was also politely and resolutely pushed out by the guard.

After everyone left, Yuuki slammed into Takamura's arms.

"I was so scared just now.""

"Okay, it's alright." Takamura comforted softly.

hold tightly.

The two of them sat like this, silently accompanying each other.

It's Takamura's hand, maybe a little rude.

The sky might also be a little hot, and Yuuki's face was getting redder and redder.

Suddenly, Takamura found that Akutsu seemed to be about to wake up.


Not only did Takamura not relax his hands, but he held them even tighter.

Akutsu's eyelids twitched.

Decided to endure first. Give Takamura a chance.

After waiting for another 10 seconds, I sensed Takamura's movements, and it kept going, even after getting even worse—

"Cough," Akujin coughed a few times.

Bad face.

Although he has accepted it - of course, Akutsu does not know that the other party is Takamura, the one he hates the most.

However, when his mother hugged other men, Akutsu was still upset.

Takamura knew Akutsu was awake by then.

I don't care about Akutsu, I just hug him tightly.

Akutsu's face is getting worse and worse,

In the end, Yuuki couldn't hold back her face and hurriedly escaped.

"Okay, I'll tell you the current situation now, and Takamura will tell the situation.

"In order to compete for your peerless genius, the major countries will definitely provide very favorable conditions, it depends on what you think."

"Yuuki and I, support your decision."

Akutsu was lost in thought.

Takamura could see that he was moved.

As Takamura said, Akutsu played football to improve his life.

And now is a great opportunity...

"What's your opinion?" Akutsu said hoarsely.

"Look at you."

"I see.

In the end, Akutsu rejected the invitations of various countries.

Completely surprised everyone.

"Don't you look at our conditions? Scholarships, benefits, training..."

"Needless to say, I refuse. 99

Akutsu didn't dare to listen anymore.

He was afraid that if he listened to it, he would not be able to refuse.

Completely unbelievable.

Failed again, failed again.

"What the hell is going on?" Heinkerts didn't understand.

Don't players play for money and honor?

Both are on the bedside, why did Akutsu refuse?

Not only Akutsu, the previous Makoto Takamura, Tezuka Kunimitsu, Seiichi Yukimura... A large number of people also refused.

Is the patriotic education of the Japanese so awesome?

Not only the Germans, but the Americans are going crazy too.

For the country of Japan, American fathers know it best.

Flattery to the top, ruthless to the bottom.

The chrysanthemum and the sword are about Japan.

The Heisei Death House is also Japanese.

But now, he turned down the solicitation of American father, this...

Everyone was outraged.

This time, the strength of the Japanese team will soar.

In this regard, the three Mifūne Nyudō three are overjoyed, and can only say that the gods love Japan.

"What did you think? You refused." Takamura asked.

Akutsu doesn't care what loves 1.9 countries.

"Simply, my companion here, Atobe, cannot go to any other country.35

Akujin has few friends, so Akujin cherishes his friendship very much.

"Also, I am also for the future.

Akutsu's eyes were unusually bright.

"Joining other countries, I am a foreigner after all, and I will definitely be discriminated against. Moreover, with the current strength of the Japanese team, if they win the world championship, the honor they will get is not comparable to joining other powerful countries.

Like Germany, it has won 9 consecutive dominances, and getting it again is just icing on the cake, and its status is definitely not comparable to that of its predecessors.

But if you participate in Japan's first championship, it will definitely become a legend in Japan.

This account, Akutsu calculated very clearly.

As for the Japanese team, there is the presence of Makoto Takamura.

For the sake of Atobe and others, Akutsu decided to swallow this bad breath for now.

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