I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 216 Wonderful India

Many people were also relieved.

Since Nehru is not an opponent, isn't it normal that he and others are not opponents?

Suddenly, many people relaxed.

"Okay. Tell me, where are all the best Indians?" Takamura asked.

India's U17 is very distinctive.

Divided into four areas.

The four players are concentrated respectively, Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Sudra.

The area of ​​the area is also from large to small, and the number of people is indeed from small to large.

This area is the area of ​​the fourth level Sudra.

The Indians were all proud and silent.

"Hey, you." Takamura called.

The person who was called turned his head to the side and looked at Takamura with disdain.


I really want to see disdain, is it an illusion?

With a ball, the opponent who hits can't take care of himself, and kneels down with his legs.

"Can you say it now?"

The person who was called was still silent at 27, and still responded with a determined look.

Not only that, many Indians, densely surrounded Takamura.

He didn't even make a move, he just blocked Takamura's route.

Takamura asked two or three more people, all of which were the same.

Neither shot, just let Takamura attack.

Takamura got it, isn't this what India is known for as nonviolent non-cooperation?

The current situation is that you, Makoto Takamura, can beat me, scold me and insult me.

But as long as we in India don't play games with you, don't provoke and don't act, what can you do to us Indians?

Can you kill us? Come on if you have one.

Well, Takamura really doesn't dare to kill people. Playing ball is playing ball, and crippling is crippling, but if it does happen, it will be a big deal.

So, Makoto Takamura, was powerless and had to retreat.

At that time, it will be the victory of my Greater India.

"As expected of Great India." Takamura sighed.

Let the Indians on the side be proud.

Look, our opponents are complimenting us.


Sure enough, Takamura couldn't understand the brain circuits of Indians.

Takamura is also not interested in laying down his opponent.

And, India's nonviolent non-cooperation, which Takamura appreciates.

Keep it up, dear.

So, Takamura withdrew.

Turn away.

The target is the Brahmin area.

After Takamura left, the Sudra area was boiling.

They used their strength to drive away the enemy and defend the U17 base.

They are the heroes of India's U17s.

In this regard, Takamura could not laugh or cry.

I don't know whether to pity them or call them stupid.

Takamura came to the Brahmin area, the same gate, taller and more splendid.

A tennis ball blasted the gate again.

Let the Brahmin gentlemen look stunned.

"Tall, Makoto Takamura? What are you doing here?"

The crowd was shocked.


I've already picked a quarter, and you still don't know that I've called the door?

The fact is that I really don't know.

India is strictly hierarchical.

Do whatever you are.

For example, a cook, who just cooks, is a noble Brahmin cook.

As for buying vegetables, picking vegetables, washing vegetables, serving vegetables, washing dishes and the like, it doesn't matter at all.

It needs special people to do it.

Those who buy vegetables only need to buy vegetables, and paying the bill is another person's business; those who pick vegetables only need to pick vegetables, and they need a Vaishya;

As a result, there are more than 600 people, dedicated to serving 4 people.

No way, a servant, just doing his own thing.

You have no right to intervene in other things, nor can you intervene.

Today, because the vigilant Kshatriya took a leave of absence, there was no news of the attack, so the other three major areas did not know about the attack.

As for the siren.

Can Indian machinery be trusted?

Believe it? You might as well believe in yourself.

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

Takamura shrugged.

Well India, the magical land, whatever happens, Takamura understands.

Takamura opened the peerless directly.

One ball will fly one person, and one ball will make people lie on the ground.

For Brahmins, if nothing is said, they must be beaten.

"Ah." 9

"Oh. 99

The brahmins who beat him can only hum on the ground.

Some people have been in shock because of the pain.

"Don't, Makoto Takamura. Don't fight."

Many people shouted.

Just kidding, who is this perverted opponent.

Nehru was defeated at a glance, and he waited for others, didn't he court death?

A noble brahmin is not a lowly sudra.

They know how to avoid disadvantages.

Also the softest one.

As for non-violent non-cooperation.

That's cheating on the lower castes.

"You are offending India. 35

"It has long been offended. 35

Boom, the person who spoke rolled his eyes and fainted, and perhaps a concussion was added.

This time, more people panicked.

If it's just kicking the gym, it's nothing, but looking at Takamura's actions, it's clear that he's heading for the cripple.

Despite the Indian army, there are 11 Brahmins, and among the top 10, there are as many as 5.

However, India has always had a tradition of soft knees.

After the legs of NO.3 were maimed by a ball, India surrendered.


"Don't, don't, I'll admit defeat. 35

"Don't fight, don't fight, we surrender."

Gandhi, this is what he saw.

The powerful Indian U17, the most powerful Brahmin region, surrendered directly after less than 10 people were defeated.

"Bastard, bastard, angry Gandhi almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood.

We are India, the third in the world, the heirs of the British Empire.

How can there be such a condescending person?

"Who is running wild in U17?" A heavy voice came, which made the Indian players who had been lost come back to life.

Yes, there are also professional players.

Still two people.

One, a respected senior——


The former No. 1 in India, ranked 73rd in the world at his peak, although he is now retired, his strength is not something that Makoto Takamura can handle.

The other is the rising star, India's star of hope, Singh.

"Makoto Takamura, if you dare to insult India, you will have to pay the price." NO.4 is just words.

"Yes, you hurt my players, you have a vicious mind, and you must be severely punished."

Others are also filled with righteous indignation and are willing to devote themselves to India, as if the previous begging for mercy did not exist at all.

Gandhi smiled.

Pace shot, no worries.

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