I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 219 The National Competition, Another Old Rival

With India and Yonan's tearful sale.

Other countries can be considered to know the strength of Takamura.

Small countries leave them alone.

Anyway, based on the current information, they are not Makoto Takamura's opponents. No matter how strong or improved Makoto Takamura is, it has nothing to do with them.

Even after learning that the Tennis Association used precious funds to buy Makoto Takamura's information, some people sued.

"I can't win anyway, so what's the matter with buying Makoto Takamura's materials? Is it to hurt the player's confidence?"

"I suspect that you have taken the kickback/kickback, and I am going to sue you.39

People who buy intelligence are getting old Doug.

As for big countries, it is even more of a headache.

They, have to consider the variables of Makoto Takamura.

"God, Makoto Takamura's progress, - also amazing.

"How did he do that?


"The plan to deal with Makoto Takamura, stop for now, with the strength of the U17, it is not enough to deal with him."


They looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

Genius, it really is unreasonable.


Everyone pondered silently, thinking of ways to do it.

However, I just can't think of it.

Under absolute power, any conspiracy and tricks are useless.


At this moment, I don't know how many people's hair started to go bald.

What happened after India, Takamura didn't care.

After choosing the U17 of Monkey and Asan, the time is almost up.

The national competition is about to begin.

The attention of this national competition has skyrocketed again.

The last game, the slogan of the conference, was "Who can stop Makinofuji's three-game winning streak,

The slogan this time has become "Who can stop Rikkai," "Rikkai's true strength.

And, because we saw the final battle of the Kanto Grand Prix, the national competition, we decided to move the venue to the Tokyo National Stadium to ensure the safety of the spectators.

Moreover, if you want to watch the game, you have to pay for each game, and the ticket price has also increased.

Still, it couldn't stop the enthusiastic audience.

Although there are some noises.

But making money is not shabby.

The opening ceremony, of course, was made by the representative of Takamura.

I don't want to let Takamura speak.

In desperation, the chairman of the competition organizing committee came to the door in person, visited the cottage, and repeatedly said that no one except Takamura could take on this important task.

At the same time, a series of compliments, what kind of dragon among people, handsome, suave and the like, kept complimenting.

Even Takamura himself was surprised.

Are you so perfect?

"Yes, of course there is." The chairman of the organizing committee did not hesitate, and the expression in his eyes made everyone believe that he thought so.

So, Takamura had no choice but to agree.

After a short speech, it was the first day of the game.

Takamura took out the schedule.

When he saw it, he looked surprised.

Why is this race so familiar?

First-round opponent, Liliadent Krauser.

this school for international students.

(I don't know if the original player is still there.) Takamura thought.

The reason for the loss of the game was attributed to the people on the field, and Takamura has never seen a few.

But each, in a sense, is a talent.

Liliadent Krauser's black captain is one.

Don't say it, think of him.

Liliadent Krauser, the atmosphere is also extremely dignified.

They, too, received the names of their opponents.

It is also the goal of this mission.

Absolute overlord, Middle-School affiliated to Rikkai University.

"Okay, then, come as planned. Captain Moses said.

He only arrived 3 days ago.

The crowd nodded.

It didn't take long for them to arrive.

The earliest, that is, only arrived a week ago.

These guys are the new ones, Liliadent Krauser's main draft.

As for the old players, excluding those who have been promoted to high school, all became substitutes. Can only stand by the side.

Among them, including the black captain.

And Takamura, 1 day ago, also received a message from spiritual coach Saitō Itaru.

For the next U17 World Cup, the Liliadent Krauser players this time are all geniuses from major tennis powers.

Germany, France, America, Spain...all of them.

And, there is one person's ability, which is particularly beneficial to the investigation.

・・・・Seeking flowers˙

It is the opponent who needs the most attention.

Obviously, in the aspect of reconnaissance intelligence on Japan, all countries have formed a united front for the time being.

By the way, let’s check the actual difference between the geniuses of our country and the geniuses of Japan.

"So, what do you mean?" Takamura asked.

"The head coach's intention is very simple, let you retain your strength, not only you, but also schools such as Hyotei, Shitenhouji, Shile, etc." Saitō Itaru said.

"Don't let all countries in the world collect your specific information."

Like the finals of the Kanto Tournament, playing all of your trump cards is absolutely impossible.

According to San Mifūne Nyudō San's idea, don't middle school students just want the national championship?

A few of your schools have a private game.

Whoever wins is the national champion.

Don't compromise fairness.

As for the open national competitions, just feel free to feel free.

For a national championship, it is undoubtedly very stupid to expose his full strength.

"You don't have to think about this matter, you need to look at other people."

Saitō Itaru was helpless.

Just know that.

Later, Saitō Itaru called Tachibana Yoshihira and Chitose Senri.

"Sorry, I want to see the gap.

"I'm sorry, the national competition is only once a year, and I won't give up.

Yes, lion music fails.

That Shitenhouji—

"I said, don't think that you are from the U17, you can oppress us Shitenhouji at will," Watanabe grinded his teeth, "If you say it again, I will sue you, and sue you for gambling."5

Shitenhouji failed.

Not to mention Hyotei.

Mr. Atobe Keigo, forget it, Saitō Itaru doesn't want to humiliate himself.

Don't come, you can't even enter a door, and you will be blasted away directly.

He Saitō Itaru is shameless.

So, after going around, Saitō Itaru did nothing but relax for two days.

"Let's go back without success. Luo San Mifūne Nyudō Sanyi's face was as expected.

Saitō Itaru nodded.

Three Mifūne Nyudō three helpless forehead.

So, that's why the three Mifūne Nyudō have three headaches.

The players are so personal.

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