I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 230 Yanagi Renji VS Chitose Senri

The second doubles are Rin Hiraba and Renzhihui Tian, ​​who are also two players in Higa.

He has undergone extremely hard training, and his physical strength is extremely long.

Originally, the two also wanted to make a name for themselves like Kite.

Even if you can't beat Rikkai, you have to show your strength.

But saw the singles three games, withered.

The two of them knew that they could not be Rikkai's opponent.

The problem is that losing is another story, but it would be too bad to be beaten half to death like Kite.

Look at Kite, fractured joints, collapsed chest, and bleeding.

Still in a coma now.

This is not playing tennis, it is obviously a life-threatening game.

"It's okay, Rikkai players, except Kirihaya, nobody plays violent tennis. 99

Tachibana Jihei said.

Reassure them both.


"Eight Seven Seven"


That's it.

"Let's play." The two of them were full of energy.

If it is not violent tennis, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

***The two spoke a few dialects, but neither of them understood.

Now is the time to show their fighting power.

It is necessary to perform beautifully and perfectly in front of the national audience.

Even if you lose, you have to show your strength.

Then, I saw the opponent of the game.

Kaidoh Kaoru and Marui Bunta.

Especially Kaidoh Kaoru, who is not a good person at first sight.

"Huh!" Tian Renzhi's body trembled.

If you look like this, you tell me that the opponent is not a killer tennis?

Kaidoh Kaoru:

"It seems that they are afraid of you." Marui laughed.

Kaidoh Kaoru clenched his hands, his face darkening even more.

"Boring. 35

It made Tian Renzhi even more flustered.

What should I do? The other party is not easy to mess with.

What if I ruin my handsome face, or get maimed?

In the end, the game started and Rikkai won 6-0.

"Very good, the opponent is not violent." Pingguchang sighed lightly.

For the first time, I felt that even losing was an excellent experience.

It's great to play against normal players.

And Hirakoba Rin's expression did not escape the eyes of the audience.

"Strange, why are Lions players so happy when they lose?"

"It's very simple, because you can't win, on the contrary, the match with Rikkai may be a topic of discussion for them in the future. 99

"Look, I used to play against Rikkai too."

"makes sense.

The audience was taken aback.


The Lions lost both battles.

However, neither Tachibana Jihei nor Chitose Senri showed a trace of frustration.

The two do not value victory or defeat, or, in other words, know their own limits.

It's enough to show your strength.

"This game is left to me.

Chitose Senri appeared.

"Then I'm on." Yanagi Renji came on.

He is also looking forward to this match.

singles two, Chitose Senri VS Yanagi Renji.

At the beginning of the game, the limit of radiance was opened almost instantly.

The two stood silently, neither of them making a move.

Just in my mind, I kept simulating the battle.

Backspin, hanging angle, volley, chop, smash, forehand...

Different pictures kept appearing in my mind and disappearing again and again.

Time, just like 5 minutes passed.

"What's the matter? Why don't you fight?"

"What are you looking at?"

The audience is dissatisfied.

Even many players, like Yamabuki, Rokkaku, Seigaku, etc., could not understand the situation.

"Coach, who are the two of them?

Only professionals know the dangers of the game.

"The two of them are fighting in their minds using the simulation ability to the limit of their radiance. Father 35 raised his cloudy eyes.

"This is the ability that can only be stimulated when one cultivates to the second level, or even the third level.

Pulling the opponent into your own consciousness space can not only simulate a battle, but also greatly consume the opponent's energy and cause a mental blow.

Unexpectedly, in the competition of middle school students, you can see the battle in the spiritual confrontation.


Dad looked at Takamura with a complicated expression.

Since Makoto Takamura has been active, the tennis level of the middle school has exploded at a level every year.

U17 level battles appear, and in the future, it may become more normal.

Suddenly, Liu and the two moved.

Willow quickly serves.

Both are playing fast.

Without the slightest hesitation.

Even, in many cases, just hit back, without even looking at the ball, immediately ran to the next landing point.

"It's too messy? They don't even look at the ball, aren't they really playing blindly?" Momoshiro Takeshi complained.

The speed of the ball was too fast, and Taocheng watched with all his strength, but could only see a shadow.

"No, the two of them, before the game, have simulated it thousands of times in their minds," Guanyue explained, "any point of the game, they already know it.

Now, it's just a copy of the battle situation in my mind.

It is completely from the direction of building a high-rise building and starting from the overall situation.

Touch, empty cicada.

Liu scored.

Touch, Ghost Hidden - Chitose's new ball skills, make the ball completely disappear from people's sight.



Bang bang bang, the two kept fighting.

In terms of basic abilities, Chitose is obviously a lot higher than Liu, including skills, and it is a lot ahead of Liu;

However, with the characteristics of thousands of people and thousands of faces, Liu's constant conversions made Chitose's predictions difficult and made the game more and more anxious.

"The two of them..."

"It's a fun way to play."

Fuji laughed.

Liu Huipai wanted to hit a chop, but immediately, in his mind, he predicted Chitose's counterattack, and immediately changed his strategy to 1.9 swipe;

Not to be outdone, Chitose Senri quickly surfed the Internet, ready to tackle, halfway up, and immediately retreated to the spot.

Simply put, I predict your actions.

I pre-judged your pre-judgment.

I pre-judged your pre-judgment's pre-judgment...

Where is this infinite doll?

Those with low strength may feel that the movements of the two are very strange, and there are many redundant movements, but the stronger the strength, the more powerful they know.

One has a strong foundation and can defeat ten guilds with one force, while the other has many skills and strong ability to break moves.

Wait, is the ability to break tricks strong?

The intelligence personnel seemed to have thought of something, and the camera focused on Liu's body, observing in all directions, 360 degrees without dead ends.

And, using the computer, constantly analyze the details.

Soon, the secret was discovered.

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