I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 240 Sorry, you are so handsome, I can't help but...


Dapeng spread his wings and soared up to 90,000 miles.

The ultimate high-speed ball, the ultimate speed, people can't see it at all, with the help of the wind, there are two more manoeuvres, and it is even more difficult to prevent.


Another fly.

Nioh catches the ball, the same trick is useless to him,

(and many more.)

In Niwang's mind, the picture of Pengguang suddenly flashed.

When I came back to my senses again, the tennis ball had already flown out of the court.


Autumn is late.

The previous attacks were deeply imprinted in the opponent's mind, and when his latest attack occurred, it suddenly erupted.

On the surface, it was just one attack, but in the eyes of the opponent, it was indeed three or even four attacks simultaneously.

It's hard to tell which is the real attack and which is the fake.

This is it again.

Foreign intelligence agents are exhausted.

The current Fuji Syusuke, and the previous Fuji Syusuke, are completely different.

Speed, strength, stamina, and especially technique, are simply not on the same level as just now.

Evolution, without question, is evolution.

"Oh, evolved." Klopp was dumbfounded.

He's almost numb at 27.

It's normal to evolve.

normal egg.

American Mark directly dropped the computer.

It's about to explode.

How many times, how many times.

What happened to Japanese junior high school students?

Is it that easy to evolve?

Then why didn't the American Kempin evolve before, and the German robot didn't evolve, but why did you, the Japanese, evolve?

Still high school students.

No one answered.

Because this is everyone's question.

what is the problem?

Touch to score again.

Fuji Syusuke, even two sentences.

Super strong attack, extreme defense, so that Niou Masaharu, powerless to fight back.

"Amazing, Fuji Syusuke, that's awesome.

"Fuji, come on. 99

The audience cheered.

The defeat of the king is also expected by many people.

What's more, Fuji Syusuke's popularity is also extremely high.

"Just kidding, Fuji Syusuke, how could it be Niou Masaharu's opponent, Niou's strength, not serious at all.

Someone objected.

"Then how do you explain Niwang's downfall?

The audience stopped talking.

"Anyway, King Nio definitely didn't do his best."

Touch, too virtual cut.

The tennis ball is played, the space is broken, the tennis ball gets into the broken space, and when it reappears, it is already Nioh's half court.

5:5 level.

An uproar, a draw, or 5:5.

This time, more and more people supported Fuji Syusuke, and many players also joined in.

They, would love to see Rikkai's defeat.

Rikkai, at the level of middle school students, has long been the public enemy of the whole country.

Nioh stared at Fuji, he had to admit that at the same level, it was really difficult to defeat Fuji.

However, a large group of people such as Watanabe Xiu, Dad, Shintaro, etc. are still very serious, and there is no happy color.

Even Fuji Syusuke himself.


"Che, they're all idiots. 39 Atobe sneered." Not even the difference in strength is clear. 99

"Nioh should have had enough," Takamura said.

"Playing with the opponent, underestimating the enemy, Niwang will one day be planted on this." Tezuka said in a deep voice.

"This is Nioh's character. If he is a strong enemy, he will definitely not dare to relax, but if he is weak..." Yukimura calmed down.


(I've used all my strength, and I've improved a lot, but Nioh, he hasn't exerted his strength yet.) Fuji gasped.

10 games, especially the weak against the strong, put him under great pressure.

(Damn, if I had worked hard before,) Fuji was deeply regretful at this time.

In the past, he wasted too much time.

"Fuji Syusuke, you're really strong, but that's the end of it." Nio said, with a smile on his face again.

"This time, it's not so easy.

(Coming.) Fuji's eyes widened.

He knew that the real test had officially come.


Fuji saw it and tried to catch the ball, but—

Shoot directly.

It's pure power and spin.

Another blow, Fuji flying again.

This is pure basics.

Light Wind, floating shrouded, man's arm carrying the tripod, and the eye of the sky, in terms of defense, it is indeed impeccable, all changes in tennis, all attacks, all can be defended.

However, in the face of absolute foundation, everything is useless.

The simplest strength to crush is the most desperate gap.

I don't need any bells and whistles, and I don't need any skills, I just play according to the basics.

Under the absolute foundation, any magical skills, any black holes, space and time, selfless states, and different dimensions are all virtual.

It's the truth in tennis.

Bump, Fuji is chasing the tennis ball.

But the speed of the ball was too fast for Fuji Syusuke to catch up.


Fuji made a judgment, and in an instant, he had reached the landing point, but——

Boom, tennis, hit directly on the right.

Where is this game of the same level, it is clearly an adult beating a child.

Fuji Syusuke, under Nio's 893 blow, is like a schoolboy.

"It's too miserable." Someone shed tears, but she was still a female fan.

These are all fans of Fuji Syusuke, who can't bear to see their idols shattered.

"Really, Nioh is too bad." Takamura was speechless.

Obviously he can win, but he has to tease Fuji.

Also made a tough fight.

In fact, even Nioh himself was a little curious.

Several times, he thought about directly crushing and ending the game, but when things came to an end, he just wanted to play again.

can only say.

"Fuji, you are so handsome, I couldn't help but want to tease you.""

Fuji:  …

Impotent, Fuji Syusuke, could only accept the defeat.


The game is officially over.

clap clap.

Three Mifūne Nyudō and others, stood up and kept applauding.

Today's game was great.

Let him have more confidence in the U17 Cup a year later.

The audience felt that the trip was worthwhile and satisfied. The major schools felt a little bullied.

Forget about Rikkai, Shitenhouji and Hyotei are so strong, obviously they are beyond the level of junior high school students, what is going on in the competition of junior high school students?

Especially Rikkai, who is obviously a full-level demon king, but came to the novice village to bully the rookie.

Are you really embarrassed?.

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