I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 252 No matter if you earn or not, I will not lose anyway

Representatives from various countries looked at each other, tacitly understanding.

At this moment, in the U17 team against Japan, the countries have temporarily formed an alliance.

Because the Japanese team is too strong.

must be suppressed.

It's as if the countries played against the German team together before.

Although the confrontation failed, he watched as Germany's nine consecutive hegemony.

But it doesn't matter, it's one thing to do it or not, and it's another thing to succeed or not.

After the next U17 World Cup, Makoto Takamura and other golden generation will enter high school, and in the next World Cup, Proposition 73 will be put forward.

Use the quota of junior high school students to weaken the overwhelming advantage of Japanese high school students.

Even in the knockout rounds after the group stage, it is stipulated that only one appearance can be played, which can greatly weaken the advantages of the Japanese team, and also test the ability of arranging troops.

After some operations, the championship that the Japanese team had won in the next session would be unstable.

Reasonable and compliant, everything is carried out in the sun.

Rules have always guaranteed the interests of the superior.

Just like football, the rules are constantly modified to make the rules more and more conducive to the offense; the NBA is more blatant, in order to create a god and to create the world's first man James, a set of rules is specially tailored for James. 6 steps are not considered walking, just ask if you are afraid.

"Next, start the next proposal, about the Grand Slam..."

Soon, the decision of the International Tennis Association, Takamura knew.

Obviously, the butterfly effect came out.

(There is no requirement that junior high school students must participate in the competition. In major powers, unless the strength of junior high school students is against the sky, otherwise, they must be all high school students.

There is no longer a limit on the number of games played in the group stage. Before the physical strength is exhausted, all countries will only die. Then each game will be the main battle, and the intensity will be greatly increased.

The difficulty of the next World Cup has increased sharply. )

Takamura thought to himself.

Obviously, this is all about Japan.

For major powers such as Germany and Switzerland, they do not need to use any conspiracy and tricks at all. Acting according to the rules is the biggest advantage.

"What's the matter?" San Mifūne Nyudō asked, he didn't know the original rules, otherwise, San Mifūne Nyudō would yell at him.

"Nothing." Takamura didn't care.

Everything is still under control.

(The main force of high school students, well, this time, let me see the real strength of each country.)

The participation of junior high school students is certainly conducive to the development of tennis, but there is no doubt that the strength of various countries has been seriously weakened. The gap between high school students and junior high school students is huge.

The group stage can only play one round, and the strength is weakened again.

And this time, in the next World Cup, what we have to face is the real main force of each country.

The strength is definitely stronger than the original.

(However, it can't just make people from different countries feel better.) Takamura thought to himself.

The people of the International Tennis Association, everything is done according to the rules, so people can't fault it. On the bright side, no one can do anything with them,

Takamura also understands.

For the sake of our country, of course we have to take action.

What's more, everything is within the rules.

But to know is to know, and to understand is to understand.

It always hurts when the board hits you.

Takamura also has to disgust the other side. Not for anything else, just a different position.

"I imagine." Takamura touched his chin.

There is.

Zhinao retrieves the data of major U17.

From strength ratings, to player skills, from play style to character habits, everything is covered.

The processor that stores the data can be easily compromised. Takamura, began to send data from each country to each other.

For example, the data of the German team is sent to France, the data of the French team is sent to the United Kingdom, and the data of Switzerland is sent to Spain...

Presumably when the time comes, the faces of all countries will be very wonderful.


Immediately, the German team received information from the Spanish team.

That (chbj) is the information of the vice general of the Spanish team.

Originally, the German team thought it was fake, but it was roughly in line with the data they had collected in the past, and it was more detailed and targeted.

It is no exaggeration to say that with this information, the German team, facing the Spanish lieutenant, is basically a sure win.

It's useless even if he evolves.

Professional coaches have a special branch, which is to study the evolutionary direction and ability of players.

"Who are you?" Germany coach Can Reitrou sent a message.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is the accuracy of the information, and what I just said is enough to show my sincerity.

"Here I am, and there is information on the entire Spanish team, including Medanore, who you are most afraid of. 99

Can Retru was silent.

"what do you want?

"10 million euros.

"Impossible. Can Retru was relieved, Qian Hao said.

Germany has money.

"10 million is too expensive, and this is not an adult team. Information is only information, it cannot guarantee victory. Moreover, the only thing in Spain worthy of my attention is Medanore, I only need Medanore's information, Make a price. 99

"Just kidding, I gave you Medanore's data, what else do I sell? If you want Medanore's data, you must buy the entire Spanish team."

It made Kan Retru's teeth ticklish.

In the end, after all, it was sold at a price of 5 million euros.

"This is?"

Germany is buzzing.

This information about the Spanish team is extremely detailed, covering everything from tennis to life, and it can be called an invaluable treasure.

Not at all available to intelligence officers.

Even the internal information of Spain is nothing more than that.

"The insider, definitely leaked by the insider in Spain." The German tennis world has come to a conclusion.

"Don't panic, verify the accuracy of the information.

Soon, there were professionals and technicians who, combined with the existing information, formally confirmed the authenticity of the information.

"This matter has become a secret and must not be leaked," Germany coach Can Reitrou said.

"Polke, Medanore's strength is definitely higher than you, and from now on, you have to specialize in his weaknesses and conduct special training. 99

"You are Germany's hope and must not lose to Medanore."

Polk was silent for a while.

Knowing that his old opponent has far surpassed himself, this feeling is very bad.

"I see.

Can Retru was very satisfied, the 5 million was worth the money.

Takamura is also satisfied.

Not only disgusting Spain, but also earning a small amount of money.

No matter if you earn or not, I don't lose anyway,

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