Even if you listen to Takamura's advice, don't do special events, and keep everything simple, you should invite your friends.

So, from last night, mother Takamura Megumi began to arrange it.

Akutsu Yuuki also came to help.

"You are?"

"Hello, I'm Yuuki Akutsu, Takamura's babysitter in Kanagawa.

"Oh. Luo

Takamura Megumi suddenly.

Takamura hired a nanny in Kanagawa, she knew.

The only doubt is, is this nanny too good looking?

Can such a beautiful woman really be a nanny?

When Takamura and Yuuki went shopping to buy ingredients, Takamura became more and more confused.

On the other hand, Akujin scolded and returned to the dormitory.

Today he still hadn't found that bastard Makoto Takamura.

Since the challenge, the "893" egg seems to have evaporated from the world, and I don't know where it went.

It makes Akutsu, who wants to challenge Takamura, depressed.

Only the excess energy can be vented to training.

After being bored for a while, Akutsu thought about it, and he hadn't seen Yuuki for a long time.

Especially in U17, in addition to training, training is extremely boring, and it is easier to miss family members.



"Wait, I'll take a call. 99 Yuuki reaches out.

"Never mind it, what the call," Takamura refused.

At times like this, Tianwang Laozi doesn't answer the phone either.

Can't get through.

"Strange, what happened to Yuuki?" Akutsu complained.

Finally made a phone call, but no one answered.

(Hey, I don't know what Yuuki is doing? I miss him a bit, and that person.)

That person, of course, is Akutsu's cheap father, Takamura.

(Forget it, let's go to training.) Akutsu decided.

On the birthday, the arrangement continues.

Rikkai's members also came one by one on leave.

"Minister, happy birthday.

"Here, it's a gift.

"Thank you." Takamura took it calmly.

It is also a good thing to have a relaxing day as a whole.

ding ding.

The doorbell rang.

Megumi Takamura opened the door.

At the door, stood a beautiful woman.

She is elegant and vulgar, with her own air of lightness, tender skin, leisurely demeanor, beautiful eyes, peach cheeks with a smile, no words to spit out, air like a secluded orchid, indescribably gentle and pleasant.

"Hi Auntie, I'm Sei-kun's girlfriend, Echizen Nanako.

Nanako smiled.

Takamura Huile's mouth laughed.

Beautiful, gentle, intellectual, the perfect daughter-in-law candidate.

The only downside is that Nanako's age, seems to be a bit older.

Bigger than Takamura.

Others are not surprised.

It's strange that a fifth diamond king like Makoto Takamura has a girlfriend who is not beautiful or excellent.

Just as everyone sat down, the doorbell rang again.

As soon as it was opened, another elegant woman stood at the door.

The hands are like catkins, the skin is like fat, the collar is like a grub, the teeth are like a rhinoceros, and the head is like a moth. A beautiful smile and beautiful eyes.


"Hi Auntie, I'm Makoto's girlfriend, Yumiko Fuji.

"???" Takamura Megumi's forehead filled with question marks.

Immediately, he looked at Nanako in the house.

two girlfriends?

"Yeah. Auntie." Yumiko smiled and saw Nanako in the house.

"I am indeed Sei-kun's girlfriend.


Megumi Takamura is confused, who is in the house?

Who is lying, or does the son really have two girlfriends?

Inside the house, Yumiko and Nanako were sitting quietly on both sides of Takamura, with a smile on their faces, but invisible gunpowder smoke and gas.

Ah Cheng has two girlfriends?

Takamura saw Long Meng.

Look at this, look at that.

He also sat grandly on both sides of Ah Cheng.

Well, Takamura admits to being jealous after seeing the dragon.

Others were dumbfounded.

Rikkai everyone, you look at me and I look at you.

Don't know what to say.

At this moment, there are only two words in my heart, awesome.

Look at the minister, he has made two girlfriends in an upright manner. It's really amazing, really, it's enviable.

Including this woman, Sanada Genichiro, will only affect a single tendon in my swing.

As I got older, I gradually got to know something about men and women.

"Mita Wen, how does the minister compare to you? I remember you had 5 girlfriends at the same time." Kuang Yuan whispered.

"Well, stop talking, I regret it now." Marui had a toothache.

In the past, Marui did date 3 girlfriends at the same time, and there are still 2 in the conversation. I believe it is only a matter of time before they win.

But didn't he meet Takamura later.

After entering the junior high school, he was confused by Takamura's training plan and strength improvement, and Marui stopped talking about girlfriends for a long time.

At least 6 hours of training every day, plus tired like a dead dog, Marui Bunta, where does the energy come from as before, to make girlfriends, and also to make 5.

Marui Bunta secretly compared his own record with Takamura.

He has the advantage in quantity, the minister has the advantage in quality, and the two women know each other.

This, I grass, God.

Tezuka stared blankly at Yumiko, this person seems to be Fuji's sister, right? Is she also the director's girlfriend?

Wait, I am friends with Fuji, classmates with the minister, and Fuji's sister is in contact with the minister.

So, this naming issue...

Tezuka was a little embarrassed.

Takamura had a headache and knew that.

These two women were not worried at all, and sure enough, they still had to teach them a lesson.

"Okay, let's eat. 99

Brush, Yumiko and Nanako, while using cutlery, add the dish to Takamura.

Look at Takamura, look at yourself, Rikkai is sour.

Ate a wave of dog food.

Not only that, during the entire meal, the eyes of the two 1.9-year-old women kept silently watching Takamura, asking for help from time to time.

It can make people uncomfortable.

They all feel that they are superfluous, and there is a lot of rancid smell of love in the air.

Takamura Megumi looked at the two girls, and it seemed that they were both older than Takamura.

Looking at Yuuki, who was silent on the side, he was also older than Takamura.

Is it a coincidence?

Takamura Megumi wondered.

Time flies by quickly.

Another U17 match.

This time, it was the North Korean team.

Takamura still did not take action, and only sent junior high school students to North Korea to compete.

"Junior high school student, junior high school student again." The North Korean team was furious.

Last time, it was Makoto Takamura and Fuji Syusuke, two junior high school students. This time, is it still the national lineup of junior high school students?

I miss us so much.

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