I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 257 Too Arrogant

(The rain finally stopped, tears.)

"Damn, it's too arrogant." The new No.1 of the Jonan team was furious.

Is the new NO.1.

U17 players from various countries have also suffered from blood mold for eight lifetimes.

Meet Takamura, every NO.1 will be replaced.

By the way, the head coach has also changed.

Moreover, the end is generally not very good.

Some are in a coma, some are lying in bed humming, some are beaten and their confidence collapses, and some are due to responsibility or blame.

"Okay, shut up." The new head coach said coldly.

He also hated Gao-cun incomparably.

However, the realistic conditions prevented him from doing stupid things.

"Makoto Takamura, we can't do anything about it, the other players, it's up to you to play with the spirit of the Jonan team. The coach said in a deep voice, with sadness in his eyes.

Jonan, this World Cup is over.

Not only this time, but even the next U17 World Cup is over.

Since Takamura picked Yoonan U17 last time, Yoonan's U17 can be said to be wiped out.

Basically, the original U17 members have all bid farewell to tennis.

The new U17 members are all newly recruited.

As long as you imagine the Japanese team, if hundreds of U17 players are gone, the players after that will be all stinky fish and rotten shrimp.

The strongest, it is estimated that it is the level of the county competition level, or the lowest level.

This is still open Japan.

If it was Jonan...

In the last two games, in addition to the ban and walkover because of Han, even the North Korean team, Yoonan was humiliated.

Yonan U17, together with India, has become the third-rate in Asia, no, or the fifth-rate.

It's bullying.

Revenge, take courage.

The two ideas have been fighting until the president, a veteran who has participated in the war, is determined.

"The Americans can't beat us, the French can't beat us, and little Makoto Takamura can't."1

"Isn't it three years? We can pay."

"Blood for blood, tooth for tooth. 35

Anyway, the yue south team has been scrapped, so just use the waste and let them use the big bang, and they can perish with the players of the Japanese team.

Just like the war decades ago.

Using children, pregnant women, and the elderly as weapons, all the people are soldiers, dragging down the United States.

Jonan people are never afraid of sacrifice.

So, the members of the yue south team went to the court with a tragic mood.

That is Feng Xiao Xiao Xi Yi Shui Han.

To participate in their final game.

Three singles went to court, he is the new NO.2,

As soon as it appeared, the Big Bang was used immediately, and the result.

Yukimura was unhurt.

It touches NO.2 himself, disabled.

It's not a side effect, but NO.2 hits the tennis ball on himself.

Because Yukimura used illusion as soon as he played.

"Sure enough, the gap in strength is too big..."

The head coach sank.

My heart is very sad.

These players are the last flames of the Yonan people in three years.

However, for revenge, he can only send players to death.

(Idiot, don't they know that the most important thing for Yoonan now is to train new people and restore their strength?) Coach Yoonan cursed in his heart.

But helplessly, the orders given above must be fulfilled desperately.

The two of the two doubles walked up to them as if they were dead.

As a result, he was immediately kicked off the stage.

Chitose Senri, who sees the future directly.

Some were surprised by the determination of the Jonan team.

He was too lazy to raise his eyes, one person and one ball, directly blasting the two of them into the air.

Coach Jonan was not angry but happy.

Although he lost, he was saved.

Good thing, good thing.

On the other hand, the audience about Nan was furious.

His own side could not even catch a ball, what a waste.

No, or trash is insulting the word.


Then came the second singles, the new No.1 looked at the coach pitifully, and wanted the coach to take his life back.

He is not afraid of sacrifice.

The problem is that it doesn't make sense.

The 2 big bangs in a row have no effect at all, and I am still disabled.

So what's the point of using the Big Bang?

Coach Yue Nan closed his eyes.

He couldn't stop cursing the top.

But helplessly, an order is an order.

"Come on.

These few words, what Coach Yue Nan said was extremely helpless.

He doesn't want to either.

NO.1 had a sad face, and could only go on stage helplessly. Because of nervousness, he slipped.

Eat a dog to eat shit.

...... Ask for flowers·

"Hahaha." The Japanese player laughed.

In the auditorium, Yonan audience, one by one, looked at each other silently.

Is this also a Yoonan player?

Just this kind of stuff?

"What qualifications do these wastes have to represent Jonan?

Someone is dissatisfied.

"Stop complaining, damn it's Makoto Takamura."

Someone explained, gnashing their teeth.

If it weren't for Makoto Takamura, Yonan U17's strength would not be a joke.

The audience, hating Takamura more and more, yelled at him.

But Takamura had no influence at all, and smiled from time to time, obviously in a good mood.

From time to time, extend 2 fingers.

Obviously, that's the score.


"Asshole. 35


The audience about Nan was even more angry and wished to tear up Takamura in person.

Of course, this is all fantasy.

Atobe looked at his opponent speechlessly.

The more I look, the more boring I get.

Moreover, listening to the scolding of the audience, I also feel wronged.

It was Makoto Takamura who caused everything, why are you scolding me?

The new NO.1, sacrificed his life to use the Big Bang.

"it is good."

The audience shouted.

If the strength is insufficient, then use the fighting spirit.

Even if you die, don't make your opponent better.

The result is still invalid.

The difference in strength is too great.

Even using the Big Bang, it cannot be shaken.

It's like a three-year-old child, even if he takes a high-destructive weapon, let alone hit the opponent, the shock alone can break his wrist.

competition is over.

Jonan's new NO.1 is gone again, and it seems that he will be replaced again.

Takamura stretched out three fingers, and that was the score.

Let the audience's face burning pain.

"It's over." Coach Jonan closed his eyes.

The plan for revenge failed.

Don't talk about showing your face, let your butt leak out.

Moreover, the two strongest members of the new U17 have been scrapped again.

U17, again to make matters worse.

This time, it was a clean loser.

Touch, at this moment, I don't know how many TV sets were smashed.

It's not bad for smashing TV audiences.

The audience at the scene was even more embarrassed.

Because the fire prevention facilities are broken. A large amount of water was sprayed from the water pipe, and most of the audience was poured into a mess.

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