I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 263 The Light of Evolution

In the world composed of 0 and 1, the invincible armored warrior seems to be able to destroy the sky and destroy the earth and be omnipotent.

Time is his sword, space is his coat, strength is his authority, and technology is his embellishment...

Those sharp eyes are a relative weakness, and at this moment, it is indeed a fatal weakness.


A ball that exerts absolute spin, as well as absolute power.

The card rubbed the card rubbed, and even the space made a sound, blasting deep potholes on the field.


"Go on. 35

Touch, 2:2 level.

Touch, 3:2.

Touch, 3:3.

The two sides kept fighting. Every ball, every point, every second counts for both sides.

Takamura's offensive gradually deepened and gradually accelerated.

Touch, 4: "Eight Nine Three" 3.

If Takamura procrastinated, Nanjiro could only be defeated because of his lack of physical strength. He only needed to delay until the protracted battle, and Takamura could win without a fight.

Echizen Nanjiro, after all, hasn't played seriously in years.

Not only Takamura knows this, but also Nanjiro himself.

(Oops, what a terrible future.) Nanjiro sighed in his heart.

Makoto Takamura, indeed, is the ultimate genius of the younger generation.

No, it's not just the younger generation, even in the right age, even among the top professional players, there must be a place for Takamura.

Compared to Takamura, who was still a little immature compared to the first time they met, it's only been over a year.

(Just kidding, if I win with physical strength, then what's the point of my years of practice.) Takamura made up his mind.

Echizen Nanjiro, he's going to beat him completely.

Well, evolve.

Twelve Profound Truths, the light of evolution.

Comprehensively scan the warring parties with data, measure all the surrounding data, and let Takamura make targeted evolution based on the information of both the enemy and the enemy.

It's like Echizen Ryoma, Fuji Syusuke and others keep evolving.

The difference is that Echizen Ryoma and others rely on their own talents and their usual accumulation and evolution, while Takamura can make targeted evolution at any time according to the situation of both the enemy and the enemy - to maximize the target against the opponent and give full play to their own advantages, and the biggest chance of winning.

The dazzling light appeared, like the light without me, which made people palpitate.

The first is power.

Selfless State, the control of cells, makes the power skyrocket.

(The strength increases again.) Nanjiro was surprised, and racquet was a little bit weak.

Then there's speed.

The movements are more delicate, borrowing from Nanjiro's small steps, and using Nanjiro's moving wind speed and airflow to speed up his movement.

(The speed has increased by about 50%.) Nanjiro's palms are already sweaty.

And the most important technology.

Observing Nanjiro's technology, with the brain as the core, constantly calculating, thinking about the flaws in Nanjiro's technology, especially when it loses points.

Then use the magic skill of making up for weaknesses - turning the weakness of the previous ball into the strongest point of the next ball - so as to improve your skills quickly and pertinently.

(His technique is completely aimed at my weakness, evolve on the spot, or hide his strength?) Nanjiro couldn't react in time.

In other words, he realized it, but the flaws are not so easy to overcome.



Takamura scores.

"Nanjiro-senpai, you're still a long way off," Takamura said.


Echizen Ryoma:

Why is this word so familiar?

Looking at Takamura sweating profusely, Nanjiro's eyes were full of emotion and reminiscence.

I think back then, I was also so magnificent, constantly breaking through, and constantly fighting against powerful enemies.

But now...

Nanjiro shook his head. Time is the biggest enemy.

"Come on, Takamura, let me see your strength.

bang bang.

In the end, the score was fixed at 7:5.

Takamura wins.

"Thank you for your advice, senpai," Takamura said.

Nanjiro has been defeated, and his next goal is to be stronger, stronger than ever.

The purpose of longevity, Takamura never forgot for a moment.

"I lost, I lost," Nanjiro was unwilling, but more calm.

Which player can be undefeated all the time? No one can.

Since he retired, he knew it was only a matter of time before he lost, but he didn't expect that the loser would be Takamura... not Ryoma or Ryoga as he thought.

Nanjiro sighed inwardly.

There is a generation that is stronger than a generation, and the emotion of Qianlang dying on the beach.

Echizen Ryoma was dumbfounded, his eyes still immersed in the battle just now. Although Ryoma couldn't see, and couldn't see clearly. Moreover, there is still a layer of dust on his body, and his forehead was bruised by stone characters.

But it does not affect the aftertaste of Ryoma.

Well, Ryoma filmed it with a camera and was waiting to go back and learn from it.

Turn on the camera and enable playback.

Well, it's all gray, and I can't see anything clearly, even if the full room function is turned on.

Ryoma was expressionless.

"How's it going? Little one, did your confidence take a hit." Nanjiro teased and returned to his hippie smile.

"Hmph," Ryoma snorted coldly, turning away without even saying the famous "It's still a long way off".

By the way, put the camera heavily on the table.

Ryoma was really hit.

"It's a headache." Nanjiro was rarely serious, and it was because of this that he never showed his true strength.

"Takamura, you have to help me..." Nanjiro said, his eyes turning into dead fish eyes.

Because Nanako is here.

"Song-kun, auntie has made the pastries, and uncle, let's have some tea and rest." When the sound stopped, Nanako came over with a washbasin in his hand and towels and other items on it.

Obviously 1.9, this is for the two of Takamura.

In the distance, Ryoma glanced at his embarrassed appearance, and then looked at the two towels in Nanako's hands.

Well, it looks like I've been forgotten.

Nanako was not surprised at the messy court in front of him.

Since his sweetheart is a tennis player, of course, Nanako has also learned about the strength of tennis players. Because of this, Nanako was surprised by Nanjiro's status.

After all, in Nanako's eyes, Nanjiro is a standard old man who is not serious, a jerk, who is not doing a proper job... ahem, he is a freelancer, full of the charm of a mature uncle.

Even, Nanako used to wonder why a beautiful aunt would marry a freelancer's uncle. As a result, it is truly unbelievable.

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