I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 269 How can I defeat Rikkai?

"In that case, the U17 World Cup 2 and a half years later is destined to be Japan's championship, and the U17 in 4 years, it will be a crowd of heroes again." The white man smiled.

It's just a World Cup, it's not a big problem. Who is not rich when. Germany still has nine consecutive championships.

Did they say anything?

The ebb and flow is normal. It's just that Japan is proud of it later.

It can block Germany's 11th consecutive championship.

Said, the eyes of the two of them looked at the German Loew at the same time, and their eyes were a bit mocking.

The new king is destined to defeat the old king.

Loew's expression was also relaxed, and he couldn't see any loss, which was obviously the same idea.

The only pity is that the U17 World Cup 11 consecutive championships may be a dream.

That's right, even the Germans themselves are desperate for the World Cup in two and a half years. The emphasis is on participation and participation.

This is called strategic abandonment.

Boom, a strong explosion, and the sound of smoke and dust resounded throughout the audience.

Xiao Jin just hit his unique trick, the super invincible Taishan smash. There was also a pothole in the field, and the soil splashed.

The whites and blacks froze, pale.

what's the situation?

Loew's face turned gloomy.

another one?

Or the first year of high school?

Let's take a look at Xiao Jin's game, against Rikkai's second team member, Yagyu Hiroshi.

As a result, Yagyu was powerless than Lu Shi, what laser beam, laser serve, tornado laser, golf play... All the tricks were broken, and the army was defeated.

Searching for a small body, technique, strength, speed, and physical strength, all are abnormal grades.

They looked at each other and confirmed their guesses. Bai and Hei sighed and felt helpless.

"Report it."

On the other side, Loew's eyes were expressionless, and he no longer had the calmness he had before.

Japan, has it stabbed the genius nest? How can other countries get involved?

Soon, Rikkai's new team members were officially released.

The first team is Makoto Takamura, Tezuka Kunimitsu, Seiichi Yukimura, Niou Masaharu, Sanada Kenichiro, Yanagi Renji, Kintarou Tooyama, and alternate Marui Bunta.

The second tier is Kirihara Akaya, Yagyu Hiroshi, Haitang Xun and Jackal Sanghara.

The jackal Kuwahara once again thought about going back to Brazil to play football, and the competition of Rikkai was too terrifying.

"It's me who won, Kemin takes the lead." Marui blew bubbles.

"Damn, damn." Kirihaya red-eyed, according to his script, it should be the main selection first, then defeat Liu, then Sanada, and finally Tezuka.

In the end, become the second master of Rikkai.

Next year, he will be the new Rikkai Minister and the strongest in the tennis club.

It is a pity that the ideal is full and the reality is very skinny.

He's still in the second team, exactly the same as last year.

Oh, last year it was the second team, this year it's the second team, so isn't his one-year devil training in vain?

"No, let's fight again." Kirihaya refused.

Even if he lost, he wouldn't accept it.

Marui glanced, then ignored it, ignoring Kirihaya.


Looking at the list of Rikkai players in hand, all the major schools that received the information were all a headache.

How on earth can I defeat Rikkai?

This is a headache for all schools in the middle school.

"So, Rikkai has another super newcomer? Kintarou Tooyama?" Atobe looked up.

In the gym, Atobe was sweating and exercising all the time.

"That's right, according to our speculations and estimates, Kintarou Tooyama..." The intelligence officer hesitated.


"The talent potential is not under you, young master."


Atobe laughed angrily.

Just kidding, with his gorgeous skills, how could a monster that is shoulder-to-shoulder appear casually.

"In addition, Shitenhouji also has a new monster named Echizen Ryoma. According to our speculation, you may not be an opponent, Master."

Schools such as Shitenhouji and Shishile also have Atobe's intelligence personnel. Anyway, for Atobe, who has the ability to make money, it's just a sprinkle of water.

Atobe kept working out, he didn't believe it.

In my heart, I have decided to let this intelligence officer get out of the way.

He spent money to gather intelligence, not to buy a bunch of fake news.

"As for Liliadent Krauser, there is a new student named Liliadent Krauser, but he has too little potential, don't bother, just be careful with his violent play. 35

"This is a video with specific information. 39



After watching the video, think about the new students of Hyotei this year, a group of crooked melons and cracked dates.

Your uncle's.

Atobe almost swears.

There are also national tennis associations who have a headache.

Originally, the intelligence team was delegated to major schools, and some people were clamoring for wasting money.

But two people had to show up to silence all the opposition.

Echizen Ryoma, Kintarou Tooyama.

The two superstars are still freshmen, and their potential and talent are no less than Tezuka Kunimitsu and others.

The leaders of various countries who just heard the news did not believe it at first.

How can the world's top junior high school students grow as long as they say they are like leeks.

Then thought it was unscientific Japan.

Confidence shakes.

Look at the data again.

Many people yelled.

What the hell is the Japanese 893 book? Why do perverted middle school students appear one after another? Why?

There are one or two people in our country who are so happy, how come there are two randomly in Japan?

Some people have even begun to propose whether it is because the discharge of nuclear waste water has changed Japan's luck, so that Japan has been favored by the goddess of luck and entered a golden age. Otherwise it can't be explained.

This idea was immediately criticized and scolded as bloody.

Nuclear wastewater? You can't figure it out.

As a result, after returning, someone immediately wrote a report and brought it up.

Excluding all impossible situations, the only thing left, no matter how incredible, is the truth.

The chaos caused all countries to jump around.

Especially America.

"Echizen Ryoma, is a member of our US team." The US U17 coaching staff was furious.

Echizen Ryoma, who won the fourth consecutive championship in the US youth competition, has long been in the sight of the US U17 team.

Just wait until the time is right before recruiting.

As a result, the cooked duck flew away.

"Japan has top-level junior high school students with almost double digits, and they have to add another Kintarou Tooyama, why are they still robbing our Echizen Ryoma? The coach of the US team is extremely indignant.

"Protest, I'm going to protest, Team USA will never give up on Echizen Ryoma."

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