I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 271 Theatrical version that ends before it begins

"I want an explanation." Sakurabukiyukihiko's tone was flat.

But with his identity, no one dared to ignore him.

Three Mifūne Nyudō Three headaches, really headaches.

First there was Byōdōin Hōō, a rebellious teenager, and then there was Takamura. One was more difficult than the other, one was more difficult than the other, and one was more rebellious than the other. How come U17 is full of problem teenagers.

Mifune sighed in his heart, it was really too difficult for him.

Countries: If you don't give us Takamura, we don't mind the thorns, and you can take as much as you want.

Mifune: Get out, dream.

"Takamura classmate, offending the world-class rich is not a trivial matter." Mifune was tired. He is really good for Takamura.

"What, are you afraid?" Takamura said while exercising.

Mifune drinking, afraid?

The energy of the world-class rich is indeed great, but the three Mifūne Nyudō are not easy to match.

Tennis players don't just play tennis.

They still have power. Try a tennis ball the size of a sandbag.

"It's just not necessary. If you want to become a professional player, you need a lot of money. With the sponsorship of Yukio Sakurabuki, your career path will be much easier.""

Even if Takamura has money and does not need it, Byōdōin Hōō, Oni Jujiro and others also need it.

Don't forget, Tanegashima Shuji has to shoot advertisements to make money and increase exposure. 907 is sponsored by Sakurabuki Yukihiko, wouldn't it be good to exercise the time saved?

What's more, in Japan, the power of capital...

Three Mifūne Nyudō three worry.

"The premise is that Sakurabukiyukihiko is really rich.""

"What?" Three Mifūne Nyudō three.

Takamura transmits the data to Mifune's phone.

Staring at the phone, looking at the information that Sakurabukiyukihiko had stripped away, the time, place, witnesses, and physical evidence were all available.

Three Mifūne Nyudō's face turned blue and white.

Liar, dare to deceive his three Mifūne Nyudō three.

And he almost fell for it.

"Looking for death." San Mifūne Nyudō was furious, and ashamed. Of course, that black face can't be seen.

Especially when he thought of his apology in front of Sakurabukiyukihikoro not long ago, the anger in Mifūne Nyudōsan's heart continued to soar.

"I want you to pay the price." Mifune said fiercely.

"You don't have to worry about this.

As an adult, leave it to him as an adult.

In the hotel, Sakurabuki Xueyan Lu Zheng was drinking small wine, eating side dishes, and holding two beauties in his arms.

There are also 8 waiters next to them, waiting anytime, anywhere.

From food to accommodation to travel, he profoundly explained what a rich man is.

While eating, several burly men burst in.

"Puchi." The beauty was feeding the wine, and this time, she sprayed it on Sakurabukiyukihikoro's head. The meticulous hairstyle has completely become a chicken coop head.

"What are you doing?" Sakurabukiyuki Yanlu wiped his face and became furious.

He is a rich man in world civilization. Although he is fake, he is not polite to anyone who sees him, especially in the country of Japan.

If you add Amelkan's nationality, you can go on a rampage.

First-class people plus Amei Likan's rich, special-class people.

"Sakurabukiyukihikoro, what happened to you.

Hearing this, Sakurabuki Xueyan Lu was discouraged, and he realized that he might have leaked the bottom.

"Wait, I'm still useful, I can cooperate with you, and I can make a lot of money," said Sakurabuki Xuehiko.

Hasn't there always been a word in competition?

Never give up until the last minute.

He, Sakurabuki Yukihiko, is such a person.

The big man didn't care, he took out the iron rod and slammed it on Sakurabukiyukihiko Lu's head.

Open the scoop directly.

Then, fill the bucket, seal the cement, get on the car, sink into Tokyo Bay, and do it all in one go.

"Uuuu." Sakurabuki Xueyanlu slapped the bucket, trying to save his life.

"You guys can put me (chbj) in jail," the voice was too low and choppy to come out.

Japan does not have the death penalty, but San Mifūne Nyudō San had a dark experience in his early years, and he is an authentic social person, which can be seen by his rough appearance.

Sakurabuki Xueyanlu regretted it, and did not understand how he was exposed. His plan was flawless.

In the last second before the coma, Sakurabukiyukihikoro remembered Takamura's attitude.

"Could it be he...

The next day, Mifūne Nyudō San, who got the news, was finally satisfied.

Takamura was busy again and continued to devote himself to training.

U17, training, almost two points one line.

Finally, the surprise he had been waiting for for a long time finally arrived.

The first is Yumiko.

Invite Takamura to play at the tennis club.

Well, tennis is still a private club, and the net court is indoors.

It's all weird.

When I got to the place, I saw Yumiko's clothes, which was extremely cool. He pulled his hair behind his back and looked handsome.

"Let's have a tennis match, Takamura." Yumiko said cleanly.

There are two younger brothers who play tennis, Fuji Syusuke and Fuji Yuta, as well as a boyfriend like Takamura.


Playing slowly is not a game, but for entertainment and entertainment.

If Sanada, or Echizen Ryoma, would have taken a stinky face and said, "It's not that far. 35

Takamura is not that kind of person

From time to time, I deliberately threw a few balls and chatted with Yumiko.

"What, disappointed?" Yumiko's fingernails wrapped around Takamura, her face blushing.

After exercising, the hair was loose, and the sweat was only on the body. Tired to death.

"How? It was the happiest tennis I've ever played," Takamura said.


After all, how to play with a man and play with Yumiko is fun.

Takamura is eager to play with beautiful women every day.

"Don't worry, you won't be disappointed." Yumiko smiled slightly.

There was also some drumming in my heart. After all, my surprise would turn into a fright if I was not careful, and it was normal for the society to die.

But thinking that Takamura rejected the noble princess for herself, Yumiko's heart is firmed again.

"Who made you treat me so well?" Yumiko touched Takamura's face.

She didn't know the real reason for Takamura's refusal.

If I had known, I would have picked up the kitchen knife and cut people.

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