I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 284 Women only affect the speed of my tennis

Chitose Senri on the side was thoughtful.

"Xiao Xing, why are you so excited?"

"Ah? Am I excited?" Ju Xing blinked.

"Yes, very excited, you don't have someone you like, right? 35

Brush, orange apricot blush.

"What, where is there? Brother Chitose, what you said is too..."

"Maybe I guessed wrong." Chitose's eyes were meaningful. Looking at the orange apricot, he fled.

This time, even Tachibana Jihei could see that something was wrong.

Thinking about the scene just now, the person Tachibana likes is probably in Rikkai.

who is it?

Genichiro Sanada or Niou Masaharu, or Seiichi Yukimura, Tezuka Kunimitsu, or Makoto Takamura?

Tachibana Jihei thought hard. No matter how uncomfortable I feel. Always felt that someone was lying to his precious sister.

After all, Takamura and Niou Masaharu are okay to say, but the other three, they are all "women only affect my tennis" guys.

People who are destined to be single, even if they say they are gay27.

No, he has to take a good look.

Tachibana Jiping didn't know it, and scolded himself in it.

That is to say, in this case, the Kanto Contest is about to start,

The first is the draw.

Except for Rikkai Hyotei, all the teams are praying that they can draw a good lottery and do not face the two major schools of Rikkai Hyotei too early.

Chengcheng Shonan and Huacun Aoi put all their hopes on this draw, which is the key to whether Chengcheng Shonan can reach the semi-finals of the Kanto competition.

As for the oath of the national championship 3 years ago? Compared to the current Kanto semi-finals, well, it's a sad story.

Yamabuki didn't care at all, because they had a lucky thousand stones, so it must be the best lottery.

Eat, sleep, train, what to do.

Saeki Torujiro of Rokkaku tried to worship the gods and put on three incense sticks every day, thinking that he could have a good luck walking. It's effortless anyway. The new minister Aoi Kentaro who was watching was very angry.

"Saeki-senpai, we don't have to be afraid of Rikkai Hyotei at all.

"Then can you win?

Aoi Kentaro: "(00)"

And Seigaku.

Ryūzaki Sumire is a person who is old and not old. Although he was dismissed from the coaching position by the school, he still goes to the Seigaku tennis club all day long.

According to Ryūzaki Sumire, even if she is not a coach, she will always be a part of Seigaku.

Watching the moon is helpless. Can you do it without doing a disservice and still help?

Can you line up, train students, or get high morale? Don't take me into the gutter.

Watching the moon is tiresome. Before it was changed, there were dozens of ways to concoct the moon watching who dared to force Lai Lai to die, but now—

"Why don't you go to the cheerleading squad.""

Crack, Ryūzaki split.

Cheerleading? She went to cheerleading with a coach?

"Yes, still the cheerleader." Seeing not to notice Ryūzaki's anger, Guanyue took out a new cheerleading uniform.

"Tennis in junior high school is changing too fast. For the sake of performance, I specially made cheerleading uniforms so that Teacher Ryūzaki can wear them."

The sky blue uniform is nice, but a little short.

Thinking of the 68-year-old himself wearing a team uniform and showing his thighs, Ryūzaki Sumire wanted to explode.

Ryūzaki forced down his anger.

She is not angry, not angry. Guanyue is just a student, unconscious——


Ryūzaki is 100% sure that the moon-watching is uneasy and kind.

"What do you think of the Kanto Tournament?" Ryūzaki Sumire closed his eyes and asked.

"The most important thing for us in the Kanto Competition is to draw a good lottery, which will allow us to do more with less," Guan said at the beginning of the 35th.

"Drawing lots?" Ryūzaki Sumire was stunned, this is indeed a good method.

But how to guarantee signing? Unless cheating.

Thinking of Guanyue's character, Ryūzaki was suspicious.

"Are you going to cheat? 99

"How is that possible?" Guanyue was indifferent, cheating was indeed a means, but not necessary in Seigaku.

"How can you guarantee a good deal?" Ryūzaki Sumire was angry, feeling that he was being fooled.

Kanyue looked at Ryūzaki Sumire with a very peculiar, one could even say meaningful eye.

"It's simple, Peach City. 35

Momoshiro Takeshi, please call Momoshiro Tao Daisen now.

The new Tao Daxian can accurately predict the weather and bad things with his body.

If you go to religious education, you will definitely have a better future than playing tennis.

So very simple, let Taocheng draw lots and use intuition.

Ryūzaki Viola:

Yes, it's so simple, how come I didn't think of it.

Look at the moon's eyes again. Yes, it was a mocking look.

Don't ask how Ryūzaki sees it, that's how she feels.

Ryūzaki's face turned blue and white, and he couldn't hold on any longer, so he left.

Soon, the lottery began, with the exception of Rikkai and Hyotei in A1 and B8, respectively, Seigaku and Yamabuki, who each drew a good lottery.

Chengcheng Shonan, Huacun Aoi also took a deep breath.

Signing is not bad or bad, you can.

Soon, the Kanto Competition will officially open.

The first is the first round.

Rikkai VS Yinhua Middle-School.

It's that funny Middle-School.

In the battle with Rikkai last year, he pretended to be a master in front of others, and made him look like a master, which really caught a lot of people.

Unfortunately, Kirihaya ran to the kicking hall, and the tiger's skin was torn down by 907. The one who was beaten was a miserable one. Moreover, it was still in public, and the shame was thrown to the Java country.

Since then, Yinhua's Middle-School tennis club has become a full-fledged joke. It is very famous in the middle school, and even the reputation is spreading to the high school.

So, everyone in Yinhua practiced hard for a year, thinking about being ashamed and then brave, and being shamed in the Kanto competition, but he met the great devil Rikkai again.

What to do with this?

Yinhua Middle-School, when the news of the lottery came, Yinhua Middle-School was crying.

"What should I do? What should I do?" Minister Yinhua Middle-School was in a hurry, and when he looked at the Deputy Minister, his arm still hurt.

"Give it up." Deputy Minister Tashiro dejected, really, how did you get Rikkai?

Too sad.

The second and third grade members all agreed.

As for the first grade, well, since last year, Yinhua Middle-School tennis club has been unable to recruit anyone.

Yinhua Middle-School has made up his mind to admit defeat, but what follows is an interview?

"As Rikkai's opponents, what are your thoughts on facing such a powerful enemy?" Looking at the camera, there are also beautiful reporters.

"You know, Rikkai has 5 world-class junior high school students. Even Americans agree with Rikkai's strength."

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