I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 27 I, Makoto Takamura, are not open

"I see." Liu Wei's eyes shone brightly. Looking at Takamura's eyes, full of admiration.

"I see." Tezuka also understood. Heart shocked inexplicable.

It turned out that the gap between himself and the minister was so big.

The rest of them looked at each other, inexplicably.

"Hey, what do you mean?" Sanada asked.

"It's very simple, if you want to have a good competitive state, self-discipline is a must." Takamura said lightly.

"Chicken breast has a high protein content and is easily absorbed and utilized by the human body, which has the effect of enhancing physical strength and strengthening the body. It is low in fat, and boiled chicken is relatively nutritious although the taste is average." Tezuka explained.

"No seasoning is to control the intake of protein and carbohydrates, fat and minerals, vegetables are to supplement the missing nutrients, and rice is to fill the stomach." Liu added.

"You may think this meal is bad, but the calories are actually 10% more than usual. After eating, I have to exercise to burn off the extra calories." Takamura said.

"Otherwise, my body shape will change, and my body fat rate will increase, which is not conducive to maintaining my state, although only a little."

"Discipline is a tennis player's worst enemy," Takamura said. "From diet to sleep, including psychology, living habits, to training, only a comprehensive scientific plan can have a good competitive state and prolong your tennis time."

Djokovic, one of the three kings of tennis, only eats his favorite chocolate after winning the championship, and only eats one bite. In order to feel the sweetness of chocolate, he is reluctant to chew it;

Federer eats meals every 2 to 3 hours and strictly follows the recipe to supplement his nutrition;

Nadal also needless to say, self-discipline is extreme, what to eat at each meal, how much to eat at each meal, when to eat, there are strict rules...

And sleep.

Adequate sleep time must be ensured every day to recover from fatigue.

It is also the strict and harsh self-discipline that makes the three kings still stand at the peak of tennis at the age of 35, standing still.

In contrast, Echizen Nanjiro, who is at the same level, retired early, although there is a relationship between the Echizen Ryoma brothers and the reason for marriage;

However, the law of undisciplined life has greatly dragged down his talent, hindered his upper limit, and also caused Echizen Nanjiro's competitive state to decline rapidly, becoming a shooting star in the tennis world, and can no longer be compared with the three major legends...

"I will train for 8 hours a day, and I will have 4 hours of restorative training if I compete. In addition, tennis training must ensure adequate rest. I will ensure 10 hours of sleep every day, and I must sleep before 11 o'clock. Take a break of at least an hour at noon," Takamura continued.

"But there's not enough time. There are only 24 hours in a day, and you still have to go to school." Liu asked.

"Uh, actually, I've already said hello to the school. As long as I can get the first place in the exam, I don't need to go to school."


So envious.

"How long have you been on such a diet?" Tezuka asked.

"From the age of four, food like Coke, fried chicken, grilled meat disappeared from my life, except for my parents' birthday and my birthday."

So, don't look at Takamura's strength, it's all obtained with sweat, bit by bit, through brutal training.

Therefore, Takamura can confidently say:

I, Makoto Takamura, are not open.

"This is the first lesson I give you."

"To become a tennis master, self-discipline and hard work are the first hurdles."

Tezuka nodded silently. It seems to understand Takamura's strength.

The others were also silent.

No wonder, no wonder there is such a big gap in strength between myself and Takamura.

This kind of training volume, such a living habit, and close strength is a strange thing.

Tezuka grabbed the food and ate it silently.

Sanada is not to be outdone. Upon seeing this, Yukimura, Liu and others also started to eat. Including the King.

A picky eater, he could only eat with a bitter face.

"I want to tell you that if you plan to take the path of professional players, then from now on, you have to prepare."

"What food can be eaten and what food cannot be eaten, daily rest time and training time need to be strictly limited, and good living habits must be maintained."

"Tomorrow is Saturday, and I will rest in the afternoon. I will give you a day and a half to think about it, discuss it with your family, and choose to embark on a career path. You are destined to pay a lot."

"What if you don't want to become a professional player? What's the impact?" Daisuke Nazuka asked.

"No influence," Takamura said. "I don't make any coercions. It's all up to you."

Takamura is not someone else's parent, has no qualifications, and has no right to enforce orders.

Everyone has the right to choose.

"Starting next Monday, a new training plan will start. It is also not mandatory."

"However, strength must keep up."

"Once you fall behind, you will be eliminated directly."*

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