I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 300 The True Ability of a Professional Coach

Sakakitaro's face was gloomy, and he did not think of this move. If Hakudi really admits defeat, then...

"Mr. Sakakitaro, you can think about it, anyway, you have to lose. It's the same if you lose early and lose late. If you lose early, you can hide information." Flender advised.

Sakakitaro:  …

Where are you from?

But saying that, Sakakitaro is really in a much better mood... that's weird.

"Haha," Nioh laughed, teasing Atobe's feeling, it's not bad.

Who keeps Atobe pretending?

"Take me to dinner then.

"No problem, no problem." Atobe stared at Niwang, hesitating.

"Okay, I won't take advantage of others." King Nio shrugged, and in a blink of an eye, he transformed himself again.

A very familiar figure, Makoto Takamura.

"If I want to win, I will win with dignity.

"Rikkai's strength is absolutely invincible.

Atobe gave Niwang a complicated look, which he really admired.

Rikkai, indeed the teacher of kings,

"Then let's begin."

The game starts again.

Atobe also uses full force directly.

The first is the Atobe of God, which is a stunt that applies super insight to itself, controls every shred of vigor in the body, and improves its own strength in an all-round way.

Then, the light of restraint, or in other words, was flawless, turned on.

Atobe, also loves tennis.

Seamlessly add the Atobe of God, the two are superimposed, and Atobe also enters the professional level. Plus Nioh who phantom becomes Takamura.

This time, it was a battle of four that could be called professional level.

Just the aftermath, it was earth-shattering.


Even in the U17 World Cup, it has not been seen for many years to gather four professional-level doubles, let alone in a game in China.

This gives a sense of absurdity to anyone who knows the inside story.

"Could it be that I'm dreaming? Otherwise, what's going on with the four pro-level games?"

Exquisite coordination, stunning ball skills, powerful strength, and fantastic special effects.

Ordinary audiences can only say that they are watching Hollywood blockbusters. In addition, if they want to see other things clearly, they can only use high-speed cameras, and they can see the players' movements clearly under multiple slow-speed playback.

Heinkerts and others were helpless, and their eyes were full of sullenness.

It was a feeling of being shocked to the point of being used to it.

When there is only one Makoto Takamura, Heinkerts and others are a blessing, anyway, which country has no genius?

You have it, I have it, everyone has it, and they are sincerely happy for the development of the tennis world.

When Tezuka Kunimitsu, Seiichi Yukimura shines. Countries such as Germany began to be jealous, and Japan has more young talents, isn't it?

But also keep calm. Three, not much.

When Niou Masaharu, Akutsu Jin, Fuji Syusuke rise, and Atobe Keigo rises, it's completely broken. Many people were yelling.

God, are you blind? Why do you love Japan so much? We are your followers.

Now, two more perverts, Echizen Ryoma, Kintarou Tooyama, oh, and maybe half a birch.

Ah? Japan, it's okay, I'm used to it, there are geniuses out there recently, or super geniuses.

Forget it, tired, destroy it, hurry up.

"If it's Hakudi's words, if it's an imitation of Makoto Takamura....||..." Leff felt terrified as long as he thought of this possibility.

Two Makoto Takamura, one of them is fake, but scary enough, which country can compete in the World Cup?

Germany? Or Switzerland? Or America?

"Don't worry, Takamura is playing data tennis, Huadi's brain can't play it..." Heinkerts reminded.

"That's right," Leff laughed, the pressure gone.

A Makoto Takamura, though also Alexander, but not yet desperate.

Polk, but beat the world's No. 1 professional player.

"Look, Rikkai is going to win."

Huadi had to imitate and think about it, it was still fake, and it was different from the real Akutsu.

Atobe is also not as good as Yukimura, the doubles result is already doomed.

"No, it was doomed from the beginning," Shiraishi rested his forehead.

"Atobe played bad chess, he should have played with doubles again and again, and the winning rate is higher. Even if the card of Birch land is wasted.

Facing the Yukimura Nioh group, even Atobe Akutsu and the two cannot compete. What's more, the birch land is still fake.

"That's right, the doubles are lost, and Hyotei is the only one left with Akutsu and Rikkai, and everyone else loses.

Fuji nodded, just thinking about the professional coach, wouldn't he know this?

Would such an obvious loophole really be spared?

"How can I be a professional coach if I can't think of that. 35 Flanders sneers.

"This is doubles, not only depends on personal strength, but also tacit understanding and cooperation.


Atobe and Birch, the warm, dazzling light connects the two together. The strength has skyrocketed again, and you can also use the opponent's unique tricks.

Atobe can use alaya, and Birch can also use Atobe's unique trick.

"" "The Weeping Dance."

The second stage smashes, the second stage hits the racquet, and the second stage directs a big cold wave.


"Ah, ah, many people's cameras and mobile phone camera screens are directly broken.

Scared passersby.

"So it is," this time, the people who knew the goods finally realized.

Kaji is just imitating Akutsu, he is still Kaji, a boy who has been with Atobe for many years.

With a pure heart and a pure heart like a baby, plus years of friendship, if you intend to cooperate, isn't it a matter of course that the ability to resonate?

"The most important thing for doubles is cooperation and tacit understanding. If they can resonate with their abilities, even if the strength of a single person is insufficient, they can indeed defeat the strong with the weak." Shiraishi understood.

Atobe debut, this is not a bad game, but a wonderful formation.

Akutsu has the power to fight, and if Oshitari wins three singles and three wins out of five, then Hyotei can indeed win against Rikkai.

Although the possibility is extremely low, there is a possibility in the end. Not the previous despair.

(Nuo's Zhao)

"Fantastic, not only did Huadi imitate Akujin in advance and use professional-level strength; the tacit understanding of doubles was also considered, and it was possible to defeat the strong by the weak.

Even Hyotei's overall victory method is taken into account, as well as on-the-fly guidance, to maximize the player's advantages and defeat the opponent. Is that what a professional coach is capable of?" Irie Kanata gave Flanders a wary look.

A professional coach can not only train the players, but also greatly improve the strength of the players, and even the ability to line up troops is terrifying to the extreme, taking into account almost every aspect.

"If other countries have professional coaches involved in the lineup, then..." Irie worried.

"It's okay, Irie, we also have a coach, and, too, Takamura-san.

Tanegashima pointed.

I saw Takamura still motionless, sitting silently, not worried at all.

Looking at Takamura, the worries in Irie's heart disappeared instantly.

Yes, they have Takamura there.

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