I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 302 They are playing tennis, not Star Wars

"Mr. Akujin, your physical exertion is too high, please believe us. We are professional." Big man Michael Evelyn said with a smile.

After speaking, he tapped harder.

"Yes, time is tight, you can only increase the intensity." Another person shrugged.

If they have enough time, they can of course light it, which is guaranteed to be more comfortable than a professional massage.

It's a pity that Akutsu will have to play later.

Time is tight. Gotta get Akutsu back-to-the-best.

"As I said before, it's not so troublesome to recover my stamina. You lied to me? 35

"You demonstrated it twice, and fatigue is not as simple as 1 plus 1.

Akujin remembered the singles three troubles.

Thinking about Takamura, the more I thought about it, the more angry I smashed the phone.

Michael and the two shrugged, Akujin just had a bad temper.

Keep pushing.

Card rub card rub, not only the muscles, but also the bones are rattling.

Michael Evelyn even stretched out his foot and kicked Akutsu.

Akutsu:  …

"Relax, I am a professional in terms of physical recovery." Michael Evelyn gave a thumbs up. Teeth gleamed in the light.

Step, I step, I step, step - BY Michael.

Akutsu: I suspect you are taking the opportunity to retaliate.

Massage to relieve fatigue.

Massage techniques to help players regain physical strength and relieve muscle pain.

The professional jacuzzi equipped with liquid nitrogen is also equipped with medicinal materials, which can relieve fatigue in an all-round way and allow players to recover to the greatest extent.

Akutsu needs to recover as soon as possible to deal with the game.

The singles second game was mediocre, except for the higher level, everything was normal.

At least, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is normal.

Although I still can't see the trajectory of the ball, at least I can understand it.

They're playing tennis, serious tennis, not Star Wars anymore.

Vigorously pumped, the tennis ball flew, and when it was about to hit the net, it seemed to pass through space, and the tennis ball went straight through the net and fell to the ground.

"Wall penetration, how is my technique?" Marui chewed gum.

Well, the audience is still a little confused.

Marui Bunta, a smashing victory.


Hyotei also watched silently.

Cheering loudly.

The mood is quite calm.

The second of singles is the one who gives up.

So far, the three-game losing streak has also declared the ownership of the championship.

"Marui Bunta, Rikkai is the weakest draft pick." Fuji Yuta didn't understand, "Why didn't Atobe play in the second singles? He can definitely win, and he can still hold the revenge of the defeat 2 years ago. 99

2 years ago, also in the Kanto final, Atobe once played against Marui Bunta, and it was three singles.

Undoubtedly defeated.

Even before Atobe evolved, he was the abused side.

"Is Takamura still on the bench? Atobe is on the second single, and Takamura will definitely play." Kanyue couldn't help it, looking at Fuji Yuta with eyes like a fool.

Compared with his brother Fuji Syusuke, the gap is too big.

It's not skill, it's intelligence.

"What about Kakashi?" Fuji Yuta wondered, "Kakuji imitates Akutsu, go to singles two, Atobe goes to doubles one, or exchange, so there are three candidates who can compete with Rikkai, instead of relying on Oshitari.

Watching the moon is helpless.

Why are there so many stupid people in the world? Do you really want him to explain the formation of the coaches on both sides word by word?

"Of course it's okay to be separated. No matter who Atobe Hakudi goes to the second singles, Takamura will be waiting in the second one. As for the first doubles, the candidates are not fixed, the big deal is to exchange the candidates for the doubles.""

"It's fair to say that Hyotei had to line up, and it was clear from the start."

"So it is," Fuji Yuta suddenly realized, with an expression of admiration on his face.

"Hey, there are so few smart people like me in the world. 35 sighs watching the moon.

"But your strength is not enough.

Watching the Moon:

Next, is the doubles one.

Genichiro Sanada, Yanagi Renji VS Akutakawa Jirou, Inui Sadaharu.

"I've been looking forward to this day for a long time, do it." Liu smiled.

"Me too, Renji." Gan felt excited.


This is the first time the two have played each other since they separated in elementary school.

The same is that both of them are well-known masters all over the country, the difference is that Liu is in the first grade to shock the whole country, and Gan is almost the third grade.

In terms of strength, the two people who were originally on the same level have drawn a huge gap.

"The probability of you hitting the left is 87%, the probability of hitting the right is 46%, the probability of topspin is 12%..."

...... Ask for flowers·

Liu can predict almost everything he does.

Conversely, dry data is of little use to Liu.

"I can't guess, I can't guess at all." Gan was helpless.

If he throws away the data, as in the original book, and is completely blind, he will die faster.

The basic strength of the two sides is even worse.

To simply gain strength, you need to spend a lot of energy to fight.

Therefore, if the school chooses the wrong one, the impact is inestimable.

Among them, Seigaku was named and criticized. All the first-year freshmen picked up the ball and did miscellaneous things and could not play the game.

Every time I think about it, I am unwilling to do so.

Touch, Sanada slashes with a blast.

Only the sound of a sonic boom was heard, and by the time Gan realized it, the tennis ball had already reached the baseline.


"4:0." The referee said, calmly.

No way, after watching the doubles game, the well-informed referee said.

Doubles one so be it, so-so.

But a few minutes later, the doubles were over.

"Renji, I really envy you." Gan's heart was full of envy and blessings.

Guoyi's move may be the most important choice in Liu's life.

And myself...

Dry heart sighed.

"You'll catch up to me sooner or later, fuck.

The two were full of passion, and they could see each other's shadow in their eyes.

Sanada paused and left quickly.

"Amazing, really awesome." Akutakawa Jirou still looked heartless.

"Sanada-senpai's Fenglin volcano, each one is indestructible, and... Jiro's chattering, his head hurts.

Fortunately, everyone knew Shirou's character, and no one was angry.

"By the way, Senior Gan, Senior Yanagi Renji used to be your companion, right?"


"I heard that you learned data tennis from Senior Liu?

"Ah. 99

"It's no wonder that the gap is so big. Feelings are teachers hitting the ground."


"I would definitely be better than him if I went to Rikkai." Gan almost blurted out.

In the end, he resisted abruptly.

It's a dry face, like choking on water, and turning red.

"What's the matter with you, senior?"

Dry: .......

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