"Haha, it seems that the referee is a rookie." Heinkerts laughed.

Once upon a time, it was a very interesting thing to watch a young man who was beaten by a tennis master to the point of being completely shattered and doubting his life.

As a result, apart from them foreigners, no one, especially the Japanese, found it funny.

Heinzke made a quick decision and quickly apologized.

"Um, sorry, I overreacted." Heinkerz groaned. Again, focus on the game.

He is the third and fourth junior high school student in the world, but he is very interested.

Not only Heinkerts, at this moment, through live TV, I don't know how many people put their eyes on the Kanto final.

Especially seeing the doubles as a two-way game.



"Have high school students reached this point?"

There are also many people who regret it, not watching the video, and watching the TV video can't really see it in the end.

At this time, many people decided that they must take a good look at the national competitions, especially the national finals.

is invalid again.

Akutsu looked at Tezuka coldly, glanced at Flender, and then didn't bother to move. Just watching Tezuka score.

Send, whatever you want, if you have the ability, you can send dozens of zero-27-style serve.


"Zero-style serve, the more I look at it, the more perverted I feel. 99 Shiraishi has a headache.

"Even the second swing and the earthquake are ineffective."

The same zero-style serve, Tezuka can't even get a professional player to get a genuine version.

As for piracy, anyone can break it.

Oshitari felt offended.

"Well, everyone is evolving and getting stronger," 35 Fuji nodded, unable to stop fighting.

Tezuka? It really seems like a fight with you.

"Don't be complacent, it's up to me now." Akutsu leaned forward and served zero-style? Do you think this can defeat him?

Different dimension, Alaya consciousness.

Swipe, silhouettes emerged from Akutsu's body.

"6, 7... 13, 13 figures?

Is it a better imitation than Hakudi, or is it that in a short period of time, Akutsu has improved again?

"Akutsu gets angry. 99 Akutsu serve.

Obtain power from different dimensions, activate Alaya consciousness, and integrate various ball skills.

Rikkai can serve a trick by hand, and Akutsu, as a peerless genius, can naturally develop it.

And, to develop stronger than Rikkai.

Hitting the tennis ball with the frame, splitting the tennis ball, hooking the right hand, 13 figures made different movements one after another, injecting the strength from their hands into the tennis ball, and making the tennis ball split again.

Touch, all of a sudden, the tennis is divided into 5 parts, hit the half court in different ways.

And, each is different.

"Ultra-high-speed serve, the ball speed reaches 1750KM/H, which is faster than last time." Gan flipped through the notebook.

"Definitely got a power ball. It's exaggerated power to kill a bear." Hiyoshi Wakashi was serious.

"It's a bizarre curveball, and it turns back and forth in the air five times in a row. It's unpredictable." Otori Cyotaroh was sweating, obviously remembering something.

"Strongly penetrating, the tennis ball is so strong that it can be worn easily. Kikumaru shook his head.

"It's extremely spin, almost no one can catch it." Atobe covered his eyes.

Five different ball skills, under the influence of Alaya's knowledge, explode at the same time, tennis is divided into five parts, with different speed, strength, angle, rotation, and play in different positions.

Bang bang bang bang.

Tezuka didn't move.


The crowd grew their mouths.



Ryoma: (☉?⊙)

Marui: O(≧kou≦)O


Liu: (⊙?)

Nioh: (*v*)

These are all experts, and ordinary people are surprised.

What's wrong? Scored?

The referee immediately wanted to say fault and Rikkai scored.

After all, Tezuka didn't move, but the tennis ball had 5 sounds. Strange no matter what.

"That's right, referee, it was Hyotei who scored. 35 Tezuka added.

At this time, the referee can confirm.


"How, how about my moves?" Akujin smiled evilly.

Akutsu was furious, this was a trick he thought hard about.

"Akutsu is angry." Mōri Juzaburō was speechless. Glancing at his partner Yuezhi Yueguang.

"You Hyotei have a unique name, so you have it..." Maori thought for a while before thinking of a word.


Kingdom of Atobe, King of Ice, Atobe of God, Wrath of Akutsu, World of Ice...

Yuezhi Yueguang's face was cold: "Rikkai's name is also very unique.""


He was speechless.

Tezuka was silent, still with a cold face.

Silently watching the tennis ball pass by.


"Hmph, after a while, I will tear your face to pieces. 39


Akutsu was angry again.

Tezuka instantly turned into five people, raised their pats at the same time, and made a sound.

Some tennis balls pass through the racket, some pass directly, and some change direction...

Five ball skills, the difficulty of stacking each other is not 1 plus 1 equals 2.


Touch, 1:1.


Exchange of venues.

"Tezuka, do you want me to tell you he has a weakness," Takamura said.

Coach 923, it doesn't matter what happens after the game starts. It is necessary to give advice to players according to the form in the competition field anytime, anywhere.

The opponent's unique trick is weak, whether to attack or defend, to fight quickly or to fight for a long time, all of which must be given to the players for reference.

A new trick to face the opponent.

If a player asks you what to do, the coach will not say a word and let you figure out a way. Believe it or not, a professional player can fire you on the same day.

"No, I want to try it myself.

"OK then.

On the other hand, Flender also touched his chin, thinking carefully about how to deal with the zero-style serve.

Otherwise, Akujin won't be able to win, and at most it will be a draw.

"How to do it?"

Tezuka serve, or zero serve.


Akutsu did not show weakness, and Akutsu roared.

4 points in a row.


Tezuka serve again.

And so, until the 3:3 draw.

Tezuka and Akutsu, do nothing but serve.

"Good guy, good guy," everyone was stunned.

It turns out that there is a trick to serve that has no solution, and it is so buggy.

Congenitally invincible.

Just like the moonlight.

The more Kaji Kazena thought about it, the more she felt that she had to develop a trick too.

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