I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 307 Hyotei: Still Lost

"It's not just the zero-serve, the rough ground that makes all the chops, the short balls less powerful," Takamura folded his chest, watching the game. "Tezuka, this is also a challenge for you."

That being said, Takamura understood that the game was about to end.

No matter how talented Akujin is and how fast he evolves, he must follow the Basic Law.

After reaching a certain level, the rate of progress will definitely slow down. No matter how hard you use it.

The human body has limits.

Otherwise, Echizen Ryoma could just defeat Nanjiro directly, how could he be defeated every day?

"Tezuka Kunimitsu, now we're on the same starting line. 35 Akutsu swings the racquet and cracks the zero serve again.

"Fine, fight back.

Hyotei gained momentum.

According to the general rule, when cracking the opponent's trick is to counterattack, then one's own side will add a buff that is full of attack power, and one's own side will score quickly, while the other side can't score any points.

In the end, the defeat turned into a victory.

As for the reason why the attack power of one's own side will increase greatly after breaking the opponent's ultimate move, but before the ultimate attack is broken, they will not be able to score a point.

Don't ask, ask is killing tennis.

Therefore, Akutsu has a great advantage.

Akutsu was in high spirits.

Akutsu's full-scale attack.

Akutsu A stepped up.

Touch, Akutsu flying shot.


Karma snorted, as if being strangled - neck.

Hyotei fell silent.

"My serve is not the only one." Tezuka said coldly.

This is a trick he practiced recently. After watching Polk play against Novak, the world's strongest professional player, he specially practiced a trick.

In order to fight against powerful enemies from all over the world.

Swirl serve.

"..." Akutsu stared at Tezuka, his right hand hidden behind his back, trembling faintly.

Not power, power, speed Akutsu has the upper hand.

is rotation.

Tezuka served again, and the other dimension was fully activated, spinning, and spinning extremely.

Three times stronger than the rotation of the zero chop.

On the other hand, the burden on the arm is enormous.

Even the overall stronger Tezuka Kunimitsu cannot be used throughout the game.

8 times, the current Tezuka is the limit.

After the tennis ball lands and bounces, the spin is doubled again.

Zizizi, the tennis ball collided with the racquet, and the racquet was driven by a strong rotation.

His right hand trembled, faintly bloodshot.

If you can't do it with one hand, you can do it with both hands.

Zizi, Akujin flew again, his hands were bloody. The racquet that flew out landed on the ground and smashed a pothole.


"The Baptism of the Vortex." Heinkerz wiped his sweat, which was a complete copy of the Baptism of the Vortex.

No, looking at the power, it is no less than Polk's stunt.

Is that the pirated copy catching up with the genuine one?

Heinkerts' forehead questioned.

Vaguely, he seemed to understand why Polk was obsessed with Tezuka.

The third grade.

All of these junior high school students have opened up and hung up.

"Oh, MYGOD," Flender covered his head, apparently recognizing Vortex's baptism.

The baptism of the whirlpool, to put it simply, is to watch the rotation.

If you have enough strength, you can easily break it, but if you don't have enough strength, you can't break it even if you die.

If Flender felt that Akutsu had hope of winning before, although the odds were about 1 in 10,000.

So now, that ten thousandth is gone.

unless it evolves.

"Mr. Akutsu, I think you should throw in the towel and hurt your hand for your future...'

"To shut up."

Admit defeat? Akutsu will never, especially against Rikkai.

Flender was helpless.

These junior high school students are crazy.

In order to be a champion, he does not care about his own body and is willing to overdraw his potential to win.

Damn, is the champion of breaking the Kanto competition trying so hard?

In the U17 World Cup, even the Grand Slam players are on point.

Bolton is right, Hyotei's players all have psychological problems.

"Forget it, I'll just be worthy of Mr. Atobe's salary." After thinking about it, Flender looked directly at his nose and heart.

"Damn, I will not lose, I will never lose." The strong unwillingness drove Akujin to fight back.

The pain in his hands, instead, excited his males.


Last ball.

"Ah ah ah,

Akutsu's small universe erupted, his hands were full of blood, and he used all his strength to hit the tennis ball back.

·For Flowers····

"So, what about this." The rotation was strengthened again.

Even Tezuka felt a momentary numbness.



competition is over.

Staring at Tezuka, Akutsu was speechless.

Lost again, lost nothing to say.

Even Makoto Takamura's men can't win, how can he beat Takamura?

3 years of hard work, but ultimately failed.

Akutsu sighed, feeling disheartened for a while.

"Still lost." Shiraishi sighed.

I understand Akutsu's psychology very well.

Since 2 years ago, Rikkai has suppressed all schools with absolute strength.

Every school is aiming for Rikkai, aiming for champions. Especially after seeing the real tennis, all the schools blocked their honors and exhausted all their strength training.

It's a pity that what you try to get back is not glory, but failure.

Or a failure after struggling.

That feeling of powerlessness, depression.

"It's not that far." Echizen Ryoma,


They looked at Fuji and smiled wryly.

Their psychological quality is not as good as that of a younger generation.

"Atobe, Hyotei, I wish I could play against you at the National...'

Echizen Ryoma's eyes are getting brighter.

He was once again glad that he had returned to Japan.

There are too many strong people here and too many levels, far exceeding the United States.

"It was great, it was great."

Ryoma smiled, the smile of finding his opponent.

Both sides of the game, Rikkai was flat.

Championship, victory, since Takamura et al.

The champion of the Kanto competition is just one of them.

And the runner-up Hyotei.

The mood is also much calmer, anyway, they also know that it is difficult to win.

Psychological coach Burton Griffin came up.

"Mr. Atobe, I would like to chat with the candidates, one-on-one."

"Encourage? No need," Chiro breathed, and he wanted to sleep again.

"We've adjusted our minds, and we won't be depressed." Mukahi Gakuto said sullenly.

Talking with the psychological coach a lot, even if you are not sick, you will become sick.

Oshitari Yuushi is even more blunt.

Psychologists are mentally ill.

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