It's just that when people opened it and looked for the expected name, the candidate was beyond everyone's surprise.

Makoto Takamura, who is ranked number one in the world, is not recognized as the strongest junior high school student in the world.

But a guy I've never heard of.

A legend that is only circulated in a few masters.

2nd place, Japan, Echizen Ryoga, third grade.

Samurai from Japan, son of the world famous professional player Echizen Nanjiro. Possessing an innate talent, he received an elite education in tennis from a young age and was personally trained by Mr. Nanjiro.

In contrast, the highest masterpiece of elite education in Germany, QP is completely incomparable.

Wandering the world, challenging many masters in the world, leaving behind a legend of victory.

No one has seen him in full force, but everyone who has seen him thinks the samurai is about to reappear.

It must be him who can defeat Makoto Takamura, Medanore, Reinhardt and others said.

London, England.

Handsome, handsome Echizen Ryoga looked at the newspaper with a look of disdain in addition to curiosity.

He admits Takamura's strength and is indeed the only peer who can give him 27 pressure except for the little one.

But the strength is above oneself?

Echizen Ryoga is disdainful.

Even if Takamura's strength is above him, he can beat Makoto Takamura into a dog with his talent for predatory ability.

Even, Echizen Ryoga wants Takamura to be stronger. Because the stronger Takamura is, the stronger his Echizen Ryoga will be after plundering Takamura's ability.

Ryoga is confident.

"Ryoga, can you really beat Tezuka, Yukimura and others to challenge Takamura?" Xiu couldn't believe it.

That's Makoto Takamura, a super-talented pro player more than a year ago.

"A little sure," Ryoga said casually.

"Really? I don't believe it.

Echizen Ryoga:

"Echizen Ryoga? 35QP's tone was cold.

His eyes were fixed on his name.

Can't compare to Echizen Ryoga at all?

QP does not believe it, and will not be convinced. But the professionalism and authority of "Tennis" made QP hesitate.

At least, judging from the information collected so far and the game video, the ranking of "Tennis" is still extremely accurate.

"Polke, do you know Echizen Ryoga?"

Polk's overly mature face was thoughtful and bald. ,

"I haven't seen it, just heard of it.

"How's the strength?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen him use all his strength, but you are definitely not an opponent.

In Spain, Romeo also ran to Medanore excitedly.

"Echizen Ryoga? How is his strength?"

Medanore was silent.

It seems to think of the ability that can be called despair, plunder.

Romeo understood.

"Unexpectedly, a peerless genius appeared in Japan. 35

Echizen Ryoga's name, in a short period of time, began to make waves among readers as the magazine continued to be sold and reprinted.

First of all, the most talked about is, who is Echizen Ryoga?

Where did it come from? What ability does it have?

Well, no one answered.

Readers were talking, writing and calling, wanting to know the specifics of Echizen Ryoga.

Most simply, what's the record of this product?

Berti, Tezuka, Yukimura, at least they have a record to support them, and they are the worst. They can also find the video of the game and witness their strength with their own eyes.

Use your eyes and the comments of professionals to prove it.

But what about Echizen Ryoga?

The record is unknown, the strength is unknown, and there is not even a photo, just the name of the son of a samurai?

To put it badly, Echizen Nanjiro is an old man, they don't know each other. The number one in the world will be replaced in a few years, not to mention that Echizen Nanjiro has never been the number one in the world.

Also, what the hell is the second place?

Tezuka Kunimitsu and Seiichi Yukimura are tied for third place, so isn't that the first place next?

It turned out to be a tie? Then why don't you squeeze Berti out of the 10th? Are you really selling dog meat?

11 of the top 10 junior high school students in the world?

So, Echizen Ryoga got upset.

Even if he is not keen on fame and fortune, he doesn't care about rankings.

A person does not believe in his own strength, Echizen Ryoga directly ignores it.

The two didn't believe it, but Ryoga ignored it.

Three people, Ryoga scoffed.

Four people, Echizen Ryoga got upset.

Five people, six people, and even everyone said that his virtue was unmatched and how could Echizen Ryoga, who has a high self-esteem, stand it?

Do you really think he Echizen Ryoga eats dry rice?

"Xiu, didn't you say you don't believe in my strength?" Ryoga grinned evilly.

"Huh?" Xiu was stunned, thinking for a long time before realizing what Ryoga meant.

"I don't know your strength, it's beyond my imagination. But to challenge Makoto Takamura..." Xiu shook his head, obviously not optimistic.

"Then let you see my strength today."

Go single-handedly to the headquarters of the Clark Organization.

With a bang, bang, bang, the so-called Clark was uprooted cleanly.

"How?" Ryoga asked, not even breaking a sweat.

Xiu thought about it carefully, constantly recalling the performance in the video.

"It is better than Tezuka Kunimitsu and Akutsu, but it is still difficult to challenge Takamura.

Echizen Ryoga:O.0|||

why don't you believe it?

Compared with 923, Japanese junior high school students believe more.

Just because he is Echizen Ryoma's older brother.

Shitenhouji, Echizen Ryoma looked at Ryoga's name tightly, unable to hide his eyes.

This is one of the people he has to beat.

"Ryoga. 33 Echizen Ryoma muttered. His mind was turbulent, and he obviously didn't know Ryoga's strength.

Stronger than Tezuka, no wonder Dad didn't let him fight me before.

"Ryoma," Watanabe smiled, looking like a fox.

"Look, which school does your brother go to, can he transfer to our Shitenhouji?"

Echizen Ryoma:


Shitenhouji crowd.

"Cut, Echizen Ryoga?" The more Atobe looked at Ryoga, the more upset he became.

No reason, it just doesn't look good to him.

Especially when Hyotei loses.

Akutsu was even more upset.

I thought it was Rikkai's who were on his head, but now you tell him there is an Echizen Ryoga?

"Where did this stuff come from?"

"The appearance of an Echizen Ryoga further illustrates the hidden dragon and crouching tiger in the tennis world," Oshitari said, still lying on the hospital bed with eyes closed.

In the whole Hyotei, he has the best mentality.

"It also shows that the monsters standing at the peak are powerful.""

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